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“Index” in “Memory And Landscape”
- Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
- abandonment: memory and, 207
- Abercrombie, William, 226
- Abraham, Elaine, 28, 30, 30
- Abraham, Olaf, 30
- Abraham, Susie, 30
- absence, 158, 160
- memory and, 173–74
- affect: place names and, 323
- agitation: of Greenlanders, 165–66
- of narwhals, 164–65
- Ahtna (people), 27, 28
- Ahtna (language): dialects, 216
- Ainana, Lyudmila I., 349
- Akerelrea, Dan, 184, 202
- Akiachak (Akiacuaq), 298, 301, 302, 304, 305, 310
- Akiak (Akiaq), 298, 302
- Aklavik, 64
- Akyr (shaman), 341
- Alaska, 223, 225
- Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), 238
- Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) 14(h)(1) Program, 180, 181–82, 298, 314n1
- Alaska Native corporations, 181, 209n1
- Alaska Native Language Center (ANLC), xviii, 86, 87–88
- Aleuts, 33
- Allen, Henry, 226, 228–29, 235
- Alunik, Ishmael, 61, 76n11
- Am’igtulirmiut, 108–9
- Amos, Howard, 88, 90, 102, 103, 111n1
- Amos, Muriel, 88, 111n1
- Amos, Walter, 90, 100
- Anaktuvuk Pass, 62
- ancestors, 271, 275
- ANCSA (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act), 238. See also Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) 14(h)(1) Program
- Andreevskaia Odinochka, 186
- animals: climate change and, 158, 171
- ANLC (Alaska Native Language Center), 86, 87–88
- Annanack, Johnny George, 252
- Anqercaq (Razbinsky), 186, 186–87, 188
- anticipation: of hunters, 167
- Apay’uq (Adolph Bavilla), 155
- Arakamchechen Island (Qigi), 341, 343, 344
- archaeology, 26
- architecture, 10–11
- Arctic IQ, 323, 324
- Arnangiar (ancestral woman), 101–4, 107
- artifacts: at Tlákw.aan, 44–47
- Arviat: place names, 324, 325, 326, 327
- Arviarmiut, 323, 325
- Asvigyaq, 93
- Arviuna (Sigliq), 60–61
- Asweryag (Cup’ig place name), 89, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 105, 110
- Asweryagmiut (Cup’ig place name), 89–90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 110
- Athabascans (Dene): conflict with, 328
- Athabascan language family, xviii, 277
- at.óow (sacred clan item), 25, 26, 28, 31
- Audlakiak, Hannah, 132, 133, 138, 140
- Aulavik National Park, 58
- Ayemqerraq, 187, 188, 210n9
- Ayveghyaget, 93
- Baffin Island, 130
- Banks Island (Ikaahuk), 58, 65, 69
- Baron, Vinnie, 7
- basket (Yup’ik kuusqun), 305, 305
- Basso, Keith, 66, 73
- Batzulnetas (Nataełde), 228–29
- beads, 47
- bears: black, 379
- Beaufort Sea, 68
- beavers, 378
- beluga, 62
- Bering Sea region, 81–82, 110
- berries, 119, 122–24
- berry picking, 9, 34
- children and, 136–37, 138
- boats and, 136
- devaluing of, 119, 122
- health and, 141
- hunting and, 119, 131, 132, 136
- identity and, 126, 128
- by Iñupiat, 124, 126
- as northern cultural practice, 124–26
- by Ojibwe, 125, 126
- polar bears and, 132–33
- rules for, 140
- rural-urban migration and, 134
- as seasonal, 126, 128, 132
- sites for, 135–36, 140
- values and, 126, 128, 139, 142
- women and, 119, 122, 125, 127, 127–28, 131–32, 137, 139
- BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
