“On American Imperialism in Cuba and the Philippines. 1899” in “Class Warrior”
On American Imperialism in Cuba and the Philippines 1899
Report of Kingsley’s speech denouncing American imperialism in Cuba and the Philippines at a protest meeting organized by the Socialist Labor Party in the Metropolitan Labor Temple, San Francisco, 30 May 1899.
Imperialism Denounced by the Socialists
- Condemn Motive of the Recent War
- Tribute to the Boys in Blue
- Big Mass Meeting in Metropolitan Temple
- Many Eloquent Speakers Talk of Indiscriminate Shedding of Innocent Blood in the Name of Liberty
Metropolitan Temple was crowded to the doors last night by an intelligent audience who had gathered to hear speakers of the Socialist Labor party voice their sentiments against the imperialistic policy of this Government. Many were the talking points made against the motive which animated some citizens who were patriotic from mercenary or commercial motives only. While due credit was given to the brave boys in blue who went forth in defense of their country, the continuation of the war itself was denounced as barbarous and not animated by humanitarian ideas.
The meeting was called to order by Thomas Bashford, who introduced G. B. Benham as the first speaker of the evening.
“We are here to-night,” said Mr. Benham, “to protest emphatically against the late war which was carried on in the name of despotism and followed in its wake by death and destruction. We have seen Cuban patriots refuse to take the gold for which was sold their honor. While this nation was commended in the beginning for its disinterested assistance to a down-trodden people, events have occurred which have changed the aspect of the case, and now there are none so poor in spirit or judgement to do her reverence or honor.
“This country’s flag waves over a scene of despotism in the Philippine Islands. When the doctrine was promulgated that the people of Cuba are of right and should be free, a mighty thrill of approbation swept over this land. But when our military supremacy was established the Cubans found themselves in the exact position in the exercise of their sovereignty as they had been under Spanish rule. Twenty thousand Filipinos surrendered their lives rather than give up their liberty.”
E.J. [sic] Kingsley in the course of his speech said: “Armed murderers have marched beneath the glorious American flag to deprive people of their liberty. The flag has been sold and resold for profit until the very clothes on Uncle Sam’s back smack of the bargain counter. Few wars have been fought with a worthy purpose, and the war against Spain is a capitalistic war which has besmirched the fair name of the United States. The soldiers came mainly from the working classes, and they received death in return for the self-sacrifice, while the officers got a little cheap glory.
“Every citizen should protest with his last breath against the brutality of the war and endeavor to overcome the danger which lurks behind the scheme, namely, military despotism. If it be treason to protest against ruthless murder, rapine, invasion of the rights of people, against the military drilling of our children in our public schools and the other evils that beset our land, then we plead guilty, and, in the language of Patrick Henry, make the most of it.”
A.R. Andre next referred to the inconsistency of the peace conference now in session at The Hague behind closed doors, while the very powers interested in it are busy making implements of war and building battleships.
“If the Socialists had been in power,” he said, “this terrible disgrace would never have been visited upon us in this war. The American nation will get no benefit from it. The private ownership of the means of production and distribution, which was the incentive of the war, should be abolished. All wars should be discountenanced, and the remedy for capitalism is socialism.”
M. W. Wilkins was the last speaker and he deplored the fact that humanitarianism was not the inspiring motive of the war. “The war had but one purpose,” he said, “to open up new fields of exploitation for the capitalists and make them the masters therein. I very much doubt the consistency of a government which goes to the rescue of an oppressed foreign people and is so callous to the welfare of her own suffering people on her own soil. Four or five million people right here within our own confines are denied the chance of earning an honest living. I must inveigh against the terrible treatment of our brave soldiers whereby ten have died in the camp or in the hospital for every one that died on the battlefield. I protest against such a terrible condition of things in the name of the soldier who has gone to his last sleep and in the name of the grief-stricken orphan, the widow, the mother and the sweetheart.
“War will disappear only when the blood-red banner of international fraternalism shall wave its sacred folds over the Federation of the World.”
—“Imperialism Denounced by the Socialists,” San Francisco Call, 31 May 1899, 7.
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