“Selected Bibliography” in “Screening Nature and Nation”
Selected Bibliography
Archival and Library Sources
National Film Board Archives (NFBA), Montréal
- According to Need file
- Across Arctic Ungava file
- Annual reports, 1939–80
- Canadian Landscape file
- Challenge for Change file
- Chemical Conquest file
- Coal Face Canada file
- Cree Hunters of Mistassini file
- Deadly Dilemma file
- Death of a Legend file
- Down North file
- The Enduring Wilderness file
- Five Steps to Better Farm Living file
- High Arctic: Life on the Land file
- Land in Trust file
- Land of the Long Day file
- Netsilik Series file
- NFB minutes, 1939–75
- Poison, Pests, and People file
- River with a Problem file
- Timber Front file
- Windbreaks on the Prairies file
- World at Your Feet file
Library and Archives Canada (LAC), Ottawa
- Canadian Parks Service, RG 84
Montréal Botanical Gardens (MBC), Montréal, Québec
- Jacques Rousseau fonds
Vincent Massey Archives (VMA), Toronto
- Vincent Massey papers
- The Accessible North. Produced by David Bairstow, NFB, 1967.
- According to Need. Produced by Dallas Jones, NFB, 1944.
- Across Arctic Ungava. Produced by Michael Spencer, NFB, 1949.
- The Air of Death. Produced by Larry Gosnell, CBC, 1967.
- Alexander Mackenzie: Lord of the North. Produced by David Bairstow, NFB, 1964.
- Angotee: Story of an Eskimo Boy. Produced by Doug Wilkinson, NFB, 1953.
- The Annanacks. Produced by René Bonnière, NFB, 1964.
- Arctic Hunters. Produced by Laura Boulton, NFB, 1944.
- Arctic IV. Produced by Colin Low, NFB, 1974.
- The Ballad of Crowfoot. Produced by Willie Dunn, NFB, 1968.
- Battle for Oil. Produced by Stuart Spottiswoode, NFB, 1942.
- Battle of the Harvests. Produced by Stanley Jackson, NFB, 1942.
- Between Two Worlds. Produced by Peter Raymont, NFB, 1990.
- Blake. Produced by Douglas Jackson, NFB, 1969.
- Canada: The Land. Produced by Gerald Potterton, NFB, 1971.
- Canadian Landscape. Produced by Radford Crawley, NFB, 1941.
- Canadian Wheat Story. Produced by J. Stanley Moore, NFB, 1944.
- Chemical Conquest. Produced by Michael Spencer, NFB, 1956.
- Class Project: The Garbage Movie. Directed by Martin DeFalco, NFB, 1980.
- Climate on the Edge. Produced by Jean Lemire, NFB, 2003.
- Coal Face Canada. Produced by Robert Edmonds, NFB, 1944.
- Cree Hunters of Mistassini. Produced by Colin Low, NFB, 1974.
- Cry of the Wild. Produced by Bill Mason, NFB, 1972.
- Deadly Dilemma. Produced by Don Mulholland, NFB, 1961.
- Death of a Legend. Produced by Bill Mason, NFB, 1971.
- Down North. Produced by John Howe, NFB, 1958.
- The Enduring Wilderness. Produced by Ernest Reid, NFB, 1963.
- Epilogue. Produced by William Pettigrew, NFB, 1971.
- Eskimo Arts and Crafts. Produced by Laura Boulton, NFB, 1943.
- Eskimo Summer. Produced by Laura Boulton, NFB, 1944.
- Exercise Muskox. Produced by Robert Anderson and E. W. Scythes, NFB, 1946.
- Farm Electrification. Produced by Evelyn Cherry, NFB, 1946.
- Five Steps to Better Farm Living. Produced by Evelyn Cherry, NFB, 1945.
- Hands for the Harvest. Produced by James Beveridge, NFB, 1943.
- High Arctic: Life on the Land. Produced by Strowan Robertson and Hugh O’Connor, NFB, 1958.
- Highways North. Produced by Canada in Action Series, NFB, 1944.
- How to Build an Igloo. Produced by Doug Wilkinson, NFB, 1949.
- If the Weather Permits. Produced by Elisapie Isaac, NFB, 2003.
- In Search of the Bowhead Whale. Produced by William Brind, NFB, 1974.
- Inuuvunga: I Am Inuk, I Am Alive. Produced by Pierre Lapointe, NFB, 2004.
