“On the Causes of the First World War. 1914” in “Class Warrior”
On the Causes of the First World War 1914
This unsigned editorial by Kingsley in the Western Clarion in October 1914 resulted in the permanent end to his participation in the newspaper. It was viewed as a betrayal of working-class internationalism and a retreat into “national chauvinism” by many of his comrades in the Socialist Party of Canada.
The Affirmation of “German Culture”
The European war has now been on for a matter of two and a half months. Several hundred thousand men have been put out of commission, either permanently or temporarily. Cities, villages and hamlets have been destroyed and fields laid waste, over vast territories and yet all that has thus far occurred is but the prelude to that which is to follow. The performance thus far has been merely a sort of curtain raiser to the unfolding of the most stupendous and glorious drama of Christian blood and slaughter that has ever edified a cultured, cultivated and God-fearing people.
It is not necessary at this time to refer to any humbug or canting pretense indulged in by any of the Allies in this struggle. Whatever motives, either sordid or altruistic, may be responsible for their actions in the matter, will no doubt be uncovered in course of final settlement. He, however, who is possessed of sporting proclivities may safely offer extremely long odds on the sordid end of the proposition.
We are told that the terrific struggle now going on is that of “German civilization and culture” against the semi-Asiatic barbarism of Russia. At least that seems to be the German version of the affair. Granted that such is the case then we are in a position to be able to judge of the merit of that type or brand of “culture” which the Germans have been so emphatically affirming in Belgium for the last couple of months.
In order to strike a blow at Russian barbarism, “German culture” deemed it necessary to smite France. The French border being heavily fortified it would be no easy matter to invade France from that quarter, so the effort was made to get into France without cost, by crossing the territory of Belgium, and German “culture” was thus affirmed. The attempt was a coward’s trick. It was the effort of a cowardly bully to effect by bluff and bluster something that he had not the courage to attempt by open-handed means. And the attempt failed of its purpose because the Belgians called the bluff and stood up manfully in defense against this cowardly invasion of their territory.
Thus thwarted of their purpose the Germans proceeded to wreak vengeance upon those who had thwarted them. In all the history of savage warfare nothing is recorded more brutal, wanton and cruel than the German occupation and devastation of Belgium. A land laid waste, cities, villages and farmhouses destroyed, non-combatants, peasants, men, women and children murdered or mutilated, these are the tales that come to us and from so many hands and through so many channels that we cannot disbelieve them all, showing how completely and magnificently German “culture” has affirmed itself.
The levying of tribute upon captured towns used to be resorted to by the pirates and buccaneers of the Spanish main. It was by this gentle, refined and courteous method that pirate “culture” affirmed itself in those barbaric and uncivilized days. German “culture” has not only revived the practice, but greatly enlarged it in scope and efficiency.
Some canting hypocrites while condemning the brutal and atrocious conduct of German “culture” in precipitating and carrying on this war attempt to gloss over and excuse the conduct of the German people in connection therewith. They say, “we have no quarrel with the German people; it is German militarism that we condemn.” They forget that German militarism cannot exist except by and with the approval of the German people. As far as we have been able to learn, not a single German in the whole lot refused to fight. Apparently they approved of the war and took up arms, at the Kaiser’s bidding, solid to a man. The Socialist members of the Reichstag voted the war credits thus assuming their share of the responsibility for the subsequent slaughter and devastation. And Socialist members also went abroad on behalf of the Kaiser’s government to induce the workers of other lands to take sides with it in the glorious crusade of blood and butchery on behalf of German “culture.”
German militarism is, undoubtedly, the normal and healthy expression of the German people and that, too, in spite of the noisy pretence upon the part of some four millions of them in being Socialists. They are just as earnestly and zealously engaged in killing the workmen of other lands as though they had never heard of Socialism. They have shown themselves traitors to the international working class and must and should be exterminated the same as any other enemy. Like our Italian comrades, we hope “that those who instigated this war will be crushed by it.” Those who aided and abetted it, and still are doing so, are included among the instigation.
Our comrades of Belgium and France are justified in fighting, as they are fighting in self-defence and against “traitor workmen.” The triumph of German “culture” would mean for France and Belgium a sinking to the reactionary level of Germany with its workers so obsessed with militarism as to make them traitors to the international working class. There is probably much yet to be desired in the way of democracy in Western Europe, but, even so, political conditions there are preferable to those of any military crazy house like Germany. We hope the Allies succeed in crushing Germany speedily and effectively and that when this is accomplished may they all be so completely broke financially that they will be compelled to forego the continued luxury of those huge military and naval establishments alongside of which “peace” is an impossibility and “good will” a pipe dream.
While German “culture” sits enthroned at Brussels with Belgium prostrate and helpless, not a neutral either hound or pup in the international dog kennel has sand enough in its “innards” to bark out a protest against this brutal outrage upon a fellow neutral. Perhaps it is not so much a lack of sand as a lack of decency. Even now it is not too late for the neutral nations to notify the apostles of German “culture” to vacate the Belgian premises and make good the damage, as far as it can be made good, by payment. A demand of this sort accompanied by a gentle intimation that non-compliance therewith would necessitate the sending of armed forces to aid the Allies in enforcing the demand would in no way tend to prolong the war and its attendant horrors.
It is useless, however, to speculate on such unlikely happenings. There is probably not a neutral in the lot that is actuated by any loftier motive than trying to extract trade chestnuts from the fire without burning its own sordid fingers.
—“The Affirmation of ‘German Culture,’” Western Clarion, 24 Oct. 1914, 2.
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