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“Index” in “Hockey on the Moon”
The initial articles in titles of literary works have been ignored in the alphabetic arrangement of the index.
Entries commencing with numbers appear in the index as if the number is spelt out.
- Acts of Worship” (Harrison), 202
- Adams, Jack, 260, 261, 263
- Aeneid (Virgil), 6, 175, 181
- “African Hockey Poem #1” (Harrison), 205
- “African Hockey Poem #2” (Harrison), 200
- “African Hockey Poem #3” (Harrison), 207
- “All-Time Game” (Harrison), 195–96
- amateur ideals, 45, 51, 53, 59, 84, 154
- Andrews, Paul, 276–77
- “Anecdote of the Jar” (Stevens), 200
- Armstrong, George, 265
- Armstrong, Karen, 13, 300
- arrested development, 24–25, 130–31, 135, 146–47, 264
- Atwood, Margaret, 182
- Aunt Phil (character). See Ryan, Phil (character)
- Avery, Joanna, 229, 230–31
- “Bachelors” (Maggs), 267
- baggataway, 41, 45
- Ballard, Harold, 155–56
- Barilko, Bill, 144
- Barthes, Roland, 13–14
- Bartlett, Cheryl, 291
- “Batman” (Harrison), 198–99
- Batterinski, Felix (character): competitive drive, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124; death, 134–35, 159, 240–41; ephemeral nature of triumph, 132–33, 135; as a Faustian character, 250, 264; overview, 118; Polish heritage, 134–35, 257; sexual relationships, 122, 130–31, 147; and Terry Sawchuk, 257; as victim of his own reputation, 128–29; violence, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129
- Baudelaire, Charles, 193–94
- Bauer, Father David, 141
- Bauman, Mark (photograph of Terry Sawchuk), 253–54, 268
- Beaubien, Father Emile, 49, 51
- Beers, George, 44
- “Before the Moon” (McKay), 297
- Béliveau, Jean, 89, 201
- Bella Combe Journal (Gaston), 216, 222
- Ben, Jimmie (character), 40, 281, 285
- Berger, Carl, 33
- Bhabha, Homi, 282
- “Big Dogs 1” (Maggs), 251, 255
- “Big Dogs 2” (Maggs), 255
- Birney, Earle (“Canada: Case Study: 1945”), 63
- Blainey, Justine, 231
- Blake, Jason, 49–50, 64, 89, 117, 170, 284
- Bly, Robert, 197, 208
- “Bobby in Africa” (Harrison), 205
- “Bobby Hull” (Harrison), 203, 204
- Bonaduce, Bob (character): astuteness, 220–21; as a body-person, 214, 221–22; disability, 212, 214–15, 220, 223; enlightenment of, 212, 215, 220, 227; epigraph, 211; as husband, 213; and luck, 223, 224; music and literature, 220, 221; on pure desire, 226; relationship with his son, 212, 213, 214, 215; and the zone, 222–23
- Bosmajian, Hamida, 94, 95
- Boston Bruins, 1, 115, 260, 261, 262, 263
- Boucher, Brian, 246
- Bower, Johnnie, 264
- A Boy at the Leafs Camp (Young, 1963): Bill Spunska’s Canadianization through hockey, 69–70, 133; family stereotyping, 79; hockey violence, 80–82, 83; idealization of amateur school hockey, 84; Peterborough setting, 74–75; popularity of, 64
- Boy on Defense (Young, 1953): Bill Spunska’s Canadianization, 69, 70, 72, 75; Canadian northern winter, 70, 71, 72; gender, 76, 77, 78; hockey violence, 80, 81; idealization of amateur school hockey, 84; national integration, 78–79; popularity of, 64
- Broad Street Bullies. See Philadelphia Flyers (Broad Street Bullies)
- Brohm, Jean-Marie, 126
- Brown, E. K., 57
- Buddhism, 211, 212–13; acceptance and non-attachment, 215–16, 225; and Bob Bonaduce (in The Good Body) (Gaston), 212, 215, 220, 221–22, 227; Buddha figures (Gaston’s characters), 216–17, 219–20; luck, 224; mind-body synchronicity, 214, 222; teacher’s role, 217–19
- Buma, Michael J., 63, 117
- Burke, Tim, 132
- Calgary Flames, 240
- Calvin and Hobbes (Watterson), 178
- The Cameraman (Gaston), 216–17
- “Canada: Case Study: 1945” (Birney), 63
- Canadian identity: Canadianizing effect of playing hockey, 7, 69, 70, 75, 121, 133, 273; community building, 18–19, 59; in Fifth Business (Davies), 157–58; and French Canadian version of the hockey myth, 89, 91, 92, 105; government programs promoting hockey, 63–64; Haliburton’s “healthy, hearty, virtuous” race, 33, 119; and the hockey myth, 14–15, 42, 45, 55–56, 59, 65, 75, 285; ideal model (Paul Tallard in Two Solitudes (MacLennan)), 55–56; immigrants, 67–69, 72, 73, 78–79; Indigenous people, 44, 58, 72–73, 153–54, 274; in King Leary (Quarrington), 151–53, 154, 156, 158; and muscular Christianity, 37, 38, 40–41, 42, 75, 119–20, 152; problem of Canadian literature, 57; settler identity, 34, 37, 48, 66, 71–72; small towns, 15, 19, 20, 65, 73–74, 75, 153, 158; and the Summit Series (1972), 116
- Canadiens. See Montreal Canadiens (Canadiens)