- Billings, Joseph, 94
- birds: at Tlákw.aan, 48, 49
- blackfish, 200, 298, 300
- Bogoslovskaya, Lyudmila, 94, 346n2
- Bremner, Harry, 30, 33
- Bremner, Helen, 30
- Bremner, John, 30
- Bremner, John (prospector), 241n4
- Brody, Hugh, 122
- built environment. See architecture
- Burch, Ernest, 64
- Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA): ANCSA 14(h)(1) Program and 181
- burial: above ground Yup’ik, 183, 200–5
- cabins: 260–61, 264, 265
- camps and camping, 8
- caribou, 64, 376
- Caribou Inuit, 321
- cartography. See maps and mapping
- cash economy, 142
- cemeteries, 181
- Central Alaskan Yup’ik. See Yup’ik (Central Alaskan language)
- Central Siberian Yupik. See Siberian Yupik (language)
- centralization: of Inuit, 256
- Cev’allraq (Old Chevak), 194, 194–95, 195
- Cev’aq (Chevak), 111n2, 111n4, 194, 195
- Chaplino (Ungaziq), 340, 341, 346n2
- Chaplinski Yupik (dialect), xvii, 342, 343, 345
- char (Arctic), 169
- Chevak (Cev’aq), 111n2, 111n4, 194, 195
- children, 19
- Chitina (village), 27, 31, 36, 44
- Chitina River (Tsedi Na’), 227, 235, 239
- Chlenov, Michael, 337–38
- chronology: of Tlákw.aan, 41–43
- Chukchi (language), 12, 342, 338
- Chukotka, 82, 339, 346n1
- clans: Ahtna, 216
- climate change, 157–58, 208
- coast: in Greenlandic, 282, 282
- cod, 169
- cognates: in Bering Sea region, 93–96
- Collignon, Béatrice, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73
- on architecture, 255
- colonialism, 239, 255
- construction: of cabins, 260–61
- contact: naming and, 344
- copper: Ahtna and, 235
- Copper River (Atna), 10, 214, 227, 231, 232, 239
- Cree: berry picking by, 124, 126
- crests (Tlingit). See at.óow (sacred clan item)
- Cruikshank, Julie, 66
- Cup’ig (language), 82, 84, 90, 110, 294n10
- dictionary, 88, 106, 111n1
- documentation of, 86–88, 111n1
- intelligibility to Yup’ik speakers, 82, 86
- orthography, 111n1, 112n13
- place names, 89–94, 106, 290, 291
- as polysynthetic, 90, 111n7
- revitalization of, 88
- Russian influence on, 85. See also Asweryag (Cup’ig place name); Asweryagmiut (Cup’ig place name); Cup’it (Nuniwarmiut)
- Cup’ik (dialect of Yup’ik), 111n2, 111n4
- as polysynthetic, 111n7. See also Chevak (Cev’aq)
- Cup’it (Nuniwarmiut), 82, 106, 111n8
- on Qaviayarmiut origins, 107–8. See also Cup’ig (language)
- Curukaryaraq, 184, 185, 210n7
- Cuukvagtulirmiut, 306, 307, 310, 312
- Dahl, Jens, 65
- Dall, William Healy, 224–25
- danger, 319, 322, 331. See also violence
- dates and dating: of Tlákw.aan, 41–43
- Deg Xinag (language), 288, 289
- de Laguna, Frederica, 28, 30
- demonstrative systems, 277
- Dena’ina, 222, 288
- Dene (Athabascans): conflict with, 328
- de Reuse, Willem, 85, 95, 96
- design, 259, 262–64
- development (economic): in Greenland, 163–66
- dictionary, 60, 64, 65
- directions (geographic), 277–79
- displacement. See relocation
- Diyaaguna.éit, 29, 39, 40
- dogs: in narrative, 33, 37
- Dorais, Louis-Jacques, 59
- Eagle, 378
- economy. See cash economy; subsistence
- economic development: in Greenland, 163–66
- elevation: in demonstrative systems, 279
- Ellikarrmiut (Nash Harbor), 96, 97, 100, 111n4
