“List of Figures and Tables” in “Psychiatry and the Legacies of Eugenics”
List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1.1 Portrait of John M. MacEachran, ca. 1944
Figure 1.2 Portrait photograph of John M. MacEachran, ca. 1920
Figure 2.1 Timeline of genetic advances
Figure 2.2 Theoretical and empirical distribution of IQ scores
Figure 2.3 Illustration of the IQ testing from the Iowa Adoption Study, 1949
Figure 2.4 IQ test comparisons from the Leilani Muir Case, 1957 to 1989
Figure 7.1 Kurt Goldstein. International Neurological Congress, 1949
Figure 7.2 Kurt Goldstein and Martin Scheerer’s laboratory at the Montefiore Hospital
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Categories of mental deficiency in relation to IQ score range
Table 2.2 Diagnoses of 1,042 patients in Alberta mental institutions on December 31, 1955
Table 2.3 Genetic defects known in the 1950s to cause mental deficiency
Table 2.4 Population frequency of a rare recessive disorder
Table 2.5 Numbers of matings and children from a population of 100,000 parents
Table 2.6 Sterilization of 14-year-old children in a population of 18,000 children
Table 2.7 Environmental effects on children’s IQ scores
Table 8.1 Overview of global sterilization programs and subsequent compensation claims
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