- Les Canadiens (Salutin), 106, 107
- Carrier, Mrs. (character), 88, 90, 92–93
- Carrier, Roch: Les enfants du bonhomme dans la lune, 95–96, 97, 101–3, 104, 110–11, 300; La guerre, yes sir!, 99; identification with Maurice Richard, 87–88, 92–93, 96, 101, 110, 185, 299–300; Il est par là, le soleil ((Is it the Sun, Philibert?)) (Carrier), 100; Il n’y a pas de pays sans grand-père, 97–98; Our Life with the Rocket, 101, 104, 109–10, 171, 299, 300. See also “The Hockey Sweater” (Carrier)
- Catholic Church: anti-hockey stance, 50, 90, 104; Carrier’s church-related beliefs, 96, 102, 103; and Draper’s “hockey liturgy” dream (in The Divine Ryans (Johnston)), 179–80, 181, 187; French-English tensions, 49, 50, 90, 92, 195; and Maurice Duplessis, 103; priest’s role in The Hockey Sweater (Carrier), 88, 92, 93, 101, 105; residential schools, 168–69, 274, 276–77; and the Ryan family (in The Divine Ryans (Johnston)), 166, 167–68, 169, 170
- Chaplin, Charlie (Little Tramp character), 160
- Cherry, Don, 79
- Chicago Blackhawks, 267, 277
- CHUMS (boys’ magazine), 145–46, 147
- Clancy, Francis Michael “King”, 138–39, 154, 155
- Clarke, Bobby, 116–17, 130
- class: amateur ideals, 45, 51, 53, 59; and gentlemen hockey players, 32, 43–44, 45, 51, 53, 180; and poverty in the hockey myth, 121
- Clinton, Clay (character), 140–41, 146, 147, 148, 149, 154–57, 158
- The Clockmaker (Haliburton), 33
- Cohen, Sheldon, 88
- Coleman, Daniel, 34, 37, 66
- colonial mimicry, 282–83
- “Confessions of a Sensitive Post-Feminist male” (Harrison), 198
- Connor, Ralph, 34, 66; The Man from Glengarry, 34. See also Glengarry School Days (Connor)
- Connors, Stompin’ Tom (“The Hockey Song”), 11, 16–21, 28, 93, 195, 240
- Cook, Méira, 166, 175
- Copenace, Jacob (character), 236, 239, 241–42
- Corrigan, Robert W., 160
- Craven, John (character), 38–39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 285
- Creighton, James, 31, 32, 90, 293
- Crosby, Sidney, 144
- Cruise, David, 108, 155
- Davies, Robertson (Fifth Business), 156–58
- “Desperate Moves” (Maggs), 260
- Detroit Red Wings, 259, 260–61, 263, 267
- Dhammika, Shravasti, 224
- “Different Ways of Telling Time” (Maggs), 269
- The Divine Ryans (Johnston): family trinity, power of, 166–68, 170–71, 174, 177, 183; hockey as ritual, 169, 179–80, 181, 186–87; loss, lessons from, 184–86; resistance, 176–77, 184. See also Ryan, Draper Doyle (character)
- documentary poetry, 251. See also Night Work: The Sawchuk Poems (Maggs)
- Dorion, Gilles, 98
- Doyle, Draper (character), 6
- “Driving Through the Night, the Station on Sports Talk Radio” (Harrison), 200
- Dryden, Ken, 18–19, 87, 106, 107, 117, 130
- Duplessis, Maurice, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108
- Duplessis, Rosario (character), 73
- Dupuis, Dennis, 257, 258, 261, 265
- “Fair Trade” (Maggs), 262
- “The Famous Crouch” (Maggs), 256–57
- fantasy: childhood fantasy and the moon, 2, 8, 298; of NHL stardom, 15, 89; and reality, 1, 3–4, 105; in The Winter’s Tale (Shakespeare), 139
- Fathers Never Leave You (Harrison), 196, 197
- Faulkner, Robert, 285–86
- femininity: conventional physical virtues, 76, 232, 234, 235–36; conventional roles (in hockey), 43, 58, 76, 186; and strength, 232–36, 245; Victorian angels, 43, 77, 92. See also women; women’s hockey
- feminism, 196–97, 285–86
- Fifth Business (Davies), 156–58
- Findley, Timothy (The Wars), 146
- First Nations people: baggataway (and lacrosse), 41, 44; blind spots in Canadian hockey literature, 44, 58; and gentlemen players, 45; George Muskrat (in Fifth Business (Davies)), 158; and the hockey myth, 7, 153–54, 273, 274, 276, 278, 279–82, 285; Northwest hockey team (in Young’s juvenile hockey trilogy), 68; residential schools, 169, 274, 276–77, 282–83. See also Ozikean, Manny (character)
- “The First Wife” (Maggs), 255
- Fischler, Stan, 82–83
- Fischman, Sheila (translator of “The Hockey Sweater” (Carrier)), 95–96
- Fisher, Rhonda L. Fisher, 161, 184
- Fisher, Seymour, 161, 184
- fool figures, 161–62, 174–75
- Foran, Charles, 103
- Fournier (character), 219–20, 221
- Fowles, John, 8, 274
- Foxy (character), 35–36, 38, 43
- Frayne, Trent, 203, 205
- Freud, Sigmund, 160, 179, 180, 181
- Frost, Robert (“The Oven Bird” (Frost)), 252–53
- Frye, Marilyn, 286
- “Fury on Ice” (MacLennan), 47, 60
- Gaston, Bill: Bella Combe Journal, 216, 222; The Cameraman, 216–17; Midnight Hockey, 224; “Saving Eve’s Father”, 224–25, 226–27; Tall Lives, 216. See also The Good Body (Gaston)
