“Notes” in “The Practice of Human Resource Management in Canada”
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Practice of Human Resource Management
1 C. Perkel, Medical officer hid relationships with fraudster during his hiring as CFO, National Post, January 31, 2020, https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/medical-officer-hid-relationship-with-fraudster-during-his-hiring-as-cfo; Canadian Press, Barker hid relationship with fraudster during hiring as CFO: Report, Sault Star, February 3, 2020, https://www.saultstar.com/news/local-news/barker-hid-relationship-with-fraudster-during-hiring-as-cfo-report.
2 P. Collins & S. Bilge, Intersectionality (2nd ed.) (Polity Press, 2002).
3 D. Doorey, The law of work: Common law and the regulation of work (2nd ed.) (Emond, 2020).
4 D. Broad & G. Hunter, Work, welfare, and the new economy, in N. Pupo & M. Thomas (Eds.), Interrogating the new economy: Restructuring work in the 21st century (pp. 21–42) (University of Toronto Press, 2010).
5 M. Yates, Naming the system: Inequality and work in the global economy (Monthly Review Press, 2003).
6 I. Bakker, Social reproduction and the constitution of a gendered political economy, New Political Economy, 12(4) (2007), 541–556.
7 H. Drost & R. Hird, Introduction to the Canadian labour market (2nd ed.) (Nelson, 2005).
8 L. Vosko, Precarious employment: Understanding labour market insecurity in Canada (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006).
9 F. Fong, Navigating precarious employment in Canada: Who is really at risk? (Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, 2018).
10 M. Porter, Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance (Free Press, 1985).
11 D. Kaushik & U. Mukherjee, High-performance work system: A systematic review of literature, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 30(6) (2022), 1624–1643.
12 D. Bowen & C. Ostroff, Understanding HRM-firm performance linkages: The role of the “strength” of the HRM system, Academy of Management Review, 29(2) (2004), 203–221.
13 J. Storey, Human resource management today: An assessment, in J. Storey (Ed.), Human resource management: A critical text (2nd ed.) (pp. 3–20) (Nelson, 2009).
14 J. Delery & D. Doty, Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Test of universalistic, contingency and configurational performance predictions, Academy of Management Journal, 39(4) (1996), 802–815.
15 K. Anderson et al., The effect of SHRM practices on perceived firm financial performance: Some initial evidence from Australia, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 45(2) (2007), 168–179.
16 L. Harris & E. Ogbonna, Strategic human resource management, market orientation, and organizational performance, Journal of Business Research, 51(2) (2001), 157–166.
17 V. Haines et al., The influence of human resource management practices on employee voluntary turnover rates in the Canadian non governmental sector, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 63(2) (2010), 228–246.
Chapter 2: Employment Law
1 British Columbia (Public Service Employee Relations Commission) v. British Columbia Government Service Employees’ Union, [1999] 3 SCR 3.
2 M. Emara, Where are they now?, March 19, 2020, https://supremeadvocacy.ca/2020/03/19/where-are-they-now/.
3 D. Doorey, The law of work: Common law and the regulation of work (2nd ed.) (Emond, 2020).
4 Ibid.
5 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c. 11, https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-15.html.
6 Vriend v. Alberta, [1998] 1 SCR 493.
7 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v. Saskatchewan, [2015] 1 SCR 245.
8 K. Mirchandani & S. Bromfield, Roundabout wage theft: The limits of regulatory protections for Ontario workers in precarious jobs, Journal of Labour and Society, 22 (2019), 661–677.
9 N. Narwa, International student wins $16k in unpaid wages after going public with labour fight, CBC News, February 28, 2022, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/brampton-student-wins-labour-dispute-1.6364821.
10 J. Foster et al., Fear factory: Retaliation and rights claiming in Alberta, Canada, Journal of Workplace Rights, 8(2) (2018), 1–12.
11 J. Foster & B. Barnetson, Health and safety in Canadian workplaces (Athabasca University Press, 2016).
12 Ibid.
13 Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada, National work injury, disease and fatality statistics (Author, 2019), http://awcbc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/National-Work-Injury-Disease-and-Fatality-Statistics-2016-2018.pdf.
14 B. Barnetson et al., Estimating underclaiming of compensable workplace injuries in Alberta, Canada, Canadian Public Policy, 44(4) (2018), 400–410.
