“You and you kiss the knife moon” in “Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them”
You and you kiss the knife moon
on dimming decommissioned nights
of subways of marsh tower arrays
say the ozone layer is good
say radiological steam
through the window
the pink-veined sky of slugs
and your love turn hot and rotten
say beloved wash the flesh
the gift is a body of you
bathing with bathing with
your trunk as the gift is other
slack flesh from each other
beginning the mirror tantra
like everything mirrors
the vermillion she handfuls
written you lick sweat and lap honey
high strained hosts bite
open a thousand voyeur angels pink
light in a cloud each other
all the angels crack worms
take tender puzzled horns
over ecstasy watching red
mites swarm the woman you love
beloved soap and trees of sponge
you corpse cover each other
the moon sharpens her drops
glaciers map the woman you love
as the water has written
as sings the sidewalk
say your come traces mercury
the crimson rimmed corpse made
its horse rise in other flesh
dragonfly faces knead each other
through weed-choked dusting
you both and your and your coming
corrode fold each other
on the uranium floor
boiling you into glistening
loaves of salt skin amid plumes
blood by the freckled bathtub
for the night a city
fills the bathroom
you turned unwitting flutes
you and your secret ravines
you and you kiss the knife moon
tender and hard as mirrors
puzzled as any lovers taking
hold of the slow fluid night
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