- gender. See femininity; masculinity; women; women’s hockey
- gentlemen hockey players, 32, 43–44, 45, 51, 53, 180
- Glengarry School Days (Connor): class, 43–44; epigraph, 31; First Nations people, 44; gender, 35, 36–37, 43, 58; hockey match, 4, 33, 38–41, 42, 43; and the hockey myth, formation of, 33, 42, 45, 59; Murray, Hughie (character), 34–36, 38, 39–40, 43; muscular Christianity, 36–38, 43; and Scott Young, 66; setting, 34
- Golden Jet. See Hull, Bobby (The Golden Jet)
- The Good Body (Gaston), 211, 212–13, 219–20, 221. See also Bonaduce, Bob (character)
- Gordon, Mr. (character), 77–78
- Gordon, Pete (character): national allegory, 65–67, 70, 73; small town rinks, 75; taken out by Bill, 80, 233; in That Old Gang of Mine, 70; winter readiness, 71–72; and Young’s gender stereotyping, 76, 78, 79; Young’s treatment of race, 73
- Gordon, Rev. Dr. Charles William (pseudonym Ralph Connor). See Connor, Ralph
- Gordon, Sarah (character), 76
- “The Greats” (Harrison), 191, 202
- Griffiths, Allison, 155
- Gruneau, Richard, 14–15, 32, 64, 65, 68, 127–28, 140, 143
- La guerre, yes sir! (Carrier), 99
- Hagen, Steve, 215–16, 218
- Hal (character), 232–33, 237, 241
- Haliburton, Robert Grant, 33, 119
- Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, 33, 72
- Hall, Donald, 36, 37
- Hall, Glenn, 259, 260, 263
- Hamlet (Shakespeare), 165, 170
- happy warrior trope, 22–23, 234
- Hardy, Stephen, 42
- Harrison, Richard: father-son relationships, 197, 202, 206, 208; post-feminist views of masculinity, 197–99; “Rhéaume”, 238; superheroes, 198–99; 25: Hockey Poems New and Revised (Harrison), 192. See also Fathers Never Leave You (Harrison); Hero of the Play (Harrison); Recovering the Naked Man (Harrison)
- Harvey, Doug, 108
- Hedley, Cara, 140, 148, 151, 152–53. See also Twenty Miles (Hedley)
- Henderson, Paul (golden goal), 116, 132
- Herman, Judith, 173–74, 288, 291
- “The Hero in Overtime” (Harrison), 206–7
- The Hero of the Play (Harrison): Bobby Hull poems, 6, 192, 203, 205–7, 208–9; cover art, 194–95; editions, 192; father-son relationships, 202, 206, 209; hockey as poetry (in “All-Time Game”), 195–96; mythic elements, 200–201; prose form, 192–93; subjectivity of heroism, 210; title, meanings, 194; poems: “Acts of Worship”, 202; “African Hockey Poem #1”, 205; “African Hockey Poem #2”, 200; “African Hockey Poem #3”, 207; “All-Time Game”, 195–96; “Bobby in Africa”, 205; “Driving Through the Night, the Station on Sports Talk Radio”, 200; “Elegy for the Rocket”, 201; “The Greats”, 191, 202; “Love and the Hockey Pool”, 209; “Maurice”, 201; “My Father’s Face”, 202; “My Favourites (The National Game)”, 206; “Reunion or Grieving” (Harrison), 206, 208–9; “Rhéaume”, 238; “Stanley Cup”, 207; “The Hero in Overtime”, 206–7; “This Is My Hockey”, 202, 206; “The View from the Top”, 200
- Herrigel, Eugen, 217, 218
- Hirsch, Edward, 193, 209
- Hobbs, Roy (character), 143–44, 159, 233
- hockey, history of, 31–32, 44–45, 49–50, 90
- hockey myth, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14–15, 28; approaches to, 11–12, 15–16, 28; Bobby Clarke’s slash (1972), 117; boys becoming men, 24, 127, 130, 146–47, 213; and Canadian (white) identity, 14–15, 42, 45, 55–56, 59, 65, 75, 285; consolidation of, 45, 47, 63–64; formation of and Glengarry School Days (Connor), 33, 42, 45, 59; French Canadian version, 89, 91, 92, 105–6, 107, 108–9; hockey as religion (in “Hockey Players” (Purdy)), 25–26; and immigrants, 73, 133; and Indigenous people, 7, 153–54, 273, 274, 276, 278, 279–82, 285; Leary’s quest for mythic status (King Leary (Quarrington)), 150, 151, 163; masculine identity, limits of (in The Last Season (MacGregor)), 128–29; masculinity’s false promises (in King Leary (Quarrington)), 138, 145–47, 150; and muscular Christianity, 42, 128, 298; natural talent (in King Leary (Quarrington)), 141, 143–44, 233; northern geography, 14, 26–27, 71, 75, 120, 139, 273; outdoor ice, 140, 142, 275; and poverty, 121; Québécois version, 89, 93, 107, 108, 300; selectivity of, 21, 229, 231; small towns, 15, 60, 65, 72–73, 75, 88–89, 119–21; themes of, 14; in Two Solitudes (MacLennan), 55, 59, 60; violence, role in hockey (in Young’s juvenile hockey trilogy), 65, 79–84, 285; and women’s hockey, 229, 230
- “Hockey Players” (Purdy): arrested development, 147, 264; critical imaginings, 4, 11, 16, 21–27, 28, 60; financial motivation, 24, 209, 250; hockey as an escape from life, 131