15 B. Barnetson & J. Matsunaga-Turnbull, Safer by design: How Alberta can improve workplace safety (Parkland Institute & Alberta Workers’ Health Centre, 2018), https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/parklandinstitute/pages/1569/attachments/original/1524676203/saferbydesign.pdf?1524676203.
16 W. Meredith, Final report (Author, 1913), http://awcbc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/meredith_report.pdf.
17 B. Barnetson The political economy of workplace injury in Canada (Athabasca University Press, 2010).
18 Prism Economics and Analysis, Claims suppression in the Manitoba Workers’ Compensation System: A research report (Author, 2013), https://www.wcb.mb.ca/sites/default/files/Manitoba%20WCB%20Claim%20Suppression%20Report%20-%20Final-1.pdf.
19 E. MacEachen et al., A deliberation on “hurt versus harm” logic in early return-to-work policy, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 5(2) (2007), 41–62.
20 Canada (Attorney General) v. Johnstone, 2014 FCA 110 (CanLII).
21 Streeter v. HR Technologies, 2009 HRTO 841.
22 Doorey, The law of work.
Chapter 3: Workflow, Job Analysis, and Job Design
1 E. Basker, Change at the checkout: Tracing the impact of a process innovation, Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(2) (2015), 339–370.
2 E. Basker & T. Simcoe, Upstream, downstream: Diffusion and economic impacts of the universal product code, January 18, 2018, https://voxeu.org/article/how-barcode-changed-retailing.
3 H. Tuller, Grocery store clerks, Healthday News, December 31, 2020, https://perma.cc/WCE4-4DKD.
4 A. Sagan, Metro to double number of stores with self-checkouts amid labour crunch, BNN Bloomberg, November 20, 2019, https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/metro-quarterly-same-store-sales-rise-for-food-pharmacy-1.1350969.
5 S. Harris, Why some stores have pulled their self-checkout machines, CBC News, February 10, 2019, https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/canadian-tire-self-checkout-cashiers-automation-1.5011981.
6 C. Gilligan, In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development (Harvard University Press, 1982).
7 A. Hochschild, The managed heart (University of California Press, 1983).
8 A. Warton, The affective consequences of service work: Managing emotions on the job, Work and Occupations, 20(2) (1993), 205–232.
9 K. Pugliesi, The consequences of emotional labour: Effects on work stress, job satisfaction, and well being, Motivation and Emotion, 23(2) (1999), 125–154.
10 R. Hackman & G. Oldham, Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory, Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, 16 (1976), 250–279.
11 Ibid.
12 Y. Fried & G. Ferris, The validity of the job characteristics model: A review and meta-analysis, Personnel Psychology, 40 (1987), 287–322.
13 Ibid.; S. Behson et al., The importance of the critical psychology states in the job characteristics model: A meta-analytic and structural equations modeling examination, Current Research in Social Psychology, 5(12) (2000), 170–189.
14 M. Adria & A. Woudstra, Who’s on the line? Managing student interactions in distance education using a one-window approach, Open Learning, 16(3) (2001), 249–261.
15 A. Kondra et al., Call centres in distance education, in T. Anderson (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (pp. 367–396) (Athabasca University Press, 2008).
16 S. Zhang et al., A work-life conflict perspective on telework, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 141 (2020), 51–68, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2020.09.007.
17 T. Tan & S. Netessine, When does the devil make work?: An empirical study of the impact of workload on worker productivity, Management Science, 60(6) (2014), 1574–1593.
18 B. Barnetson, Canada’s labour market training system (Athabasca University Press, 2018).
Chapter 4: Human Resource Strategy and Planning
1 K. Zarzour, Almost 100 registered nurse positions to be cut at Southlake Hospital, Yorkregion.com, September 22, 2020, https://www.yorkregion.com/news-story/10206713-almost-100-registered-nurse-positions-to-be-cut-at-southlake-hospital/.
2 M. Porter, Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance (Free Press, 1985).
3 M. Armstrong & A. Baron, Strategic HRM: The key to improved business performance (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2002).
4 P. Wright et al., Current approaches to HR strategies: Inside-out versus outside-in, Human Resource Planning, 27 (4) (2004), 36–46.
5 P. Wright & S. Snell, Towards a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource management, Academy of Management Review, 23(4) (1998), 756–772.