- Ellis, Jack, 30
- Emerak, Mark, 73
- emotion, 12, 73, 74, 318–19, 320–21, 323. See also agitation
- environmental impact assessments, 164
- epidemics, 69
- erosion, 192, 206
- ethnonyms, 76n2
- Inuvialuit, 59–60. See also specific ethnonyms
- Etolin, A. K., 86, 91
- Etolin Strait (Akularer), 83, 85
- Eyak: architecture, 39–40
- family, 137
- Farkas, Lena, 28, 30, 30
- fauna: at Tlákw.aan, 41, 48–49, 50
- at Yup’ik sites, 189
- features: archaeological at Tlákw.aan, 38–39
- Felix, Emmanuel, 61
- Fienup-Riordan, Ann, 100, 111n8, 292
- fire-cracked rock, 41
- fish and fishing, 11, 21–22, 272
- Ahtna sites for, 219, 220
- cleaning rivers for, 200, 210n16
- for halibut in Greenland, 163, 169, 172–73
- economic development and, 163
- methods, 298, 304–5
- in place names, 302, 307, 312
- positive sentiment and, 325, 326
- quotas in Greenland, 161
- at Tlákw.aan, 48, 49
- tools for, 45, 46
- on Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, 296, 298
- Yup’ik sites for, 184, 194, 197, 304–5, 306, 307, 309, 310. See also fish trap (taluyaq); salmon; whitefish
- fish trap (taluyaq), 307, 307, 312
- for blackfish, 304
- flooding, 193–94
- Fort Chimo, 246, 251, 252, 254, 256
- Fort McPherson, 64
- fox, 378
- Franklin, John, 62, 66
- Galyáx Kaagwaantaan (Eyak clan), 27, 32, 33, 37, 50
- Gambell, 94
- Ganawás (Knight Island), 28, 29, 33, 34, 36
- geography: human anatomy and, 66. See also land; landscape
- George, Wassillie, 304–5, 307
- Gineix Kwáan (Kwáashk’i Kwáan), 24, 27, 34, 50
- glaciers: in Greenland, 171
- glaciology: of Yakutat Bay, 28–29, 32, 33, 34, 36–37
- gold rush: Klondike, 229–30
- Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat), 159, 160
- resource development in, 163–66. See also Upernavik
- Greenlandic (language): demonstrative system of, 282, 282, 294n3
- Griffin, Dennis, 106
- Gwich’in (people): berry picking and, 126, 140
- Gwich’in (language), 11, 274–75
- halibut: fishing in Upernavik, 163, 169, 172–73
- Hammerich, Louis, 83, 85, 86, 111n3
- Hantzsch, Bernhard, 123
- on Inuit housing, 250–51
- Haogak, Edith, 72
- Harrington, John, 30
- Harry, Maggie, 30, 36, 41, 43
- healing: berries and, 123–24
- stone, 330
- health and well-being, 19, 21
- Hendrickson, Kay, 88, 100, 107
- herding (reindeer), 339, 340
- Herschel Island, 64, 71, 76n3
- Herschel Island–Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park, 58
- HMS Investigator, 67, 71
- Holton, Gary, 28
- Hooper Bay, 113n24
- dialect, 111n4
- houses and housing: in Nunavik, 247–48, 257–58
- Hubbard Glacier, 28–29, 29
- Hudson’s Bay Company, 62, 64, 256
- Humpy, Herman (Qussauyar), 97
- hunting: artifacts for, 44–45
- ice. See sea ice
- Icy Bay (settlement), 32, 33
- identity, 3–4, 7, 254
- igloo, 245, 251–52, 252, 253. See also houses and housing
- ijirait: place names and, 325, 326
- Ilulissat, 160
- Indigenous knowledge, 4, 5, 12
- Ingold, Tim, 161, 321
- Ingrill’er, 199, 208
- interviews: ANCSA Program and, 181, 183
- Inuinnait (Copper Inuit): place names, 65, 68, 69, 289–90, 291, 291–92
- Inuinnaqtun (language), 59, 65
- Inuit, 59
