“Appendix: Partial Record of E. T. Kingsley’s Public Speeches and Lectures” in “Class Warrior”
Appendix Partial Record of E. T. Kingsley’s Public Speeches and Lectures
Note: This is not an exhaustive list, confined to Kingsley’s speeches that were reported in articles we consulted in the socialist and non-socialist press. In particular, speeches from outside the Lower Mainland of British Columbia—for example, during Kingsley’s organizing tours on behalf of the SPBC, SPC, and FLP in 1902 to 1904, 1905 to 1914, and 1918 to 1920, respectively—have not been comprehensively documented because of the editors’ selective review of the small-town press in British Columbia and Alberta. Kingsley’s speeches on behalf of the SLP in California in the 1890s and the Revolutionary Socialist League in Seattle in 1901 are also not comprehensively documented here owing to a paucity of archival material.
- 18 March San Francisco, 1153 Mission Street, meeting of unions re: San Francisco City Charter
- 28 April San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, SLP lecture course
- 1 May San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, re: International Labor Day
- 1 October San Francisco, corner of Market and Seventh, open-air meeting resulting in Kingsley’s arrest
- 12 October San Francisco, corner of Market and Seventh, SLP American Branch open-air meeting with Mrs. A. F. Smith and others, re: Free Speech
- 27 October San Francisco, Pythian Hall, SLP meeting: “The Aims of Socialism”
- 16 February San Francisco, Pythian Hall, SLP meeting: “How and to What Extent Do We Now Co-operate?,” with T. E. Zant
- 18 March San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, SLP meeting re: anniversary of the inauguration of the Paris Commune
- 1 May San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, SLP May Day demonstration
- 30 June San Francisco, SLP Jewish Branch Headquarters, 970 Folsom Street, organizing meeting for Thirteenth Assembly District Branch
- 8 July San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, SLP Liberty Branch meeting: “Economic Errors”
- 9 July San Francisco, SLP Jewish Branch Headquarters, 970 Folsom Street, 1896, SLP Jewish Branch meeting re: labour unions and party politics
- 8 August San Francisco, corner of Market and Seventh, open-air meeting, with William Costley and George Speed
- 15 August San Francisco, corner of Market and Seventh, open-air meeting resulting in Kingsley’s arrest along with seven other socialists
- 19 August San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, SLP meeting protesting the arrest of Kingsley and others
- 31 August San Francisco, corner of Pine and Kearney, open-air meeting to protest the arrest of SLP leaders and police incursions on free speech
- 6 September San Francisco, Pythian Hall, SLP meeting: “Confusion”
- 14 September San Francisco, corner of Pine and Kearney, open-air meeting, with Sunflower and Barnaby
- 26 September San Francisco, Fifth Street, open-air meeting, with William Costley and George Aspden
- 18 March San Francisco, SLP meeting re: anniversary of Paris Commune, with George Aspden, George Benham, Paul Grottkau, and M. W. Wilkins
- 4 April San Francisco, SLP propaganda meeting, with William Costley, George Speed, S. Seller, and W. M. Wilkinson
- 1 May San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, SLP May Day celebration, address on the topic of “The Modern Labor Movement”
- 31 July San Francisco, SLP meeting: “Surplus Value”
- 13 November San Francisco, Washington Hall, Eddy Street, SLP meeting re: 1898 Election Campaign
- 30 May San Francisco, Metropolitan Labor Temple, SLP meeting protesting US imperialism in Cuba and the Philippines
- 14 July Salinas (California), Good Templars’ Hall, SLP meeting re: practical means to improve the condition of the masses
- 16 March Victoria, Canadian Socialist League (CSL) Victoria Branch meeting
- 19 March Victoria, Labour Hall, CSL meeting: “The Labour Problem from a Socialist Standpoint”
- 20 March Victoria, Labour Hall, CSL meeting: “The Capitalist and Labourer”
- 22 March Nanaimo, Nanaimo Socialist Club open-air meeting
- 23 March Nanaimo, Free Press Hall, Nanaimo Socialist Club propaganda meeting