6 Porter, Competitive advantage.
7 D. Mills, Planning with people in mind, Harvard Business Review, July–August 1985, 97–105.
8 Ibid.
9 N. Taleb, The black swan: The impact of the highly improbable (Random House, 2010).
10 M. Hawkesworth, Theoretical issues in policy analysis (Oxford University Press, 1988).
11 Government of Canada, Labour force characteristics by province, monthly, seasonally adjusted, Table: 14-10-0287-03, 2021, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028703.
12 Government of Canada, Job bank, 2021, https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/outlook-occupation/21460/ca.
13 Government of Canada, Canadian occupational projection system, 2019, https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/e80851b8-de68-43bd-a85c-c72e1b3a3890.
14 Government of Alberta, Alberta’s occupational outlook, 2019, https://open.alberta.ca/publications/albertas-occupational-outlook.
15 Canada, Construction Sector Council, The state of women in construction in Canada (Author, 2010).
16 J. Foster & B. Barnetson, Who’s on secondary? The impact of temporary foreign workers on Alberta construction employment patterns, Labour/Le Travail, 80 (2017), 27–53.
17 H. O’Neill & J. Lenn, Voices of survivors: Words that CEOs should hear, Academy of Management Executives, 9(4) (1995), 23–33.
18 P. Dolan et al., It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it: Characteristics of procedural justice and their importance in social decision-making, Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 64(1) (2007), 157–170.
19 A. Hale, 2020 sunshine list: CAO tops list of Newmarket’s 186 top-earning public sector employees, Newmarket Today, March 23, 2021, https://www.newmarkettoday.ca/local-news/2020-sunshine-list-cao-tops-list-of-newmarkets-186-top-earning-public-sector-employees-3567841.
20 E. Payne, Desperate hospitals seek nurses, offer signing bonuses, Healthing.ca, https://www.healthing.ca/partners/healthcare-professionals/desperate-hospitals-seek-nurses-offer-signing-bonuses.
Chapter 5: Recruitment
1 J. Dastin, Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women, Technology News, October 9, 2018, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-jobs-automation-insight/amazon-scraps-secret-ai-recruiting-tool-that-showed-bias-against-women-idUSKCN1MK08G.
2 Job seekers line up for part-time work at Saddledome job fair, Global News, August 22, 2016, https://globalnews.ca/news/2896020/calgary-job-seekers-expected-to-pack-saddledome-job-fair/.
3 A. Saxena, Workforce diversity: A key to improve productivity, Procedia Economics and Finance, 11 (2014), 76–85, https://doi.org/10.1016/S2212-5671(14)00178-6.
4 W. T. Self et al., Balancing fairness and efficiency: The impact of identity-blind and identity-conscious accountability on applicant screening (R. E. Tractenberg, Ed.), PLOS ONE, 10(12) (2015), e0145208, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0145208.
5 F. Dobbin & A. Kalev, Why diversity programs fail, Harvard Business Review, July/August (2016), 52–60.
6 S. Hawkins, The long arc of diversity bends towards equality: Deconstructing the progressive critique of workplace diversity efforts, University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class, 16(1) (2016), 61–116.
7 S. Cheng et al., Challenging diversity training myths, Organizational Dynamics, 48(4) (2019), 100678, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2018.09.001; Hawkins, The long arc of diversity.
8 N. Tiku, Three years of misery inside Google, the happiest company in tech, Wired Magazine, August 13, 2019, https://www.wired.com/story/inside-google-three-years-misery-happiest-company-tech/.
9 A. Blakemore & D. Hoffman, Seniority rules and productivity: An empirical test, Economica, 56 (1989), 359–371; F. Belloc & M.D’Antoni, The elusive effect of employment protection on labor turnover, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 54 (2020), 11–25, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.strueco.2020.04.001; P.Böckerman et al., Seniority rules, worker mobility and wages: Evidence from multi-country linked employer-employee data, Labour Economics, 51 (2018), 48–62, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2017.11.006.
10 K. Matos et al., Toxic leadership and the masculinity contest culture: How “win or die” cultures breed abusive leadership: Toxic leadership, Journal of Social Issues, 74(3) (2018), 500–528, https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12284; T. Jana et al., Erasing institutional bias: How to create systemic change for organizational inclusion, (Oakland: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Incorporated, 2018).
