“On Socialism and the Economy. 1896” in “Class Warrior”
On Socialism and the Economy 1896
Report from a speech at a meeting of the Socialist Labor Party’s Liberty Branch in the Metropolitan Labor Temple, San Francisco, 8 July 1986.
Socialism and Economy: E. T. Kingsley Delivers an Address at the Temple
Liberty Branch of the Socialist Labor party was addressed at last night’s mass-meeting in the Temple, 115 Turk Street.
The chairman, Henry Warnecke, outlined the political objects of the Socialist Labor party and referred to the address of the evening as very appropriate at a time when the economic fallacies of the day are causing many supporters of the old parties to sever their allegiance thereto.
After a reading from a socialistic journal by the secretary of the branch, Theodore Lynch, the chairman introduced E. T. Kingsley, State organiser of the party, who said: “If I were to ask your attention to-night to a question that affected money, tariff or some of the other unimportant questions, you would be far from the cause of the evils, that infest society. Foolish people, who claim that socialism is the product of a particular nation, are daily receiving an object lesson in the economic field. Every intelligent man to-day in this country knows that socialism is the child of economic conditions.”
“The workers of America are face to face to-day with a condition of things that must inevitably end in their complete degradation to abject slavery or revolution if those who love their country and their fellow-beings neglect the advantages that socialism offers to adjust the society we live in on a more harmonious basis. We are living to-day in the heroic age—an age in which the chivalry of youth can again emulate the spirit of liberty that animated the heroes and patriots of days gone by.”
Short speeches by strangers and economic inquirers followed, and among them were remarks by Rev. J. E. Scott, Leo Gasser, William Edlin and Theodore Lynch.
—“Socialism and the Economy,” San Francisco Call, 9 July 1896, 9.
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