- Land in Trust. Produced by Lawrence Cherry and Evelyn Cherry, NFB, 1949.
- Land of Pioneers. Produced by James Beveridge and Margaret Perry, NFB, 1944.
- Land of the Long Day. Produced by Michael Spencer, NFB, 1952.
- The Last Voyage of Henry Hudson. Produced by Richard Gilbert, NFB, 1964.
- Let’s Look at Water. Produced by Harold Randall, NFB, 1947.
- Look to the Forest. Produced by Donald Fraser, NFB, 1950.
- Look to the North. Produced by James Beveridge, NFB, 1944.
- Morning on the Lièvre. Produced by David Bairstow, NFB, 1961.
- Nanook of the North. Produced by Robert Flaherty, 1922.
- New Home in the West. Produced by Dallas Jones NFB, 1943.
- North. Produced by Bill Canning, NFB, 1969.
- A Northern Challenge. Produced by Bill Roozeboom, NFB, 1973.
- Northwest by Air. Produced by James Beveridge and Margaret Parry, NFB, 1944.
- Northwest Frontier. Produced by James Beveridge, NFB, 1942.
- Our Land Is Our Life. Produced by Boyce Richardson, NFB, 1974.
- Our Northern Citizen. Produced by Grant McLean, NFB, 1956.
- Paddle to the Sea. Produced by Bill Mason, NFB, 1966.
- Paul Tomkowicz: Street-Railway Switchman. Produced by Romon Kroitor and Tom Daly, NFB, 1953.
- People of the Ice. Produced by Jean Lemire, NFB, 2003.
- Poison, Pests, and People. Produced by Don Mulholland, NFB, 1960.
- Pour la suite du monde. Produced by Pierre Perrault and Michel Brault, NFB, 1963.
- Qallunaat! Why White People Are Funny. Produced by Mark Sandiford, NFB, 2006.
- Red Runs the Fraser. Produced by Sydney Newman, NFB, 1949.
- Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes. Produced by Bill Mason, NFB, 1968.
- River with a Problem. Produced by David Bairstow, NFB, 1961.
- Soils for Tomorrow. Produced by Alvin Armstrong, NFB, 1945.
- Song of the Mountains. Produced by NFB, 1947.
- Stefansson: The Arctic Prophet. Produced by John Kemeny, NFB, 1965.
- The Strategy of Metals. Produced by Stuart Legg, NFB, 1941.
- The Things I Cannot Change. Produced by John Kemeny, NFB, 1967.
- Timber Front. Produced by Stanley Hawes and Frank Badgley, NFB, 1940.
- Tomorrow Is Too Late. Produced by David Bairstow, NFB, 1974.
- Trees Are a Crop. Produced by Evelyn Cherry, NFB, 1950.
- Water for Prairies. Produced by Lawrence Cherry, NFB, 1950.
- Windbreaks on the Prairies. Produced by Evelyn Cherry, NFB, 1943.
- The World at Your Feet. Produced by Michael Spencer, NFB, 1953.
- You Are on Indian Land. Produced by George C. Stoney, NFB, 1969.
Primary Sources
Cyanamid of Canada. Your Farm and How to Keep It Productive. Montréal: Cyanamid, 1959.
Grierson, John. “The Documentary Idea.” Complete Photographer 4, no. 92 (1942): 83–86.
———. “A Film Policy for Canada.” Canadian Affairs 1 (1944): 3–15.
———. “Memo to Michelle About Decentralizing the Means of Production.” CFC/SN Newsletter 8 (1972): 4–7.
Mason, Bill. Canoescapes. Toronto: Stoddart, 1995.
———. Path of the Paddle. Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1980.
———. “Perspectives on Wilderness and Creativity.” Park News 19, no. 2 (1982): 9–11.
———. Song of the Paddle. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988.
Richardson, Boyce. Strangers Devour the Land. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1991.
Rousseau, Jacques. “Northern Research Reports: Botany: By Canoe Across the Ungava Peninsula via the Kogaluk and Payne Rivers.” Arctic 1, no. 2 (1948): 133–35.
———. “Toundra.” Extrait de liaison, January 1950, 31–35.
———. “À travers l’Ungava.” Actualité économique 25 (1949): 83–120.
———. “The Vegetation and Life Zones of George River, Eastern Ungava and the Welfare of the Natives.” Arctic 1, no. 2 (1948): 93–96.
