“List of Contributors” in “The Finest Blend”
Alicia Adlington is the Distance Programs Coordinator in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Alicia has worked in postsecondary education for over 10 years in a number of student engagement roles. Recent successes include developing and delivering sessions to help new graduate students acclimate themselves to the online learning environment.
Shaily Bhola is a PhD student in the Learning Sciences at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. In her research, she focuses on understanding how collaborative argumentation among undergraduate chemistry students can influence their individual meaning making of concepts. She has taught chemistry at the University of Delhi, India, and has been a part of research teams in the United States.
Denise Carew is a Senior Instructional Designer at Memorial University of Newfoundland. While working in a postgraduate technology learning institute, she completed her Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Education and Human Resource Studies, Colorado State University, online offering. Denise specialized in instructional design and performance improvement through the use of training and support. Her interests lie in instructional design and the use of technology for learning in higher education.
Jane Costello is an award-winning Senior Instructional Designer at the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has a PhD from Lancaster University, UK, in eResearch and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she has a background in educational technology, open educational resources, adult learning, and human performance technology. Jane has published or presented in the areas of networked learning, effective use of social media, mobile learning, and guest speakers. Currently, her focus is on instructional design of online courses, effective integration of emerging technology in learning events, learning resources, and tablet learning.
Daph Crane is a Senior Instructional Design Specialist at the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has a Master’s of Distance Education from Athabasca University. Daph has extensive experience in instructional design, and her research interests are in online assessment and feedback and their impacts on learning.
Michael Fairbrother is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. His doctoral dissertation focuses on understanding the influence of teachers’ professional learning on classroom instruction with students who have difficulty learning how to read.
Shehzad Ghani is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. With a background in Computer Information Systems, his current research interests are digital learning, educational innovation, and formative assessment.
Jane Hanson is a teacher with the Calgary Board of Education. She has been involved with online teaching and learning for over 15 years. She is passionate about online teaching and learning and course development. Jane is currently working with the University of Calgary with online tech support as well as developing and implementing the Online Success Orientation Program.
Michele Jacobsen is a Professor and the Associate Dean, Graduate Programs, at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Her current research projects include the design and evaluation of participatory learning environments that sponsor knowledge building and intellectual engagement, interdisciplinary approaches to peer mentoring for strong transitions to graduate school, and complex adaptive learning systems in high schools.
Carol Johnson is a Senior Lecturer in Music (Online Learning and Educational Technology in Music) at the University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on online music pedagogy, teaching and learning online, and development of teaching capacity for online faculty.
Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier is an adjunct faculty member with Yorkville University, Fredericton campus, where she teaches courses in the Master of Education in Adult Education and Master of Education in Educational Leadership streams and supervises graduate student research. Wendy is also engaged in supporting faculty members’ online pedagogical processes at St. Francis Xavier University. Her own research and writing include effective instructional design and explorations of how adult learning theory and technology can be used in physical and virtual classrooms to promote accessible, collaborative, and safe learning for students of differing ages and abilities.
Sawsen Lakhal is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy at Université de Sherbrooke, QC, and Director of CRIFPE-Sherbrooke. Her research interests include acceptance and use of technology in education, persistence in online and blended courses and programs, and assessment within competency-based education programs.
Yang (Flora) Liu is a Learning and Instructional Design Specialist in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary. Her work provides support to online teaching activity and course/module design and development for faculty. Currently, Flora is also a PhD candidate in Learning Sciences. Her research interest is in teacher-designed games.
Jennifer Lock is a Professor and Vice Dean in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Her area of specialization is in the Learning Sciences. Her current research interests are in e-learning, change and innovation in education, scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education, and experiential learning through making and makerspaces.
Dorothea Nelson is a PhD candidate in Learning Sciences at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Her research interests include participatory action research, networked learning, the Community of Inquiry framework, third space, transcultural learning, and culturally sensitive course design, particularly the design of a library science program for students within the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.
Gale Parchoma was an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum Studies: Educational Technology and Design, University of Saskatchewan. She was also the National Program Coordinator for Canada’s Collaboration for Online Higher Education Research (COHERE), an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Calgary, and an associate member of the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University in England. Her research interests were focused on socio-material dimensions of the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Pam Phillips is a Senior Instructional Designer at the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL), Memorial University of Newfoundland. She is a certified project manager and a per course instructor with the Faculty of Education at Memorial. Pam has extensive experience in instructional design, training and development, project management, and teaching in higher education in the area of educational technology and learning resources. Her research interests are in effective technology integration.
Thomas Michael Power was, now retired, a Full Professor of Educational Technology in the Faculty of Education, Laval University, QC. His research focuses primarily on blended online learning design (BOLD) modelling at dual-mode universities in order to improve learner experience and sustain university outreach.
Marlon Simmons is an Assistant Professor at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. His research interests include culture and leadership and governance of the self in educational settings. Marlon’s scholarly work is grounded in the diasporic and communicative network practices of youth. Related to his educational inquiry are the scholarship of teaching and learning and the role of socio-material relations in enhancing student learning.
Kathy Snow is an Assistant Professor of Education and the Teaching and Learning Chair for Open, Online and Blended Learning (2016–19) at Cape Breton University, NS. Before moving to CBU, Kathy worked as an Instructional Designer at the Univesity of Manitoba in Winnipeg. She is the current editor of the Journal of Professional, Online, and Continuing Education.
Maurice Taylor is a Full Professor and Chair of University Teaching in the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. His research interests are in adult learning and development and blended learning pedagogy.
Jay Wilson is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Curriculum Studies at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. His research centres on innovation in teacher education, experiential learning, and design studio learning environments. He works to support the understanding and growth of pre-service and in-service teachers through his service and scholarship.
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