- 15–16 April Kamloops, Raven’s Hall, Convention on Labour Political Action
- 4 May Nanaimo, Nanaimo Socialist Club meeting re: International Labour Day
- 12 May Victoria, CSL meeting: “The Earth and Man”
- 13 May Victoria, CSL meeting: “Man as Savage and Barbarian”
- 14 May Victoria, CSL meeting: “The History of Civilization”
- 15 May Victoria, CSL meeting: “The Capitalist System”
- 16 May Victoria, CSL meeting: “The Class Struggle”
- 17 May Victoria, CSL meeting: “The Politics of Labor”
- 23 June Vancouver, City Hall, chaired meeting with American socialist leader Eugene Debs
- July Nanaimo, Socialist Hall, RSPC inaugural meeting: “Lessons for the Workers in the Great Coal Strike and Its Relation to the Class Struggle”
- 1 September Nanaimo, Opera House, Labour Day demonstration
- 6 December Ladysmith, Gould’s Hall, re: provincial by-election, with Hawthornthwaite and Parker Williams
- 1 February Victoria, Labour Hall, SPBC meeting: “The Labour Problem”
- 19 February Nanaimo, Opera House, re: railway expansion
- 17 March Nanaimo, Opera House, SPBC meeting: “Socialism”
- 1 May Vancouver, Labour Hall, re: International Labor Day
- 2 May New Westminster, open-air meeting, re: International Labor Day
- June Cumberland, SPBC propaganda meeting: “Evolution of Man”
- June Cumberland, SPBC propaganda meeting: “Economics”
- June Cumberland, SPBC propaganda meetings: “Working Class Politics”
- June Courtenay, SPBC propaganda meeting: “The Condition of the Small Farmer”
- 20 June Cedar (Vancouver Island), Wheatsheaf Hotel, SPBC propaganda meeting, with Hawthornthwaite
- 5 July Ladysmith, SPBC campaign meeting: “The Coming Campaign”
- 25 July Vancouver, open-air meeting, SPBC propaganda meeting
- 26 July Vancouver, Socialist Hall, 44 Hastings Street West, SPBC propaganda meeting
- August Texada Island, SPBC propaganda meeting
- August Fernie, SPBC campaign meeting, with Pettipiece
- 19 August Greenwood, SPBC campaign meeting in support of Ernest Burns
- 13 September Phoenix, Miners’ Union Hall, SPBC meeting re: Socialism
- 16 September Phoenix, open-air meeting, Labour Day demonstration
- 22 September Victoria, corner of Yates and Broad Street, SPBC open-air meeting
- 23 September Victoria, Spring Ridge Odd Fellows’ Hall, SPBC campaign meeting for J. C. Watters
- 26 September Victoria, Corner of Yates and Broad Streets, SPBC open-air meeting: “The Labor Problem”
- 27 September Victoria, Spring Ridge Odd Fellows’ Hall, SPBC campaign meeting for J. C. Watters
- 30 September Nanaimo, Opera House, SPBC propaganda meeting
- 18 October Vancouver, SPBC propaganda meeting
- 8 November Victoria, Labour Hall, SPBC meeting: “Karl Marx’s Definition of Capital”
- 9 November Saanich, organizational meeting to establish a Gordon Head Branch of the SPBC
- 20 March Vancouver, Crystal Theatre, SPBC meeting re: anniversary of inauguration of Paris Commune
- 14 August Vancouver, Sullivan Hall, SPBC educational meeting
- 22 August Ladysmith, Pavilion Green, SPBC lecture re: Socialism
- 4 September Victoria, Crystal Theatre, SPBC lecture: “The Labor Problem”
- 5 September Victoria, City Hall, Victoria Trades and Labor Council–sponsored Labour Day mass meeting
- 12 October Ladysmith, Opera House, SPBC campaign meeting for federal candidate William Fenton, with Hawthornthwaite
- 27 October Victoria, AOUW Hall, SPBC campaign meeting for J. C. Watters and other federal candidates
- 31 October Vancouver, City Hall, SPBC campaign meeting for J. T. Mortimer and other federal candidates
- 26 March New Westminster, Eagle Hall, SPC propaganda meeting
- 29 July Vancouver, City Hall, SPC debate: “The Single Tax vs. Socialism,” with John Z. White
- 31 July Nanaimo, Opera House, SPC debate: “The Single Tax vs. Socialism,” with John Z. White
- 4 August Victoria, SPC debate: “The Single Tax vs. Socialism,” with John Z. White
- 3 September Vancouver, Sullivan Hall, SPC propaganda meeting
- 23 September Seattle, Socialist Hall, 406 Pine Street, Socialist Party Seattle Local meeting (afternoon)
- 23 September Seattle, Socialist Hall, 406 Pine Street, Socialist Party Seattle Local meeting (evening)
- 5 November Vancouver, City Hall, SPC meeting re: Russian Revolution