- “The Hockey Song” (Stompin Tom Connors), 11, 16–21, 28, 93, 195, 240
- “The Hockey Sweater” (Carrier): artwork featuring the Montreal Canadiens, 195; Catholic clergy in, 88, 92, 93, 101, 105; ending, 88, 93; historical discrepancies, 110; innocent portrayal of hockey, 93–95; plot, 87–88, 91–92; political significance, 106; popularity, 88; Quebec setting and evocation of English-French tensions, 89–92; title (in English and French), 95–96, 97
- “Hole in the Hat” (Maggs), 258, 259
- Holman, Andrew, 42, 49–50, 51, 89
- Homer, allusion to, 200
- homosexuality, 43, 148, 173, 180, 184, 235
- Howe, Gordie, 23, 82–83, 127, 128, 201–2, 239, 261
- Howell, Colin, 31, 52–53, 79
- Hughes Inquiry, 169
- Hughes, Thomas (Tom Brown’s School Days), 34, 36, 37, 41, 52
- Huizinga, Johan, 239
- Hull, Bobby (The Golden Jet): fall from grace, 204–5; as a Faustian character, 250; and his sons, 204–5, 206; on hockey as business (epigraph), 191; poems by Richard Harrison, 6, 192, 203, 205–7, 208–9; puck associations (in The Divine Ryans (Johnston)), 180
- Hull, Joanne, 204
- Iain (character), 161–62
- Il est par là, le soleil ((Is it the Sun, Philibert?) (Carrier)), 100
- Il n’y a pas de pays sans grand-père (Carrier), 97–98
- Indian Horse, Saul (character), 7; abuse at the Catholic residential school, 274, 289, 290; healing journey, 274, 288–90, 291–92, 298; hockey’s religious aura, 275, 276; hockey talent, 274; hockey violence and Saul’s downfall, 284, 285, 286, 287–88; hockey vision, 277–78, 284; (lost) connection to his homeland, 278; optimistic reimagination of hockey, 274–75, 291, 293, 298–99; racism in hockey, 274, 276, 280, 282, 283, 284; rise to prominence, 279–82
- Indian Horse (Wagamese), 7, 273, 292–93. See also Indian Horse, Saul (character)
- Indigenous people, 31. See also First Nations people
- “Initia Gentis” (Maggs), 256, 257–58
- Is it the Sun, Philibert? ((Il est par là, le soleil) (Carrier)), 100
- “I Wanted to be a Soldier” (Harrison), 197–98
- Jenkinson, Dave, 118
- Johnston, Wayne. See The Divine Ryans (Johnston)
- Joliat, Aurèle, 56
- Joyce, Gare, 204
- juvenile fiction, 64
- Kendall, Brian, 257, 265
- Kennedy, Ted, 82–83
- Keon, Dave, 260
- Kharlamov, Valeri, 116–17, 132
- King Lear (Shakespeare), 137, 139, 148, 161
- King Leary (Quarrington), 5; Canadian identity, 151–53, 154, 156, 158; comic spirit, 159–63; elements from King Arthur mythology, 141, 143; First Nations people, 153–54; “Leary & Clinton and Their Various Fabulous Adventures”, 146, 147; moon, 142, 297, 298; small town values, satirization of, 153. See also Leary, Percival “King” (character)
- Kingsley, Charles: Two Years Ago, 36, 37; The Water-Babies (Kingsley), 37
- Kistabish, John, 277
- Koz (character), 216–17
- Kurtenbach, Orland, 267
- lacrosse, 41, 44–45
- “The Last Faceoff” (Maggs), 265
- The Last Season (MacGregor), 5, 33, 118, 120–21, 240–41. See also Batterinski, Felix (character)
- Leacock, Stephen, 119, 153
- Leafs. See Toronto Maple Leafs (Leafs)
- “Leary & Clinton and Their Various Fabulous Adventures”, 146, 147
- Leary, Percival “King” (character), 5–6; belief in the hockey myth, 140; and Canadian identity, 151–53, 158; and Chaplin’s Little Tramp character, 160; and Clay Clinton, 155, 157, 158; family relationships, 147–48; as a Faustian character, 250; and the fictional Stanley Cup game (1919), 144; and Francis Michael “King” Clancy, 138–39; hockey as a natural phenomenon, 140; nickname (“Loof-weeda, ”), 141, 149–50, 151; reform school education, 140–43; revelation and atonement, 159, 161–62, 163; and Roy Hobbs (The Natural (Malamud)), 143–44, 233; treatment of Manny, 147, 149, 150, 154, 159, 162; and World War I, 138, 145, 152
- Leith, Linda, 48
- Lesage, Jean, 109
- “Let’s Go Dancing” (Maggs), 259
- Lindsay, Ted, 108, 155, 263
- Livesay, Dorothy, 251
- Lorenz, Stacey, 79
- “Love and the Hockey Pool” (Harrison), 209
- luck, 223–25, 259–60
- Lumley, Harry, 259
- McCurdy, Bruce (Maggs interview), 251, 252
- MacDonald, Ranald (character), 34
- MacFarlane, John, 17
- MacGregor, Roy: autobiographical details, 18–19, 117–18. See also The Last Season (MacGregor)
- McKay, Don (“Before the Moon”), 297
- McKegney, Sam, 274, 283, 292
- Mackey, Eva, 68
- McKinley, Michael, 31, 32, 51, 71, 108
- MacLennan, Hugh: autobiographical details, 55; “Fury on Ice”, 47, 60. See also Two Solitudes (MacLennan)
- Maggs, Randall. See Night Work: The Sawchuk Poems (Maggs)
