“Series Page” in “Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity”
Issues in Distance Education
Series editor: Terry Anderson
Titles in the Series
The Theory and Practice of Online Learning, Second Edition
Edited by Terry Anderson
Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training
Edited by Mohamed Ally
A Designer’s Log: Case Studies in Instructional Design
Michael Power
Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance
Edited by Dietmar Kennepohl and Lawton Shaw
Emerging Technologies in Distance Education
Edited by George Veletsianos
Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice: Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education
Edited by Elizabeth Burge, Chère Campbell Gibson, and Terry Gibson
Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry
Norman D. Vaughan, Martha Cleveland-Innes, and D. Randy Garrison
Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda
Edited by Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Terry Anderson
Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media
Jon Dron and Terry Anderson
Learning in Virtual Worlds: Research and Applications
Edited by Sue Gregory, Mark J. W. Lee, Barney Dalgarno, and Belinda Tynan
Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning: Foundations and Applications
Edited by George Veletsianos
An Online Doctorate for Researching Professionals
Swapna Kumar and Kara Dawson
Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity
Dianne Conrad and Jason Openo
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