11 Randstad Canada, Is technology helping or hindering the job search process?, November 11, 2019, https://www.randstad.ca/employers/workplace-insights/workplace-innovation/infographic-is-technology-helping-or-hindering-the-job-search-process/.
12 Top Draw Inc., Online advertising costs in 2021, March 26, 2021, https://www.topdraw.com/insights/is-online-advertising-expensive/.
13 Statistics Canada, Job vacancies, third quarter 2019, The Daily (Statistics Canada), December 17, 2019; Statistics Canada, Table 14-10-0328-08 (2023).
14 A. Smith, Searching for work in the digital era, Pew Research Center (blog), November 19, 2015, https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/11/19/searching-for-work-in-the-digital-era/; L. Adler, New survey reveals 85% of all jobs are filled via networking, Linkedin.com (blog), February 29, 2016, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-survey-reveals-85-all-jobs-filled-via-networking-lou-adler.
15 B. Barnetson, Canada’s labour market training system (Athabasca University Press, 2018).
16 J. Lauret, Amazon’s sexist recruiting tool: How did it go so wrong?, Becoming Human, August 16, 2019, https://becominghuman.ai/amazons-sexist-ai-recruiting-tool-how-did-it-go-so-wrong-e3d14816d98e.
Chapter 6: Selection
1 L.A. Harris, Rebuilding the foundation: External review into systemic racism and oppression at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, (Canadian Museum for Human rights, 2020).
2 M. Bertrand & S. Mullainathan, Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A field experiment on labor market discrimination, The American Economic Review, 94(4) (2004), 991–1013; S. K. Kang et al., Whitened résumés: Race and self-presentation in the labor market, Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(3) (2016), 469–502, https://doi.org/10.1177/0001839216639577.
3 M. S. Cole et al., Interaction of recruiter and applicant gender in resume evaluation: A field study, Sex Roles, 51(9–10) (2004), 597–608, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-004-5469-1.
4 E. Derous & R. Pepermans, Gender discrimination in hiring: Intersectional effects with ethnicity and cognitive job demands, Archives of Scientific Psychology, 7(1) (2019), 40–49, https://doi.org/10.1037/arc0000061.
5 W. T. Self et al., Balancing fairness and efficiency: The impact of identity-blind and identity-conscious accountability on applicant screening (R. E. Tractenberg, Ed.), PLOS ONE, 10(12) (2015), e0145208, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0145208.
6 G. S. Jelf, A narrative review of post-1989 employment interview research, Journal of Business and Psychology, 14(1) (1999), 25–58, https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022954316857.
7 M. A. McDaniel et al., The validity of employment interviews: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(4) (1994), 599–616, https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.79.4.599.
8 G. J. Sears & P. M. Rowe, A personality-based similar-to-me effect in the employment interview: Conscientiousness, affect versus competence-mediated interpretations, and the role of job relevance, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 35(1) (2003), 13–24, https://doi.org/10.1037/h0087182.
9 J. Levashina et al., The structured employment interview: Narrative and quantitative review of the research literature, Personnel Psychology, 67(1) (2014), 241–293, https://doi.org/10.1111/peps.12052.
10 R. A. Posthuma et al., Beyond employment interview validity: A comprehensive narrative review of recent research and trends over time, Personnel Psychology, 55(1) (2002), 1–81, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-6570.2002.tb00103.x.
11 S. Macdonald, Work-place alcohol and other drug testing: A review of the scientific evidence, Drug and Alcohol Review, 1693 (1997), 251–259; J. Hoffman & C. Larison, Drug use, workplace accidents and employee turnover, Journal of Drug Issues, 28(2) (1999), 341–364; J. Beach et al., Final report: A literature review of the role of alcohol and drugs in contributing to work-related injury (University of Alberta, 2006); K. Pidd & M. Roche, How effective is drug testing as a workplace safety strategy? A systematic review of the evidence, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 71 (2014), 154–165; W. Biasutto et al., Systematic review of cannabis use and risk of occupational injury, Substance Use & Misuse, 55(11) (2020), 1733–1745.
12 D. Doorey, The law of work: Common law and the regulation of work (2nd ed.) (Emond, 2020).
13 V. Catano et al., Recruitment and selection in Canada (TopHat, 2016).
14 L. M. Hough & A. Furnham, Use of personality variables in work settings, in I. B. Weiner (Ed.), Handbook of psychology (wei1207) (John Wiley & Sons, 2003), https://doi.org/10.1002/0471264385.wei1207.