- Malamud, Bernard (The Natural), 143–44, 159, 233
- The Man from Glengarry (Connor), 34, 44
- manhood. See masculinity
- Manitoba Bison Women’s Hockey team, 231
- Maple Leaf Gardens, 155
- Maple Leafs. See Toronto Maple Leafs (Leafs)
- Marlowe, Christopher (The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus), 249, 269–70, 271
- Maroons. See Montreal Maroons (Maroons)
- Marshall, Albert, 291
- Marshall, Murdena, 291
- Martin, Paul, 192, 193, 200, 251
- Martin, Sandra (obituary of Stompin’ Tom Connors), 16–17
- masculinity: appropriate levels of violence in hockey, 80–84, 127, 285; backyard rink construction, 2; English public schools, 53; false promises (in King Leary (Quarrington)), 138, 145–47, 150; farting and belching, 150; hockey making boys men, 24, 127, 130, 146–47, 213; and homosexuality, 43, 148, 184; ideals of (explored in Richard Harrison’s poetry), 197–99, 200, 202, 208; “John Wayne” model (Gruneau and Whitson), 56, 127–28; limits of the myth of masculine identity (in The Last Season (MacGregor)), 128–29; “men’s movement”, 196–97; modesty, 35, 36, 78; parodied in Twenty Miles (Hedley), 234–35, 237; patriarchy, 37, 77–78; suppression of emotion (“keep it off the ice”), 82, 231–32, 239; “winning ugly” (Bobby Clarke’s 1972), 117. See also muscular Christianity
- Masterton, Bill, 23
- Maté, Gabor, 13, 288
- “Maurice” (Harrison), 201
- Melançon, Benoît, 106
- men’s movement, 196–97
- Methuen, Heather (character), 54, 58
- Midnight Hockey (Gaston), 224
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare), 179
- Milbury, Mike, 246
- Miller, J. Hillis, 12, 42
- Millson, Jane, 154
- Montreal Canadiens (Canadiens): cover art, 19, 195; in The Divine Ryans (Johnston), 169, 171, 180, 184–85; francophone identity, 50, 89, 90, 92, 108; in “The Hockey Sweater” (Carrier), 92, 94, 96, 105, 195; Les Canadiens (Salutin), 106, 107; and the Original Six era of the NHL, 90, 91, 94, 108, 109; Stanley Cup tournament (1955), 260; wives and girlfriends, 130. See also Richard, Maurice (The Rocket)
- Montreal Maroons (Maroons), 90, 91
- Montreal Rules, 32, 42
- Montreal Wanderers, 90
- moon: Carrier’s title, Les enfants du bonhomme dans la lune, 96, 111, 297, 299; and ice rinks, 2–3, 142, 297; symbolism in Indian Horse (Wagamese), 289–90, 297–98
- Moore, Benny (character), 79, 80–81, 82, 83, 128, 250, 281
- Morenz, Howie, 56, 106, 156, 183, 184
- Morrow, Don, 45
- Mountain Interval (“The Oven Bird” (Frost)), 252–53
- Mount Cashel Orphanage scandal, 168–69
- multicultural pluralism, 16, 57, 68, 73
- Munro, Archibald (character), 35
- Murray, Hughie (character), 34–36, 38, 39–40, 43
- muscular Christianity: Bill Spunska (Young’s juvenile hockey trilogy), 128; Canadian identity, 37, 38, 40–41, 42, 75, 119–20, 152; and class, 43; First Nations people, 44; and the hockey myth, 42, 298; northern climate, 37, 41, 75, 141; physical and spiritual strength, 36, 141, 168, 186, 276; and the role of hockey in residential schools, 276; Victorian social values, 37
- “My Father’s Face” (Harrison), 202
- “My Father’s Goodbye” (Harrison), 198
- “My Favourites (The National Game)” (Harrison), 206
- myths, 13–14, 299–300; classical illusions (in The Divine Ryans (Johnston)), 6, 172, 173, 175, 181, 182; in Les enfants du bonhomme dans la lune (Carrier), 97; in Hero of the Play (Harrison), 6, 192, 200–201, 205, 209; King Arthur, 141, 143; Maurice “the Rocket” Richard, 91, 105–6, 107, 109, 110, 185; Morenz’s cause of death, 156, 184; sports journalism (as myth-making), 118, 203; Vimy Ridge, Battle of, 152. See also hockey myth
- National Hockey League (NHL): Bobby Hull, 203–4, 207, 209; as Canadian institution, 14; childhood fantasies, 15, 89; Donald Draper (in The Divine Ryans (Johnston)), 180; early Anglophone bias, 50, 90; expansion of, 115, 135; in King Leary (Quarrington), 139, 144, 149, 152; Original Six era, 5, 90–91, 94, 107–9, 195, 230, 263; and Paul Tallard (in Two Solitudes (MacLennan)), 55; sexism, 246; Stanley Cup, 51; Super Series ’76, 131; women’s hockey, 230; working conditions and players’ rights, 109, 155, 261, 262, 263, 270–71. See also individual teams
- national identity. See Canadian identity
- The Natural (Malamud), 143–44, 159, 233
- “Neither Rhyme Nor Reason” (Maggs), 254–55
- Nesterenko, Eric, 267–68, 271
- “New York Hospital: I.C.U.” (Maggs), 268–69, 270
- NHL. See National Hockey League (NHL)
- “Night Time” (Maggs), 255