- Inuit-Yupik language family, xvii, 59, 277, 293, 294n1
- Inuktitut (language), 59, 65
- Inupiaq (language), xvii, 342, 345
- Inupiat (Iñupiat
- Inuvialuit, 57, 65
- Inuvialuit Final Agreement (1984), 65
- Inuvialuit Settlement Region, 57, 63
- Inuvialuktun (language), 57–58
- Inuvialuktun Language Commission, 58, 59
- Iqaluit, 133, 134–35
- Iqug (Cape Mohican), 102, 105
- Iqugmiut, 102, 105
- Isaac, Katy Dickson, 30, 36
- It’ercaraq, 306, 306, 307
- Itygran Island, 340, 342, 344, 352
- Ivanoff, Paul, 91, 112n9
- Ivvavik National Park, 58
- Jacobson, Steven, 86, 88, 92, 93–94, 106, 111n1
- Johnson, George, 30
- Jones, Eliza, 14n1
- Justin, Wilson, 217, 223
- K’áadasteen (elder), 30, 39
- Kakinya, Elijah (Kakiññaaq), 5
- Kalaallit Nunaat. See Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)
- Kangersuatsiaq, 156, 167, 169, 172–73
- Kangiqsualujjuaq, 7, 246, 247, 248, 260
- Kangiqsujuaq, 122
- Kangi’irerrlagmiut (Kangiirlagmiut), 103, 107, 108–9
- Kangiryuarmiut, 59, 64–65
- Kardeetoo, Jenny, 30
- Kari, James, 219
- Kava, Bobby, 103
- Kavaigmiut. See Qaviayarmiut
- kayak (qayaq, qajaq), 83, 296
- Keggiartuliar, 310, 311
- Kennicott Valley, 235–36
- Khromchenko, V.S., 86, 91, 106
- King Island, 94
- King Islanders, 106
- kinship, 120, 259
- Kiokun, Dorothy, 88, 102, 112n14
- Kitigaaryuit (village), 62
- Kivalliq Region, 318
- Klondike gold rush, 229–30
- Knight Island (Ganawás), 28, 29, 33, 34, 36
- archaeology of, 37–39
- knowledge. See Indigenous knowledge
- Kolerok, Edna, 107
- Kolerok, Robert (Qungutur), 90, 101, 101–2, 107
- K’ootsinadi.aan. See Knight Island (Ganawás)
- Kopalie, Sheila, 136, 138, 140
- Koyukon (language), 278, 279
- Kozevnikoff, Sandra, 182
- ku.éex’ (potlatches), 26, 30
- Kuokkanen, Rauna, 142
- Kuvuartellria, 304–5, 304, 310
- kwáan. See clans; Gineix Kwáan (Kwáashk’i Kwáan)
- Kwáashk’i Kwáan. See Gineix Kwáan (Kwáashk’i Kwáan)
- Labrador, 123, 127
- lakes: naming, 61, 71
- lamps (stone), 46
- land, 19, 245
- landscape, 278, 320
- language: of Bering Sea region, 82
- Lantis, Margaret, 83, 84, 91
- Levinson, Stephen, 278
- Lipscomb, Lily, 61, 71–72
- Łtaxda’x (chief), 31
- Lyashenko, Vladimir S., 341
- lynx, 377
- Malaspina Glacier, 27, 283
- Mackenzie Delta region, 60, 64
- maps and mapping, 215, 240
- marine mammals: disturbance of, 164–65
- markers (on the landscape), 21, 316, 327
- market economy. See cash economy
- matrilineality, 32, 37, 39
- McClure, Robert, 67
- McGhee, Robert, 62
- Mednovskaia Odinochka, 221, 224
- Mekoryuk (Mikuryarmiut), 83, 86, 88, 111n4, 111n8
- memory, 173–74, 313
- absence and, 173–74
- age and, 72, 75
- berry picking and, 128
- collective, 73, 318
- consciousness and, 72–73
- of elders, 69, 72, 74, 174, 313
- emotion and, 73, 75, 318, 320–21
- of ice conditions, 171, 175
- land and, 66, 120, 173–74
- place names and, 66, 71–74, 89, 313
- sentiment analysis and, 319
- site abandonment and, 207
- memoryscape, 66
- Merr’aq, 189, 189–190, 190
- midden: at Tlákw.aan, 28, 38, 41
- migration: across glaciers, 31, 36
- Miles, Nelson A., 226
- Miller, Arthur, 237
- mining, 164, 166
- copper, 235–36