- 17 December Seattle, Temple, Socialist Party of Washington State propaganda meeting
- 18 December Vancouver, City Hall, SPC meeting: “The Mission of the Working Class”
- 21 January Vancouver, City Hall, SPC meeting re: anniversary of Bloody Sunday massacre, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 18 March Vancouver, Sullivan Hall, SPC meeting re: thirty-fifth anniversary of Paris Commune
- 29 April Vancouver, SPC meeting: “The Politics of Labour”
- c. April Crowsnest Pass, SPC propaganda tour
- c. April Boundary district, SPC propaganda tour
- 26 August Vancouver, Grand Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 2 September Vancouver, City Hall, SPC propaganda meeting
- 23 September Vancouver, Grand Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting, with James Simpson, Toronto
- 6–8 October Nelson, Miners’ Union Hall, SPC fourth provincial convention
- 7 October Nelson, Fraternity Hall, SPC meeting re: Socialism
- 11 October Revelstoke, Selkirk Hall, SPC meeting re: Socialism
- 2 December Vancouver, Grand Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting: “The Carnival of Crime”
- 19 January Nanaimo, Opera House, re: SPC provincial campaign, with J. H. Hawthornthwaite
- 3 March Vancouver, Sullivan Hall, SPC meeting re: evolution of human society
- 17 March Vancouver, Grand Theatre, SPC meeting re: anniversary of the inauguration of the Paris Commune
- 2 August Vancouver, Recreation Park, SPC open-air mass meeting with Keir Hardie, leader of the British Labour Party
- 9 February Vancouver, City Hall, SPC propaganda meeting
- 1 May Vancouver, City Hall, SPC May Day celebration
- 23 May Fernie, Miners’ Hall, SPC interprovincial convention
- 27 May Calgary, SPC propaganda meeting
- 28 May Winnipeg, Hay Market, SPC open-air meeting, joined by Polish and Ruthenian speakers
- 29 May Winnipeg, Trades Hall (James Street), SPC public lecture: “Socialism”
- 12 June Port Arthur, SPC propaganda meeting
- 14 June Cobalt, SPC propaganda meeting
- 21 June Toronto, Labour Temple, SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Montreal, SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Peterborough, SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Allandale (Ontario), SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Toronto, SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Hamilton, SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Berlin (Ontario), SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Galt (Ontario), SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Guelph, SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Lindsay (Ontario), SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Sarnia, SPC propaganda meeting
- c. June Port Huron, SPC propaganda meeting
- 18 July Winnipeg, Ruthenian Hall, SPC propaganda meeting
- 28 July Winnipeg, Trades Hall, SPC propaganda meeting
- 2 August Calgary, Trades and Labor Hall, SPC meeting re: Socialism
- 12 August Edmonton, Club Hall, SPC propaganda meeting
- 24 August Lethbridge, Oliver’s Hall, SPC meeting: “Labour and Its Economies”
- 18 September Denoro (near Greenwood, BC), Peoples’ Dinner Hour address re: Socialism
- c. 19 September Kaslo, SPC propaganda meeting
- 20 September Revelstoke, Opera House, SPC meeting: “The Cause of Strikes”
- 30 September Vancouver, City Hall, SPC candidates’ meeting during federal election campaign
- 7 October Vancouver, City Hall, SPC campaign meeting during federal election
- 19 October Vancouver, Opera House, VTLC meeting during federal election campaign
- 21 October Vancouver, City Hall, SPC campaign meeting during federal election
- 23 October Vancouver, Opera House, SPC campaign meeting during federal election
- 11 November Revelstoke, Opera House, Liberal Rally meeting re: Socialism
- 13 December Vancouver, Rose Theatre, SPC meeting
- 24 January Victoria, Grand Theatre, SPC meeting
- 28 February Victoria, Grand Theatre, SPC meeting: “Signs upon the Horizon”
- 18 March Vancouver, City Hall, SPC meeting commemorating the thirty-eighth anniversary of the inauguration of the Paris Commune
- 10 April Vancouver, City Hall, VTLC mass meeting re: Eight-Hour Day
- 1 May Vancouver, Cambie Street Grounds, May Day Celebration hosted by SPC
