“Nightmares in the university’s ruins” in “Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them”
Nightmares in the university’s ruins
1. Sessional twister
it’s precarious work evading tornadoes
from clouds over the Qu’appelle Valley ridge
dirty black twisters reach down writhe and surge
toward the prairie farm house where you
shelter with your wife and toddler daughters
in the west one funnel hooks down from the clouds
like the tentacle of a giant furious kraken
then through the kitchen window you watch
more form on the eastern ridge so it’s time
to punch in and scramble down to the basement
it’s barely a crawlspace under the floorboards
with no headroom to sit upright no bedroom to hide in
never mind check your email or complete timesheets
the girls play like it’s a game hiding under blankets
you squint through the boards worried where your next
paycheque’s coming from and whether they’ll question
the hours you’ve put in for including the hour you
needed to complete the paperwork properly and how
much pay they’ll grind away like the funnel up there
grinds away the house above the hollering floorboards
through the cracks the gale needles grit into your skin
tell everyone to lie down flat and close their eyes
nothing for it now but to pad your resumé resign yourself
to the full time job hunt expecting only that soon twisters
will touch down long enough to earn names like hurricanes
2. Tenure track of the living dead
it’s a full time career fleeing zombies
while the conference carries on nail shut the bunker
equip it with rations and citations for the coming winter
inside hands raise to offer lectures disguised as questions
outside hands grasp and teeth gnash to grind flesh
your weary ragtag research network sticks to waterways
wide abandoned malls and grant writing workshops
crosses the blood-flooded acropolises of old academe
climbs a rope ladder up through the library’s glass floor
toils in small groups like the worst kind of homework
you review the terms and conditions with your colleagues
critique the carefully crafted applications they submit
check the credentials that prove they live
assess their annual performance according to rank
ensure they’re not about to succumb about to turn
you need the student associations on your side to dispatch
the undead who keep on your cogently argued case
they swim dissolving after you they swarm the dorms
you advise your rising star grad student to revise and resubmit
set a firm deadline for the defence against infection seminar
the dean seconds you to the campus torture chambers
where the provost processes student bodies for export
where reanimation-centred budgeting dictates the hard decisions
now you know but you signed the nondisclosure agreement
they won’t let you live but they will promote you to associate
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