- missions and missionaries. See Moravians
- moieties: 32, 37
- Moravians, 250, 296, 312
- Moses, George, 305, 313
- mountains: naming in Alaska, 229
- Mount St. Elias (Wasʹei Tashaa), 24
- Mount Wrangell (Uk’ełedi), 228
- muskox, 374
- muskrat, 6, 64, 196
- myth. See narrative (oral)
- Nabesna, 217
- names: memory and, 174, 175, 318. See also namesakes; place names
- namesakes, 155, 161
- Nanvarnaq, 308, 309, 310, 314n5
- narrative (oral): as history, 26, 36–37, 50
- narwhal, 132, 164–65, 373
- Nash Harbor (Ellikarrmiut), 96, 97, 100, 111n4
- Nasogaluak, David, 61
- Naukanski Yupik (language), xvii, 342, 345
- Nelson, Edward, 123, 192, 307
- Nelson Island, 83
- Nelson Islanders: on Nunivak, 99, 100
- Nicolai (Ahtna chief), 226, 228, 235
- Noatak, Andrew (Nuratar), 80, 101
- Noatak, Helen (Ukayir), 80
- non-human beings: in Cup’ig, 91
- North Slope. See Yukon North Slope
- North Water Polynya (Pikialasorsuaq), 165
- Northwest Coast societies, 26. See also Tlingit
- Novoe Chaplino (New Chaplino), 340, 342, 346n2
- Nunallerpak (Qip’ngayagaq), 200–202, 201, 207, 210n17
- Nunamiut, 5, 62
- Nunapiaq, 302
- Nunaqerraq, 199–200
- Nunataarmiut, 62, 64
- Nunavut, 318. See also Kivalliq Region
- Nunivak Island (Nuniwar), 81–82, 83, 86, 87, 105
- ancestral woman and, 101–4, 105, 107
- berry picking on, 126
- caribou hunting and, 84, 99, 107
- as crossroads, 84
- horses and, 111n3
- migration to, 106, 107–8, 110
- place names and, 89–94, 102, 105, 107–8, 111n8, 291
- St. Lawrence Islanders and, 96, 97, 99–100, 104, 107–8
- violence on, 99–100, 103–4. See also Asweryag (Cup’ig place name); Asweryagmiut (Cup’ig place name); Cup’ig (language); Nuniwarmiut (Cup’it)
- Nunavik, 246, 257
- Nuniwarmiut (Cup’it), 82, 106, 111n8
- on Qaviayarmiut origins, 107–8. See also Cup’ig (language)
- Nuttall, Mark, 66, 120
- oil: in Upernavik, 163
- Ojibwe (Anishinaabe), 125, 126
- Old Chaplino (Ungaziq), 340, 341, 346n2
- Old Town. See Tlákw.aan (Old Town)
- oral history, 4–5, 7, 330
- oral narrative. See narrative (oral)
- orientation systems. See directions (geographic)
- ornaments, 46–47
- owl, 376
- ownership, 301–2
- Parnasimautik consultation process, 249, 259, 266n5
- Penat, 103, 104, 105
- Peter, Evon, 272
- Peter, Steven (TSee Gho’ Tsyatsal), 272, 275
- Petitot, Émile, 60, 61, 64
- phenomenology: of landscape, 317–18, 320–21, 331–32
- Phillip, Joshua (Maqista), 299, 299, 300–301, 302, 306, 310, 314n2
- Phillip, Sophie, 6
- photographs: oral history and, 66
- pike (fish), 272
- pit houses: 249–250, 250
- place, 166, 255, 320–21. See also landscape
- place names, 4–5, 245, 317–18
- ancestral woman and, 101–4
- anglicized, 228
- in Athabascan language family, 277–79, 285–87
- Banks Island and, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74
- camp sites and, 66, 67
- colonization and, 219, 226, 229
- database of, 323, 324
- duplication of, 286, 289–90, 306, 307, 310
- emotion and, 12, 74
- English, 71, 74, 345
- fish and, 300, 302, 307, 312
- in Greenland, 168
- identity and, 58, 73–75
- Inuvialuit, 66–74
- landscape and, 68, 89, 102, 195, 207, 239, 289–91, 321
- language and, 5, 74, 313
