“Contents” in “Introduction to Computer Programming with Python”
1.1 A Brief History of Computers
1.2 Fundamentals of Computing and Modern Computers
Number Systems and the Foundation of Computing
Computability and Computational Complexity
The Construction of Modern Computers
Integrated Circuits and Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits
1.3 Programming and Programming Languages
1.4 Python Programming Language
The Development and Implementation of Python
Resources for Python and Python Education
1.5 Getting Ready to Learn Programming in Python
Installing and Setting Up the Python Programming Environment
Setting Up a Virtual Environment for a Python Project
Additional Tools Supporting Software Development in Python
1.6 Getting a Taste of Programming with Python
Program Interactively with Python Interactive Shell
Use Jupyter Notebook Within VS Code to Program Interactively
Write Documentation in Markdown
Italic, Bold, and Strikethrough Texts
Mathematical Formulas and Expressions
Escape Sequence for Special Characters
Programming Interactively with Jupyter Notebook Within VS Code
Run Python Programs Outside IDE
Make the Python Program File Executable
1.7 Essentials of Problem Solving and Software Development
Design Algorithms to Solve Problems
Phases of Software System Development
Phase 1. Understand the Project
Phase 2. Analyze the Requirements to Identify Computer-Solvable Problems and Tasks
1.8 Manage Your Working Files for Software Development Projects
Set Up Git on Your Computer and Version-Control Locally
Set Up an Account on GitHub and Version-Control with Remote Repositories
Chapter 2 Essential Building Blocks of Computer Programs
2.1 Primary Constructs of Computer Programs in Python
Vocabulary of the Programming Language
Names with Leading and/or Trailing Underscores
Rules of Scope Resolution for Identifiers
2.2 Higher-Level Constructs of Python Programs
Chapter 3 Flow Control of Statements
3.1 Selective with the if Statement
3.2 Single-branch selective with if Statement
3.3 Multiple-Branch Selective with if-elif-… and if-elif-…-else Statements
3.4 Iterate with for Statement
Using break and continue Statements and an else Clause Within Loops
Common Coding Mistakes with the for Loop
3.5 Iterate with the while Statement
Common Coding Mistakes with a while Loop
3.6 Iterate with for Versus while
Chapter 4 Handle Errors and Exceptions in Programs
4.2 Handling Runtime Errors and Exceptions
Chapter 5 Use Sequences, Sets, Dictionaries, and Text Files
Built-In Functions and Operators for Strings
Constructing and Formatting Strings
5.6 List, Set, and Dictionary Comprehension
Update Existing Content of a Text File
Deleting Portion of a Text File
Chapter 6 Define and Use Functions
6.1 Defining and Using Functions in Python
6.2 Parameters and Arguments in Functions
6.4 Anonymous Functions: lambda Expressions
6.5 Special Functions: Mapping, Filtering, and Reducing
6.6 Generators: Turning a Function into a Generator of Iterables
6.7 Closures: Turning a Function into a Closure
6.8 Decorators: Using Function as a Decorator in Python
Chapter 7 Object-Oriented Programming with Python
7.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Information Hiding or Data Encapsulation
7.2 Defining and Using Classes in Python
Inheritance: Subclass and Superclass
Public, Private, and Protected Members of a Class
7.3 Advanced Topics in OOP with Python
Dunder Methods in Class Definition
Built-In Property() Function and Property Decorator
Creating a New Class Dynamically and Modify a Defined Class or Instance
Keeping Objects in Permanent Storage
Chapter 8 Modules and Packages
8.1 Creating Modules and Packages
8.2 Using Modules and Packages
8.3 Install and Learn About Modules Developed by Others
8.4 Module for Generating Random Numbers
Functions for Generating Random Integers
Functions for Randomly Generating Float Numbers
Functions for Randomly Selected Item(s) from Sequences
8.5 Module for Mathematical Operations
8.6 Modules for Time, Date, and Calendar
8.7 Modules for Data Representation and Exchange
8.8 Modules for Interfacing Operating Systems and Python Interpreter
OS Module for Interacting with the Operating System
The path Submodule from os for Manipulating File Paths
8.9 Module for Logging Events During Program Runtime
8.10 Modules for Playing and Manipulating Audio and Video Files
8.11 Modules for Creating and Manipulating Graphics and Images
8.12 Modules for Data Analytics
Chapter 9 Develop GUI-Based Applications
9.1 Terminal-Based Applications Versus GUI-Based Applications
9.2 Designing and Developing GUI-Based Applications in Python
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