15 B. Puplampu et al., Reference taking in employee selection: Predication or verification, IFE PsychologIA, (1) (2003), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.4314/ifep.v11i1.23435
16 CareerBuilder, More than half of employers have found content on social media that caused them NOT to hire a candidate, according to recent CareerBuilder survey, August 9, 2018, https://press.careerbuilder.com/2018-08-09-More-Than-Half-of-Employers-Have-Found-Content-on-Social-Media-That-Caused-Them-NOT-to-Hire-a-Candidate-According-to-Recent-CareerBuilder-Survey.
17 HBR Editors, Stop screening job candidates’ social media, Harvard Business Review, September/October (2021), https://hbr.org/2021/09/stop-screening-job-candidates-social-media.
18 L. Zhang et al., What’s on job seekers’ social media sites? A content analysis and effects of structure on recruiter judgments and predictive validity, Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12) (2020), 1530–1546, https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000490.
Chapter 7: Orientation and Training
1 D. Bilefsky, “I’m speaking out”: Calgary firefighters allege decades of racism, New York Times, February 12, 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/11/world/canada/calgary-firefighters-racism.html.
2 A. Toy, Calgary fire chief Dongworth admits to racism problem in CFD, outlines plan, Global News, February 10, 2021, https://globalnews.ca/news/7633673/calgary-fire-chief-racism-problem-plan/.
3 S. Cotsman & C. Hall, Learning cultures lead the way: Learning and development outlook (14th ed.) (Conference Board of Canada, 2018).
4 B. Barnetson, Canada’s labour market training system (Athabasca University Press, 2018).
5 E. Vallance, Hiding the hidden curriculum: An interpretation of the language of justification in nineteenth-century educational reform, Curriculum Theory Network, 4(1) (1973–1974) 5–21.
6 J. Anyon, Social class and the hidden curriculum of work, Journal of Education, 162(1) (1980), 67–92.
7 A. Saks & R. Haccoun, Managing performance through training and development (8th ed.) (Nelson, 2019).
8 T. Sitzmann, A meta-analytic examination of the instructional effectiveness of computer-based simulation games, Personnel Psychology, 64 (2011), 489–528.
9 R. Gagne et al., Principles of instructional design (5th ed.) (Wadsworth, 2005).
10 K. Bezrukova et al., A meta-analytical integration of over 40 years of research on diversity training evaluation, Psychological Bulletin, 142(11) (2016), 1227–1274.
11 K. Kraiger, Decision-based evaluation, in K. Kraiger (Ed.), Creating, implementing and managing effective training and development (pp. 331–375) (Jossey-Bass, 2001).
12 A. Saks & L. Burke, An investigation into the relationship between training evaluation and the transfer of training, International Journal of Training and Development, 16(2) (2012), 118–127.
13 K. Wallace, Creating an effective new employee orientation program, Library Leadership and Management, 23(4) (2009), 168–176.
14 H. Klein et al., Specific onboarding practices for the socialization of new employees, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 23(3) (2015), 263–283.
15 M. Meyer & L. Bartels, The impact of onboarding levels on perceived utility, organizational commitment, organizational support, and job satisfaction, Journal of Organizational Psychology, 17(5) (2017), 10–27.
16 Toy, Calgary fire chief Dongworth.
Chapter 8: Wages and Benefits
1 A. Makhoul & Caledon Institute of Social Policy, The living wage learning initiative, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, Ottawa, 2005, https://www.deslibris.ca/ID/200725.
2 Statistics Canada, Table 14-10-0064-01 Labour force survey, 2023.
3 S. Block et al., Canada’s colour coded income inequality, 2019, http://www.deslibris.ca/ID/10102903.
4 Conference Board of Canada, Income of people with disabilities, April 2017, https://www.conferenceboard.ca/hcp/provincial/society/disability-income.aspx.
5 J. French, U of A academics vote to accept pay raise for female professors, Edmonton Journal, April 16, 2019, https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/u-of-a-academics-vote-to-accept-pay-raise-for-female-professors.
6 Salaries are derived from occupational profiles located on alis.alberta.ca.
7 M. Wayland, Scandal at Nissan deepens as CEO Saikawa resigns after admitting he was improperly overpaid, CNBC News, September 9, 2019, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/09/nissan-ceo-saikawa-to-step-down-on-september-16.html.
