“Raver in the bathroom” in “Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them”
Raver in the bathroom
in this hot throbbing bright box full of angels
the pharmasonic frisson of towering bass timbre and MDMA
gives way to that old base reminder so soldier
head to the head nearest the dance floor
kick open the door sweep for tweakers and random grue
if the floor floods no deeper than house then maybe you can even
the closing door damps the dub and you wade in watch
your step on the tile wonder what bug you contracted or can catch
hitch up your fat pants
that impractical fabric tub you bob about the party in
to keep the cuffs from sucking up what liquid funk
Pollocks the floor dank with vectors
the rave bathroom tests you to reckon how feckless
the pill and the pot and the tab have rendered you
how according to your hyperactive amygdala
any of a myriad missteps means exposure or even death
judge which urinal seems most commodious to staying
sanitary and station yourself past the splash zone
aim at one point an ice cube a hole a thrown roach
in the adjacent urinal a wet cellphone hums and waits for rust
great now a chatty doppelgänger two urinals over
dogs your relief rehashes the urban mythic nonscience
that metabolizing molly drains your spinal pith
whatever he says you just softeye his facial all skeletal
turn to the sink hope for hot water or at least soap
confront only one working tap cold and left running
all the soap dispensers yawn vandalized and depleted
but you find paper towels miraculously still dry
draw the brittle bottle from your pocket to refill it
don’t let it touch the spittoon sink or rust-rimed faucet
as it fills face your sweat-drenched mug in the glass
your pupils open vast caverns in the corneas’ red mesas
all the mammal vapour every body in this greenhouse offgasses
fogs the mirror in a glaze of glyphs or
roric Rorschachs ghosting the misty glass
letters names slurs curses smudged by cursive digits
driven to delirious scrivening by deals or other demons
evaporating articulations attest S+J or RUN DNB
or kill me now or just an Ozymandian name say Mendoza
the mirror maps you a palimpsest of scribbles and secretions
trip on your own gaze and apprehend this is the dose that will do for you
but until then you still have to carry water and remember the steps
and stretch a convincing face over the knot of skewed drives comprising you
and repeat these trips as infrequently as possible
an earful of tough naifs bursts into the bathroom
exit just as they enter and earn bonus points for not touching the door handle
one turns as you pass and his gaunt pallor shocks you but this is another mirror
ask yourself again what have you got what death have you caught
the crew pulls plastic packets from socks crotches and knitted coifs
they all pile into one highly suspect stall
after midnight the rave bathroom slips fast
from modern amenity into medieval miasma
bounce on beat out to the big room where you
let your cuffs scuff and spread whatever biohazard you now host
infecting all the tuned-in turned-on so-called humans
who turned up here to build a city for a night
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