- memory and, 66, 71–73, 89
- migration and, 28
- -miut and, 108, 111n6, 111n8, 255, 301
- on Nunivak Island, 89–94, 102, 105, 107, 111n8, 291
- for persons, 71, 229, 344
- phenomenology and, 317–18
- power of, 74
- sentiment analysis of, 324–27
- on St. Lawrence Island, 107–8
- types of, 68
- without stories, 71
- on Yukon North Slope, 66, 68, 71, 74, 106. See also under specific languages
- planning, 259, 262–63
- plants, 122, 133, 143
- polar bears, 132–33, 377
- Port Clarence, 107
- potlatches (ku.éex’), 26, 30
- Pratt, Kenneth, 106, 107, 111n5
- projectile points, 44–45
- Proto-Dene, 284–85
- Proto-Inuit-Yupik (PIY), 279–80, 281, 282–83
- Pugcenar, 302, 312, 314n4
- Pugughilek (Southwest Cape), 104
- Qaqqaq, Rachel, 128, 131–32
- qarmat (dwelling type), 250
- qasgiq (men’s house), 183, 184, 189, 193
- Qaviayarmiut (people), 96, 97, 99–100, 103, 106–10
- Qaviayarmiut (Cup’ig place name), 96, 105, 106, 108–09
- Qavinaq, 191, 191–193, 195
- qayaq (qajaq
- Qikertar (Triangle Island), 100, 105
- Qikiqtarjuaq, 128, 130, 133, 136
- Qip’ngayagaq, 203–5
- Qip’ngayaq (Black River), 199–200, 208
- Qissunaq (Kashunuk), 193, 193–94, 195
- quotas: in Greenland, 161, 164
- Quuyaq, 308, 309, 310, 314n5
- railroads: in Alaska, 230, 236
- Ramos, George (Woochjiʹxoo eesh), 51
- Ramos, Judith, 28
- Rasmussen, Knud, 91, 123
- Raven, 35, 374
- Ray, Dorothy, 111n8
- reciprocity, 37, 120
- Reed, Irene, 87, 88, 111n1, 314n3
- reindeer herding, 339, 340
- relocation, 10, 195
- resource development: in Greenland, 163–66
- respect: for animals, 120–21
- Richardson Highway, 234, 235
- Richardson Mountains, 67
- ritual. See potlatches (ku.éex’)
- rivers: naming in Ahtna country, 222, 228, 290–91
- Russians (people): Alaska and, 223
- Russian (language): place names, 344–45
- replacement by, 338
- Sachs Harbour, 71
- Salleq (island), 172
- Sallirmiut, 62, 75n10
- salmon, 375
- Salmon, David (chief), 275
- Schwatka, Frederick, 226
- sea ice: agitated, 165
- seals and sealing, 29, 48, 377
- seal skins: Canadian Inuit and, 138–39
- sea otters, 44, 45, 48, 49
- seasonality: of berry picking, 126, 128, 132
- seismic survey, 164–65
- sentiment analysis, 12, 319, 322–327, 330–32
- Senyavin Strait region, 338, 342, 343, 346n2
- settlement patterns: archaeology and, 320
- Seward Peninsula, 111n8
- shamans, 123, 330, 341
- sharing, 173
- shellfish, 48
- Siberian Yupik (language), 82, 93–95, 112n20, 342
- Siglialuk, 61, 76n8
- Siglit, 59–62, 71
- Simon, Xavier, 184
- Sirenikski Yupik (language), 342, 345
- sites: subsidence of, 184, 185, 210n8. See also burial; camps and camping; cemeteries
- sites (archaeological). See Tlákw.aan (Old Town)
- site visits, 66, 69, 181
- slaves, 33, 34
- sleds, 13
- Sledge Islanders, 106
- Smith, Derek, 62
- Smith, Peter (Kalirmiu), 94, 95, 109, 113n25
- song, 30, 32
- Southwest Cape (Pugughilek), 104
- spruce, 42–43, 50
- squirrel, 379
- St-Aubin, Felix, 7
- Stefansson,Vilhjalmur, 61, 64, 67, 69
- St. Lawrence Island, 105
- Stockton, Charles H., 66
- stone: artifacts, 46
- story. See narrative (oral)
- stratigraphy, 41
- subsistence, 21, 119