Wilkinson, Doug. Land of the Long Day. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1955.
Government Publications and Documents
An Act Respecting the National Film Board. R.S.C. 1950.
An Act to Create a National Film Board. R.S.C. 1939.
Advisory Committee on Post-War Reconstruction. Final Report of the Subcommittee. Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, 1944.
Canada. Lands, Parks and Forests Branch: Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1939. Ottawa: Department of Mines and Resources, 1939.
———. Report of the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences. Ottawa: King’s Printer, 1951.
———. Wisdom’s Heritage: The National Parks of Canada. Ottawa: Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1957.
Hare, H. R. Little Chats on Farm Management. Ottawa: Economics Division—Marketing Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, 1943.
National Film Board. Canada: A Year of the Land. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1967.
Ontario Advisory Committee on Pollution. Report of the Committee Appointed to Inquire into and Report upon the Pollution of Air, Soil, and Water in the Townships of Dunnville, Moulton, and Sherbrooke, Haldimand County. Toronto: Queen’s Printer, 1968.
Secondary Sources
Abele, Frances. “Canadian Contradictions: Forty Years of Northern Political Development.” Arctic 40, no. 4 (1987): 310–20.
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Spread of Nationalism. 1983. Reprint, New York: Verso, 1991.
Atwood, Margaret. Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature. Oxford: Clarendon, 1995.
Balazs, Béla. “Theory of the Film.” In Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Reading, 3rd ed., edited by Gerald Mast and Marshall Cohen, 255–64. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Balpataky, Katherine. “Call of the Wild.” Excerpted from Canadian Wildlife, Winter 2004. Hinterland Who’s Who: 50 Years. https://www.hww.ca/en/about-us/50th/history.html.
Banfield, A. W. F. “Review of Never Cry Wolf.” Canadian Field Naturalist 78, no. 1 (1964): 52–53.
Berton, Pierre. The Mysterious North. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1956.
Bocking, Stephen. “Science and Spaces in the Northern Environment.” Environmental History 12 (2007): 867–94.
Booklist. “Cree Hunters of Mistassini Film Review.” November 1975.
Bousé, Derek. Wildlife Films. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 2000.
Braun, Bruce. The Intemperate Rainforest: Nature, Culture, and Power on Canada’s West Coast. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
Brereton, Pat. Hollywood Utopia: Ecology in Contemporary American Cinema. Bristol: Intellect, 2005.
Buchanan, Donald. “The Projection of Canada.” University of Toronto Quarterly 13, no. 4 (1944): 298–305.
Buck, Ken. Bill Mason: Wilderness Artist from Heart to Hand. Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books, 2005.
Burnett, Alexander J. A Passion for Wildlife: The History of the Canadian Wildlife Service. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2003.
Burt, Jonathan. Animals in Film. London: Reaktion, 2002.
Campbell, Claire. “‘It Was Canadian, Then Typically Canadian’: Revisiting Wilderness at Historic Sites.” British Journal of Canadian Studies 21, no. 1 (2008): 5–34.
Carlson, Hans. Home Is the Hunter. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2009.
Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1962.
Cavell, Janice. “Arctic Exploration in Canadian Print Culture, 1890–1930.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 44, no. 2 (2006): 7–43.
———. Tracing the Connected Narrative: Arctic Exploration in British Print Culture, 1818–1860. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
Chris, Cynthia. Watching Wildlife. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Clark-Jones, Melissa. A Staple State: Canadian Industrial Resources in Cold War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987.
Cox, Kirwan. “Canada.” In Encyclopedia of Documentary Film, edited by Ian Aitken, 125–36. New York: Routledge, 2006.
Creighton, Donald. The Commercial Empire of the St. Lawrence 1760–1850. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1937.
Cronin, J. Keri. Manufacturing National Park Nature: Photography, Ecology, and the Wilderness Industry of Jasper. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012.
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Cubitt, Sean. EcoMedia: Key Issues. New York: Rodopi, 2005.
Davidson, Peter. The Idea of the North. London: Reaktion, 2005.
Denisko, Olga. “Pot Pourri.” NFB Newsletter, Summer 1975.
———. “Working in the Private Film Industry.” Interlock 4–5 (1976): 15–20.
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———. Projecting Canada: Government Policy and Documentary Film at the National Film Board. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.
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