- Night Work: The Sawchuk Poems (Maggs), 6–7, 251–54, 263–64, 269, 270; poems: “Bachelors”, 267; “Big Dogs 1”, 251, 255; “Big Dogs 2”, 255; “Desperate Moves”, 260; “Different Ways of Telling Time”, 269; “Fair Trade”, 262; “The Famous Crouch”, 256–57; “The First Wife”, 255; “Hole in the Hat”, 258, 259; “Initia Gentis”, 256, 257–58; “The Last Faceoff”, 265; “Let’s Go Dancing”, 259; “Neither Rhyme Nor Reason”, 254–55; “New York Hospital: I.C.U.”, 268–69, 270; “Night Time”, 255; “Nothing but Moonlight Here”, 262; “The Question for Harry”, 259; “River of Ponds”, 267, 268, 271; “The Season of Wayward Thinking”, 266; “Sheet Metal”, 256; “Sir This or That”, 258–59; “Solid Ground”, 261–62; “The Last Faceoff”, 265; “Tidal Fears”, 264; “Tunnel to Windsor”, 266–67; “Writing on the Walls”, 258
- Norris, Isabel “Iz” (character): “Barbie” nickname, 233–34; experience of playing with boys, 232, 238, 239; on highlight reels, 18, 229, 231, 240; and Jacob, 236, 239, 241–42; motivation for playing hockey, 6, 242–45; physical appearance, 235–36; physicality, 232–33
- Northern Electric Verdun, 230
- northern geography, 14, 15; acquisition of Canadian identity, 7, 73, 273; anti-hockey myth, 26–27, 120; communal identity, 18–19; and Haliburton’s “healthy, hearty, virtuous” race, 33, 72, 119; and muscular Christianity, 37, 41, 75, 141; winter, settler and immigrant identities (in Young’s juvenile hockey trilogy), 71–72, 73; winter as a symbol of death (in King Leary (Quarrington)), 139–40, 141
- Norworth, Jack (“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”), 20
- “Nothing but Moonlight Here” (Maggs), 262
- Novak, Michael, 21, 126–27, 150–51, 159, 253
- O’Brien, J. Ambrose, 90
- Oliver, Mary, 264
- oralysis, 175, 176, 177, 180
- Oriard, Michael, 1, 3, 4, 18, 135, 143, 191
- Orr, Bobby, 117, 144; in The Last Season (MacGregor), 125, 128
- Osborne, Geraint, 79
- Ottawa Senators, 17, 138
- Our Life with the Rocket (Carrier), 101, 104, 109–10, 171, 299, 300
- “Out of Costume” (Harrison), 198
- “The Oven Bird” (Frost), 252–53
- Ozikean, Manny (character), 145; as a First Nations character, 154, 158, 159; Leary’s treatment of, 147, 149, 150, 154, 159, 162; snowball scene, 157; sporting accomplishments, 148–49
- patriarchy, 37, 77–78
- Philadelphia Flyers (Broad Street Bullies): Super Series ’76, 119, 132; in The Last Season (MacGregor), 5, 118, 123, 133, 135; violence in hockey, 115, 117, 124; wives and girlfriends, 130. See also Schultz, Dave
- Phillips, Trevor J., 274, 283
- Plante, Jacques (Sawchuk interview), 260
- Poulin, Marie-Philip, 245, 246
- professional hockey: Anglophone bias/privilege, 50, 51; Athanase Tallard’s team (in Two Solitudes (MacLennan)), 49; and conservative/critical imaginings, 19, 20, 24; Paul Tallard (in Two Solitudes (MacLennan)), 54–56, 58, 59–60; and somnambulism, 212. See also amateur ideals; National Hockey League (NHL)
- Professional Women’s Hockey League (PWHL), 245
- prose poetry, 192–94. See also The Hero of the Play (Harrison)
- pucks (symbolism and significance), 166, 172, 178–80, 226
- Purdy, Al (“Hockey Players”). See “Hockey Players” (Purdy)
- PWHL. See Professional Women’s Hockey League (PWHL)
- Quarrington, Paul. See King Leary (Quarrington)
- Queen’s University women’s hockey team, 230
- “The Question for Harry” (Maggs), 259
- race: immigrant identities and Canadian identity, 72, 73; multiculturalism in Young’s juvenile hockey trilogy, 16, 68, 72–73; stereotypes, 73, 146. See also First Nations people
- reality: Buddhism, 216; create/reveal dichotomy, 12, 42; and fantasy, 1, 3–4, 105
- Recovering the Naked Man (Harrison), 196, 197–99; poems: “Batman”, 198–99; “Bobby Hull”, 203, 204; “Confessions of a Sensitive Post-Feminist male”, 198; “I Wanted to be a Soldier”, 197–98; “My Father’s Goodbye”, 198; “Out of Costume”, 198
- religion: euphoria of athletic achievement, 151; hockey as (in “Hockey Players” (Purdy)), 25–26; and mythic thinking, 13; religious feeling (in “The Hockey Song” (Stompin’ Tom Connors)), 21; and sexuality, 173, 184. See also Buddhism; Catholic Church; muscular Christianity
- “Reunion or Grieving” (Harrison), 206, 208–9
- “Rhéaume” (Harrison), 238
- Rhéaume, Manon, 238
- Richard, Maurice (The Rocket), 87; in Il est par là, le soleil (Carrier), 100; myth of, 91, 105–6, 107, 109, 110; poems in The Hero of the Play (Harrison), 195, 201; and Roch Carrier, 87–88, 92–93, 96, 101, 110, 185, 299–300; suspension (1955), 260; workers’ rights, 109