- 2 May Vancouver, Cameraphone Theatre, May Day Celebration hosted by SPC, with W. Dreaver and L. T. English
- 17 May Vancouver, City Hall, SPC protest meeting against arrest of street-corner orators during Vancouver Free Speech Fight, with Beamish, McVety, and English
- 6 September Revelstoke, Revelstoke Trades and Labor Council–sponsored Labor Day Celebration: “The Labor Question”
- 12 September Vancouver, National Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 17 October Vancouver, National Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 17 November Vancouver, City Hall, provincial candidates’ meeting for Vancouver City, hosted by SPC
- 23 January Victoria, Romano Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 10 April Vancouver, SPC propaganda meeting re: control of the state
- 1 May Vancouver, Cambie Street Grounds, SPC May Day Demonstration, with Hawthornthwaite, Williams, and Pettipiece
- 11 September Nelson, Crystal Theatre, SPC meeting: “The Class War”
- 25 September Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC meeting: “The Class War”
- 30 October Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 27 November Victoria, Grand Theatre, SPC meeting
- 4 December Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 8 January Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 5 February Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 19 March Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 9 April Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 4 June Vancouver, Crystal Theatre, SPC Local 15 meeting
- 6 September Vancouver, Pender Hall, SPC campaign meeting: “Enslavement of Workers”
- 8 September Eburne (South Vancouver), Oddfellows’ Hall, SPC campaign meeting, re: Socialism
- 19 September Vancouver, Horseshow Building, federal campaign meeting with J. H. Senkler and H. H. Stevens
- 1 February Vancouver, Dominion Hall, protest meeting sponsored by the SPC and IWW against the “Bloody Sunday” attacks and incursions on freedom of speech
- 3 February Vancouver, Horseshow Building, protest meeting attended by 2,500 people and sponsored by the SPC, IWW, and VTLC against the “Bloody Sunday” attacks and incursions on freedom of speech
- 18 February Vancouver, Grand Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 17 March Vancouver, Electric Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 24 March Vancouver, Electric Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 21 April Vancouver, Electric Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 1 May Nanaimo, SPC May Day celebration
- 6 October New Westminster, City Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 20 October Nanaimo, SPC propaganda meeting
- 26 January Vancouver, Labor Temple, SPC propaganda meeting: “Socialism”
- 2 March Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 16 March Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 10 November Vancouver, Dominion Hall, Miners’ Liberation League meeting re: Vancouver Island Miners’ Strike
- 8 December Vancouver, Horseshow Building, Miners’ Liberation League meeting re: Vancouver Island Miners’ Strike
- 14 December Nanaimo, Athletic Club, SPC meeting re: Socialism
- 22 March Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC meeting re: anniversary of Paris Commune
- 3 May Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 21 May Cumberland, SPC propaganda meeting
- 24 May Nanaimo, SPC propaganda meeting
- 28 June Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC propaganda meeting
- 26 July Vancouver, Empress Theatre, SPC meeting re: the Komagata Maru incident and “The Battle of Coal Harbour”
- 17 August Vancouver, SPC meeting re: the world situation and the revolutionary movement
- 11 September Vancouver, Labour Temple, with Robert Gosden re: corruption in provincial politics
- 3 June Vancouver, Orpheum Theatre, against conscription
- 13 June Vancouver, Empress Theatre, against conscription, with William Pritchard, James McVety, Parm Pettipiece, and Wallace Lefeaux
- 26 July Vancouver, Avenue Theatre, against conscription, with Helena Gutteridge and Jack Kavanagh
- 10 November Victoria, Knights of Pythias Hall, in support of federal Labor candidates, with Albert Wells and Joseph Taylor