8 L. Mishel & J. Wolfe, CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, DC, August 14, 2019.
9 D. Macdonald, Breakfast of champions: CEO pay in 2021, 2023, https://policyalternatives.ca/newsroom/news-releases/canadian-ceo-pay-soars-new-all-time-high-due-inflation-report.
10 Mishel & Wolfe, CEO compensation.
11 J. Colombo, “Why has the U.S. CEO-to-worker pay ratio increased so much?,” Forbes Magazine, August 31, 2019, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jessecolombo/2019/08/31/why-has-the-u-s-ceo-to-worker-pay-ratio-increased-so-much/?sh=67c4ca3f455e; X. Gabaix & A. Landier, Why has CEO pay increased so much?, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(1) (2008), 49–100.
12 Mishel & Wolfe, CEO compensation.
13 J. E. Stiglitz, The price of inequality (W. W. Norton & Company, 2013).
14 G. Pransky et al., “Under-reporting of work-related disorders in the workplace: A case study and review of the literature,” Ergonomics, 42(1) (1999), 171–182, https://doi.org/10.1080/001401399185874.
15 R. Tranjan, Towards an inclusive economy syncing EI to the reality of low-wage work, 2019, https://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/towards-inclusive-economy.
16 B. Barnetson, The political economy of workplace injury in Canada (Athabasca University Press, 2010).
17 S. Smith, Survey reveals majority of workers would rather work from home, EHS Today, August 19, 2013, https://www.ehstoday.com/health/article/21915844/survey-reveals-majority-of-workers-would-rather-work-from-home; A. Powell & L. Craig, Gender differences in working at home and time use patterns: Evidence from Australia, Work, Employment & Society, 29(4) (2015), 571–589, https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017014568140.
18 C. Sullivan & S. Lewis, Home-based telework, gender, and the synchronization of work and family: Perspectives of teleworkers and their co-residents, Gender, Work & Organization, 8(2) (2001), 123–145, https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0432.00125.
19 K. Mirchandani, “‘The best of both worlds’ and ‘cutting my own throat’: Contradictory images of home-based work,” Qualitative Sociology, 23(2) (2000), 159–182, https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005448415689.
20 Employers see significant ROI in EFAPs, Canadian HR Reporter, November 18, 2014, https://www.hrreporter.com/news/hr-news/employers-see-significant-roi-in-efaps/280447.
21 T. Donalson, Trends report 2016 (Chestnut Global Partners, 2016).
22 C. Lieberman, What wellness programs don’t do for workers, Harvard Business Review, August 14, 2019, https://hbr.org/2019/08/what-wellness-programs-dont-do-for-workers.
23 US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Wellness programs, https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/wellness-programs/.
24 F. Gathright, The business case for wellness programs, Corporate Wellness Magazine (blog), 2015, https://www.corporatewellnessmagazine.com/article/the-business-case-for-wellness-programs.
25 L. Solow, The scourge of worker wellness programs, The New Republic, September 2, 2019, https://newrepublic.com/article/154890/scourge-worker-wellness-programs.
26 H. De La Torre & R. Goetzel, How to design a corporate wellness plan that actually works, Harvard Business Review, March 16, 2016, https://hbr.org/2016/03/how-to-design-a-corporate-wellness-plan-that-actually-works.
27 J. Reif et al., Effects of a workplace wellness program on employee health, health beliefs, and medical use: A randomized clinical trial, JAMA Internal Medicine, 180(7) (2020), 952–960, https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.1321.
28 Z. Song & K. Baicker, Effect of a workplace wellness program on employee health and economic outcomes: A randomized clinical trial, JAMA, 321(15) (2019), 1500, https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2019.3307.
29 D. Jones et al., What do workplace wellness programs do? Evidence from the Illinois Workplace Wellness Study, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, January 2018, https://doi.org/10.3386/w24229.
30 Statistics Canada, Pension plans in Canada, as of January 1, 2019, The Daily, August 13, 2020, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/200813/dq200813b-eng.htm.
Chapter 9: Performance Management, Discipline, and Termination
1 Babcock v. C. & R. Weickert Enterprises Ltd., No. CanLII 3112 (NSCA) (Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, January 4, 1993).
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Chapter 11: The Practice of Human Resource Management
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