- Richard Riot, 23, 82, 101, 260
- “River of Ponds” (Maggs), 267, 268, 271
- Robertson, John, 116
- Robidoux, Michael, 41, 42, 44
- Rocket. See Richard, Maurice (The Rocket)
- Ross, Brigadier-General A. E., 152
- Ryan, Donald (character): mystery of his death, 165, 166, 172, 179, 180, 182–84, 185, 188; pucks, significance, 178–79; sacrifice of, 167; sexuality, 173, 180, 184; son, relationship with, 172–73, 178, 184
- Ryan, Draper Doyle (character): Apuckalypse dream, 172, 180–82, 184–85; and the family trinity, power of, 166, 167, 168, 170–71, 174, 177, 183; father, relationship with, 172–73, 178, 184; as hero, 183–84, 191–92; as hockey fan, 171, 180, 185; hockey liturgy dream, 179–80, 181, 187; as hockey player, 171–72, 185; mystery of his father’s death, 165, 166, 172, 179, 180, 182–84, 185, 188; nightmares and bedwetting, 175–76; oralysis sessions, 175, 176, 177
- Ryan, Father Seymour (character), 166, 168, 169, 170, 187
- Ryan, Linda (character), 177
- Ryan, Mary, 177, 185–86, 192, 201
- Ryan, Phil (character), 166, 167–68, 169, 170, 174, 177, 183
- Ryan, Reginald (character), 167, 169, 174–75, 176, 177, 180, 183
- Salutin, Rick (Les Canadiens), 106, 107
- Sanders, T. C., 36
- Sasakamoose, Fred, 277
- “Saving Eve’s Father” (Gaston), 224–25, 226–27
- Sawchuk, Terry, 7; alcoholism and depression, 250, 255, 257, 261; competitive drive, 257, 258, 264; death, 254, 265, 267, 268, 269; death of his brother, Mitch, 257; family background, 256; as a Faustian character, 250, 264, 269, 270; injuries, 250, 253–54, 258–59, 260, 264, 265, 268; marriage, 266, 267; price of hockey success, 250–51, 262, 266, 271; Stanley Cup tournament (1967), 263, 264, 265. See also Night Work: The Sawchuk Poems (Maggs)
- Schultz, Dave: competitive drive, 123–24; ephemeral nature of triumph, 132–33; and Felix Batterinski (The Last Season (MacGregor)), 118, 119, 124, 125, 128, 129, 132; psychological response to violence, 115, 125–26; reputation, 129; on wives and girlfriends, 130
- Scrubs on Skates (Young, 1952): Canadian northern winter, 70, 71, 72; gender, 76, 77, 78; idealization of amateur school hockey, 84; multiculturalism, 16, 73; national allegories (settler and immigrant identities), 65–69; popularity of, 64; small town rinks, 75; violence in hockey, 80, 233, 285
- “The Season of Wayward Thinking” (Maggs), 266
- Sex Is Red (“Saving Eve’s Father” (Gaston)), 224–25, 226–27
- Shabogeesick (character), 278, 289, 292, 293
- Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, 165, 170; King Lear, 137, 139, 148, 161; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 179; The Winter’s Tale, 139
- Shannon, Danny (character), 122–23, 129
- “Sheet Metal” (Maggs), 256
- shinny, 31, 39, 45
- Shore, Eddie, 80, 195
- “Sir This or That” (Maggs), 258–59
- small towns: Canadian identity, 15, 19, 20, 65, 73–74, 75, 153, 158; critical imaginings (Pomerania in The Last Season (MacGregor)), 120–21; hockey myth, 15, 60, 65, 72–73, 75, 88–89, 119–21; poverty, 120, 121; racism and the magical powers of hockey, 280–81; “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (Norworth and Von Tilzer), 20, 21; “The Hockey Sweater” (Carrier), 93–94
- Smith, James A. K., 187
- Smith, James Steel, 64, 94
- Smythe, Conn, 65, 90, 91, 108, 138, 154–55
- “Solid Ground” (Maggs), 261–62
- space fantasies, 2
- Spunska, Bill (character): Canadian immigrant identity, 66, 68–69, 73, 78, 133–34; Canadian northern winter, 71, 72; and Felix Batterinski (The Last Season (MacGregor)), 118, 119, 124, 128, 133–34, 135; hockey violence, 80, 81–82, 83, 128, 233, 285; idealistic model for hockey success, 5, 119, 250; Peterborough setting, 74; small town rink, 75; and Young’s gender stereotyping, 76–77, 79
- Spunska, Mr. (character), 78
- Spunska, Mrs. (character), 77
- Stanley Cup: in The Divine Ryans (Johnston), 180–81, 184–85; in The Hero of the Play (Harrison), 200, 206–7; in “The Hockey Song” (Stompin’ Tom Connors), 17, 19; in King Leary (Quarrington), 144; in The Last Season (MacGregor), 118, 130, 135, 240; NHL acquisition, 51; and Terry Sawchuk, 250, 260, 263, 264; winning teams, 65, 94, 110, 115, 117, 260, 263
- “Stanley Cup” (Harrison), 207
- Starblanket, Noel, 276
- Staunton, Percy Boyd “Boy” (character), 156–57
- Stevens, Julie, 229, 230–31
- Stevens, Wallace (“Anecdote of the Jar”), 200
- Stewart, Ron, 265, 267
- Stompin’ Tom Connors (“The Hockey Song”), 11, 16–21, 28, 93, 195, 240
- Storey, Red, 251, 254–55