- 23 November Saanich, St. Marks Hall, in support of federal Labor candidates Joseph Taylor and Albert Wells
- 24 November Victoria, Princess Theatre, in support of federal Labor candidates Joseph Taylor and Albert Wells
- 25 November Chase River, in support of federal Labor candidates Joseph Taylor and Albert Wells (afternoon)
- 25 November Nanaimo, Dominion Hall, in support of federal Labor candidates Joseph Taylor and Albert Wells (evening)
- 28 November South Vancouver, McBride School, in support of federal Labor candidate J. H. McVety
- 12 December North Vancouver, Knights of Pythias Hall, in support of federal Labor candidate Victor Midgley
- 1 February Vancouver, Labor Temple, FLP founding meeting
- 23 February Vancouver, Labor Temple, first FLP public propaganda meeting
- 9 March New Westminster, St. George’s Hall, FLP propaganda meeting
- 14 March Vancouver, University of British Columbia Assembly Hall, Vancouver Institute meeting: “Capital, Labor, and the State”
- 17 March Vancouver, Colonial Theatre, FLP meeting: “Paris Commune and the Bolsheviki”
- 31 March Vancouver, Colonial Theatre, FLP meeting: “Civilization: Its Cause and Cure”
- 14 April Vancouver, Rex Theatre, FLP meeting: “The Collapse of Capitalism”
- 12 May Vancouver, Rex Theatre, FLP meeting: “The Civic Employees Strike and Bigger Things”
- 28 July Vancouver, Rex Theatre, FLP meeting: “Road to Freedom”
- 13 October Vancouver, Rex Theatre, FLP meeting: “Reconstruction of Society”
- 24 November Vancouver, Rex Theatre, FLP meeting: “Now! What?” following the Armistice in Europe
- 1 December Vancouver, Empress Theatre, FLP propaganda meeting
- 29 December Vancouver, Empress Theatre, VTLC meeting, re: censorship regulations and Allied intervention in Russia
- 5 January Vancouver, Rex Theatre, FLP propaganda meeting
- 26 January Victoria, Columbia Theatre, FLP Victoria Local: “The Bolsheviki”
- 2 February Vancouver, Dominion Theatre, FLP propaganda meeting
- 2 February Vancouver, Broadway Theatre, FLP propaganda meeting
- 16 February New Westminster, Columbia Theatre, FLP meeting: “Problems of the Hour”
- 23 February North Vancouver, Knights of Pythias Hall, FLP propaganda meeting
- 2 March Nanaimo, Dominion Hall, FLP meeting re: the Russian and industrial situation
- 30 March Vancouver, Theatre Royal, FLP meeting: “One Big Union”
- 20 April Vancouver, Royal Theatre, FLP meeting: “The Class Struggle”
- 27 April Revelstoke, FLP meeting re: the world unrest and its causes
- late April Silverton, FLP propaganda meeting
- late April Nelson, FLP propaganda meeting
- 1 May Fernie, Grand Theatre, Gladstone Local May Day Celebration
- 4 May Victoria, Crystal Theatre, FLP meeting: “The Machine”
- 1 June Vancouver, Columbia Theatre, FLP meeting: “Capitalism”
- 3 June Salmon Arm, FLP propaganda meeting
- 4 June Summerland, Campbell Hall, FLP propaganda meeting
- 6 June Nelson, FLP propaganda meeting
- 8 June Fernie, FLP propaganda meeting
- 15 June Lethbridge, FLP propaganda meeting
- 22 June Calgary, FLP propaganda meeting
- 13 July Vancouver, Columbia Theatre, FLP meeting: “Labour and Political Action”
- 31 August Vancouver, Columbia Theatre, FLP meeting: “The Machinery of Slavery”
- 23 November Vancouver, National Theatre, FLP meeting: “Civilization”
- 2 February Vancouver, Royal Theatre, FLP meeting: “The Ruling Class Debacle”
- 21 March Vancouver, Royal Theatre, re: anniversary of the Paris Commune
- 25 April Vancouver, Royal Theatre, “The End of an Epoch”
- 24 October Vancouver, FLP Hall (Cordova Street West), “The Break of Capitalism”
- 26 December Vancouver, Columbia Theatre, re: bankruptcy of capitalism
- 29 May Vancouver, FLP Hall (Cordova Street West), FLP propaganda meeting
- 29 March Nanaimo, McGarrigle Hall, “Civilization versus Nature” (afternoon)
- 29 March Nanaimo, Foresters Hall, “Civilization versus Nature” (evening)
- 26 August Summerland, Log Cabin, Summerland School of Social Science lecture: “The Case of the Farmer”
- 9 September Vancouver, Hamilton Hall, re: federal election campaign
- 12 September Vancouver, Royal Theatre, re: federal election campaign
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