“APPENDIX 1: Terms of Reference for the Glenbow Museum’s First Nations Advisory Council” in “We Are Coming Home”
APPENDIX 1 Terms of Reference for the Glenbow Museum’s First Nations Advisory Council
Alberta is the heartland and homeland for many First Nations. Members of these First Nations have expressed concerns regarding the interpretation of their culture. Glenbow, as an institution which curates, exhibits, and interprets First Nations’ material culture, has a moral responsibility to address these concerns. This process requires open and honest communication between the First Nations and the Museum. Glenbow has established a First Nations Advisory Council as an avenue of communication with First Nations. The mission of this Council is to:
- provide advice regarding the collection, care and handling of First Nations cultural material;
- provide advice to Glenbow Enterprises regarding items and images which are appropriate to market through Glenbow and to recommend alternatives to items or images which are determined to be unacceptable;
- advise and assist in the development of exhibits and programs which are concerned with First Nations culture and history;
- act as resources for people researching First Nations culture and history on behalf of Glenbow or who are using Glenbow’s collection as a research base;
- serve as an active liaison between Glenbow and their communities; members will consult with their communities regarding issues at Glenbow and bring the concerns and ideas of their community to Glenbow’s attention.
The First Nations Advisory Council will be composed of:
- 1 staff member from each of the seven work units at Glenbow as well as a representative from the Public Relations and Marketing team
- the senior ethnologist, acting as secretary
- the Glenbow First Nations liaison officer, acting as chair
- 1 representative from each Treaty 7 First Nation (Blood, Peigan, Siksika, Tsuu T’ina, and Stoney); 1 Plains Cree representative; 1 northern Cree representative. Community representatives must be resident in the community they represent, be active in the community and be recognized by their community as representing that community.
- 1 representative of Glenbow’s Board of Governors
Members of the Advisory Council will be appointed for a term of 4 years, renewable for 1 additional term.
1. Staff
- genuine interest in First Nations culture and history
- willingness to discuss issues openly and respectfully
- commitment to developing awareness and understanding of First Nations concerns with staff and public
- willingness to become familiar with First Nations cultures and concerns
- willingness to contribute personal time and effort to the First Nations Advisory Council
2. First Nations
- genuine interest in museums and museums/First Nations issues
- willingness to discuss issues openly and respectfully
- commitment to developing awareness and understanding of Glenbow and its programs within the community or special interest group
- willingness to become familiar with Glenbow and Glenbow’s concerns
- willingness to contribute personal time and effort to the First Nations Advisory Council
- must live in the community they represent or be an active member in the special interest group they represent
1. Non-Native Representatives
- attend all meetings of the Advisory Council. Any member missing 2 meetings within 1 year will be asked to resign their membership;
- liaise between the First Nations Advisory Council and their work unit;
- increased cross-cultural awareness should be transmitted to staff and to the public;
- voluntarily attend First Nations-related openings and events sponsored by Glenbow or First Nations;
- consult First Nations regarding policy development, programs, exhibitions and the curation of collections related to the First Nations.
2. First Nations Representatives
- attend all meetings of the Advisory Council. Any member missing 2 or more meetings will be asked to resign their membership;
- liaise between Glenbow and their community or special interest group;
- liaise voluntarily with researchers directed to communities by Glenbow (as per First Nations Policy);
- voluntarily attend First Nations-related openings and events sponsored by Glenbow;
- advise and assist in the development of policy, programmes, and exhibits relating to Glenbow and First Nations; where particular knowledge rests with other members of a community, the Council representative will assist Glenbow staff in discussions with the community;
- advise and assist in the curation of artifacts relating to First Nations culture and history;
- serve on various committees of the Board of Governors, as warranted.
3. Chair
- convenes meetings; compiles agenda
- arranges transportation and accommodation for travelling members
- arranges for minutes to be recorded and distributed
- moderates discussions
4. Secretary
- archives all minutes and correspondence
- serves as general assistant to the Chair
- 4 per year (December, April, June, September)
- meetings will alternate, as feasible, between Glenbow and sites outside of Glenbow
- travel, per diem and accommodation will be paid as per Glenbow’s rates for staff travel; all entertainment, room service, telephone calls and other expenses are the responsibility of the individual
- each non-staff member of the Council will be paid an honorarium of $150.00 per meeting that they attend
- honoraria and travel expenses (including per diem and accommodation) do not apply to openings and programs
- agendas will include items for information as well as items requiring action and may be submitted by any member of the Advisory Council
Approved by First Nations Advisory Council
4 October 1996
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