- Summit Series (1972), 115–17, 132, 204
- Super Series ’76, 131–32
- Sutherland, Captain James, 145
- “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (Norworth and Von Tilzer), 20
- Tallard, Athanase (character), 48–49, 50, 51, 53, 56
- Tallard, Paul (character), 51, 52, 53–56, 56–57, 58, 59–60, 285
- Tall Lives (Gaston), 216
- Tampa Bay Lightning, 238
- Team Canada, 141; Summit Series (1972), 115–17
- Terkel, Studs (Nesterenko interview), 267–68, 271
- That Old Gang of Mine (Young), 70, 250
- “This Is My Hockey” (Harrison), 202, 206
- “Tidal Fears” (Maggs), 264
- Tilzer, Albert Von (“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”), 20
- Tom Brown’s School Days (Hughes), 34, 36, 37, 41, 52
- Toronto Maple Leafs (Leafs): cover art, 19, 195; in The Divine Ryans (Johnston), 169; formation of, 90–91, 154; and Francis Michael “King” Clancy, 138, 154; and Harold Ballard, 155–56; and “The Hockey Song” (Stompin’ Tom Connors), 17, 19, 195; and The Hockey Sweater (Carrier), 88, 91, 93, 94, 96, 105, 110; in Il est par là, le soleil (Carrier), 100; Maple Leaf Gardens arena, 155; ownership, 65, 154; and Saul Indian Horse (in Indian Horse (Wagamese)), 279–80; Stanley Cup victory (1967), 263Rg check for more; and Young’s juvenile hockey trilogy, 65, 69, 74
- totsis, 234
- The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus (Marlowe), 249, 269–70, 271
- Tremblay, Tony (Gaston interview), 211
- tricksters, 174–75, 217
- Trungpa, Chögyam, 214, 218, 219
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015), 169, 283
- “Tunnel to Windsor” (Maggs), 266–67
- 25: Hockey Poems New and Revised (Harrison), 192
- Twenty Miles (Hedley): double standards and the university’s support of women’s hockey, 236–38; femininity and strength, 232–36; “keep it off the ice”, 231–32, 239, 240, 243; setting, 231; Terry’s death, 241. See also Norris, Isabel “Iz” (character)
- two-eyed seeing, 291–92
- Two Solitudes (MacLennan): blind spots, 57–58; French game, 48–50, 56; and the hockey myth, 48, 55, 59–60; idealization of Paul Tallard, 53–54, 285; Paul Tallard’s education, 50–53, 56; Paul Tallard’s professional hockey career, 54–56, 58, 59–60; publication and early reception, 48
- Two Years Ago (Kingsley), 36
- “The View from the Top” (Harrison), 200
- Vigneault, Michel, 49
- Vimy Ridge, Battle of, 152
- violence: appropriate level (in Young’s juvenile hockey trilogy), 65, 79–84, 285; celebration (in “Fury on Ice” (MacLennan)), 47, 60; Dave Schultz, 115, 118, 123–24, 125–26, 129; death of Bill Masterton, 23; fragility of reputation, 128–29; honour and the code, 40, 41, 65, 116, 126–27, 281, 284–85; ideals of muscular Christianity, 41; metaphorical choice of violent players (in “All-Time Game” (Harrison)), 195–96; NHL expansion, 115; normalization of, 117; physicality in women’s hockey, 231–32, 232–33; and reputation, 128–29; Saul Indian Horse, downfall of (in Indian Horse (Wagamese)), 284, 285, 286, 287–88; subversion of happy warrior trope (“Hockey Players” (Purdy)), 22–23; Team Canada (Summit Series 1972), 115, 116–17
- Von Tilzer, Albert (“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”), 20
- Wagamese, Richard. See Indian Horse (Wagamese)
- Walton, Shirley (Sawchuk interview), 268
- The Wars (Findley), 146
- The Water-Babies (Kingsley), 37
- Watterson, Bill (Calvin and Hobbes), 178
- Western Hockey League, 51
- Whitson, David, 14–15, 32, 64, 65, 68, 127–28, 140, 143
- “winning ugly”, 116–17
- The Winter’s Tale (Shakespeare), 139
- Wiseman, Richard, 224
- women: ‘gurl’ teachers (in Glendarry School Days (Connor)), 35, 38, 43; sexual activity (double bind), 286–87; wives and girlfriends, 122, 130–31, 147–48, 204, 213. See also femininity; women’s hockey
- women’s hockey: double-standards, 236–38, 245–46; femininity and strength, 232–36, 245; history of, 229–31, 245; “keeping it off the ice”, 231–32, 239, 240, 243, 246
- Wong, Benny (character), 68, 73, 281
- World Hockey Association, 115, 203
- “Writing on the Walls” (Maggs), 258
- Yalom, Irvin D., 176
- Young, Scott: Canadianizing effect of playing hockey, 69, 70; gender and family stereotypes, 76–79; hockey violence, 65, 79–84, 285; journalism, 64–65; multiculturalism, 16, 68, 72–73; northern climate as setting, 70–72; settler and immigrant identities, 65–69, 72, 73, 78–79; small town rinks, 73–75; That Old Gang of Mine, 70, 250
- Yun, Hsing, 216
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