“Abbreviations” in “American Labour’s Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Détente, 1945–1970”
AALC | African-American Labor Center |
AATUF | All Africa Trade Union Federation |
ACTU | Australian Council of Trade Unions |
AFL | American Federation of Labor |
AFL-CIO | American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations |
AFRO | African Regional Organization, ICFTU |
AFSCME | American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees |
AID | Agency for International Development |
AIFLD | American Institute for Free Labor Development |
ALCIA | American Labor Conference on International Affairs |
ATUC | African Trade Union Confederation |
AUCCTU | All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions |
AWU | Australian Workers’ Union |
CCF | Congress for Cultural Freedom |
CFTC | Confédération française des travailleurs chrétiens |
CGIL | Confederazione generale italiana del lavoro |
CGT | Confédération générale du travail |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CIO | Congress of Industrial Organizations |
CISL | Confederazione italiana dei sindacati lavoratori |
CLASC | Confederación latinoamericana de sindical cristiana |
CLC | Canadian Labour Congress |
COMISCO | Committee of the International Socialist Conference |
CPSU | Communist Party of the Soviet Union |
CSLC | Confédération des syndicats libres du Congo |
CTC | Confederación de trabajadores de Cuba |
CVT | Vietnamese Confederation of Labour (Confédération vietnamienne du travail) |
CWA | Communications Workers of America |
DGB | Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund |
ECA | Economic Cooperation Administration |
EDC | European Defence Community |
EEC | European Economic Community |
ERGAS | Workers’ Anti-Fascist League (Greece) |
ERP | European Recovery Program |
ETUC | European Trade Union Confederation |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FCLL | Free China Labour League |
FDGB | Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund |
FEA | Federal Economic Administration |
FGTB | Fédération générale du travail belgique |
FIET | International Federation of Employees, Technicians, and Managers |
FIL | Federazione italiana del lavoro |
FIM | Federazione italiana metallmeccanici (affiliate of CISL) |
FIOM | Federazione impiegati operai metallurgici (affiliate of CGIL) |
FO | Force ouvrière (Confédération générale du travail–Force ouvrière) |
FOA | Foreign Operations Administration |
FTUC | Free Trade Union Committee |
GSEE | General Confederation of Greek Workers |
IAM | International Association of Machinists |
ICA | International Cooperation Administration |
ICFTU | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions |
ICFTUE | International Centre of Free Trade Unionists in Exile |
IFCCTE | International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, and Technical Employees (later FIET) |
IFTU | International Federation of Trade Unions |
ILGWU | International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union |
ILO | International Labour Organization |
IMF | International Metalworkers’ Federation |
INTUC | Indian National Trade Union Congress |
ISG | International Study Group on Freedom and Democracy |
ITF | International Transport Workers’ Federation |
IUF | International Union of Food and Allied Workers |
JLC | Jewish Labor Committee |
KFL | Kenya Federation of Labour |
LCGIL | Libera confederazione generale italiana del lavoro |
LLHR | Labor League for Human Rights |
LO | Landsorganisasjonen (Norway) / Landsorganisationen (Sweden) |
MPR | Mouvement populaire de la révolution |
MSA | Mutual Security Agency |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NCFE | National Committee for a Free Europe |
NSC | National Security Council |
NTUC | Nigerian Trade Union Congress |
NVV | Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen |
OEEC | Organization for European Economic Cooperation |
OPC | Office of Policy Coordination |
ORIT | Organización regional interamericana de trabajadores |
OSS | Office of Strategic Services |
PSDI | Partito socialista democratico italiano |
PSI | Partito socialista italiano |
PTTI | Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International |
RAF | Regional Activities Fund |
SAK | Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö |
SCAP | Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers |
SFIO | Section française de l’internationale ouvrière (French Socialist Party) |
SNTC | Syndicat national des travailleurs congolais |
SOBSI | Central All-Indonesian Workers’ Organization |
SPD | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands |
SRATUC | Southern Rhodesian African Trade Union Congress |
SRTUC | Southern Rhodesian Trade Union Congress |
STEP | Social, Technical and Educational Program |
TUAC | Trade Union Advisory Committee |
TUC | Trades Union Congress |
UAW | United Automobile Workers |
UGO | Unabhängige Gewerkschaft-Organisation |
UGTA | Union générale des travailleurs algériens |
UGTT | Union générale tunisienne du travail |
UIL | Unione italiana del lavoro |
UILM | Unione italiana lavoratori metalmeccanici (affiliate of UIL) |
ULC | United Labour Congress (Nigeria) |
UMT | Union marocaine du travail |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
UREP | Union Research and Education Program |
WFTU | World Federation of Trade Unions |
WiN | Wolnosc i Niezawislosc (Freedom and Independence) |
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