- Sugpiaq (language): Cup’ig and, 85
- supernatural. See non-human beings
- Susitna River, 219
- sustainability: of architecture, 264
- Swanton, John, 30
- Tagitutqaq, Vladimir, 338, 339, 339–40, 349
- Taklir, 108–9
- Tanacross (language), 284, 285, 286–87
- Taprarmiut, 109
- Tariurmiut, 60, 61, 62
- Tarkhanov, Demitri, 235
- technology: land use and, 197
- Teey Aaní, 32, 37
- Teikweidí (Tlingit clan), 32, 34, 37
- Teller: Qaviayarmiut origins and, 107, 109
- tents, 252–53, 254
- Thule, 59
- Tlákw.aan (Old Town), 28, 34, 35, 38, 50
- Tlingit: architecture, 39–40
- subsistence, 44–45. See also Gineix Kwáan (Kwáashk’i Kwáan)
- Togiak (Tuyuryaq), 93
- toponyms. See place names
- trade and exchange: in copper, 47, 50
- trails: Ahtna, 217, 221, 223, 230
- Yup’ik place names and, 300
- trapping, 64, 197
- travel, 13
- Treaty of Cession, 223
- trees (spruce), 42–43, 50
- Triangle Island (Qikertar), 100, 105
- Tsikoyak, Andrew (Ciquyaq), 93–94
- Tuktoyaktuk, 61, 62
- Tuluksak (Tuulkssaaq), 298, 302
- Turner, Lucien: on place, 255
- on tents, 252–53
- Tuyurmiat (Tuyormiyat), 59, 61, 64
- Tyrrell, Joseph B., 229–30
- Uaravik (Ougavig), 312
- Uelen, 342
- Ulukhaktok (Holman), 65
- Ungava Peninsula, 250
- Ungaziq (Old Chaplino), 340, 341, 346n2
- Upernavik, 158, 161–63, 169
- urbanization, 134
- Usher, Peter, 62
- Uummarmiut, 59, 62, 64, 76n11
- vegetation. See berries; plants
- Victoria Island, 65, 68
- violence: between Inuit and Dene, 328
- Virineut, Yuri, 338, 339, 340, 340–41, 349
- walking, 321
- walrus, 374
- Walunga, Willis, 104, 108
- Waskey, Frank, 85
- watercraft, 5, 31
- waterways: Yup’ik place names and, 298, 300, 303, 309, 310, 312–13. See also Copper River; rivers
- Wesley, Ida, 104
- whales: bowhead, 64, 376
- whale bone: architecture, 249
- whaling, 64
- whitefish, 200, 272, 375
- Williams, Jack (Uyuruciar), 97, 97, 99, 107, 109
- Williams, Sarah, 30, 47
- wind, 280, 283
- wolverine, 375
- women: berry picking and, 119, 122, 125, 127, 127–28, 131–32, 137, 139
- Woodbury, Anthony, 84, 90, 106, 111n2
- on polysynthesis, 111n7
- woodworking, 45
- Wrangell, Ferdinand von, 219
- Wulilaayi Aan (site), 29, 40
- Xatgawet (chief), 32, 34, 36, 37, 39
- Yakutat Bay, 29, 29
- Yanrakynnot (Yagrakenutaq), 338, 340, 342, 346n2
- Yéil Áa Daak Wudzigidi Yé. See Tlákw.aan (Old Town)
- Yukon Delta. See Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Alaska)
- Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Alaska), 297–98
- Yukon North Slope (Canada), 58, 67, 69
- Yukon River: erosion and, 186–187, 188
- Yup’ik (people), 183
- Yup’ik (Central Alaskan
- language) xvii–xviii
- Chukchi and, 95
- Cup’ig and, 82, 84, 86
- dialects, 110, 111n2, 111n4
- dictionary, 86, 106
- intelligibility to Cup’ig speakers, 82, 86
- orthography, 112n13, 314n3
- orientation in, 278, 279, 281–82, 283
- place names, 288–89, 290, 291, 292, 299–300
- as polysynthetic, 111n7
- St. Lawrence Island and, 93–94. See also Cup’ig (language); Siberian Yupik (language)
- Zagoskin, Lavrentiy, 179
- zooarchaeology: at Tlákw.aan, 48–49, 50
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