“Index” in “American Labour’s Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Détente, 1945–1970”
Abel, I. W., 278, 313, 435n131
Aborn, Randolph, 55–56
Abramovitch, Raphael, 23–24, 38–39, 365n25
Acheson, Dean, 31, 363n4, 374n5–6
Adamczyk, Aloiz, 98, 421n131, 466n87
Adenauer, Konrad, 133–35, 161–62, 186, 458n23
African-American Labour Center (AALC), 26, 213, 216, 226–27, 233, 286–92, 298, 320, 347
African Labour College, 179–80, 224–25, 425n35
African Regional Conference, 169–70
African Regional Organization (AFRO), 180, 183, 192–97 passim, 205, 225, 286
African Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), 225, 432n101
Afro-Asian Institute, 192, 246
Agency for International Development (AID), 216, 226, 244, 258, 260, 286
Agostinone, Valerio, 234
Aguirre, José Maria, 223
Airmold Products, 265
Air-Terre-Mer, 92–93, 383n79, 384n84
Aldrich, Winthrop, 55
Algeria, 162–64, 189, 192, 211, 401n87, 410n43, 411n46, 435n125
All-Africa People’s Conference, 180–83, 418n108
All-Africa Trade Union Federation (AATUF), 163, 195, 205, 426n40
Alliance for Labor Action, 313, 315
All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU): chairman as former head of KGB, 349, 467n92; exchanges visits with DGB, 285, 302, 305, 336; exchanges visits with TUC, 281, 304, 308; and Victor Reuther meeting with Shelepin, 306
Altaffer, Thomas, 432n107
Altman, Georges, 95–96, 385n91
Altschul, Frank, 278
Amalgamated Clothing Workers’ Union, 246, 278, 393n31
Amalgamated Engineering Union, 336, 466n85
American Federation of Labor (AFL): agreement to cooperate with CIO in ICFTU, 70; Asian initiative in preparation for ICFTU mission, 76; betrayed by TUC association with AUCCTU, 16; Brown’s appointment, 42; CIO international role revives rivalry with, 107; commits to staying in Europe, 39; declines to contribute to RAF, 119; embarks on unity process, 121; and fear of ICFTU falling under control of Europeans, 79; Free Trade Union Fund established by, 19; and FTUC not being integral part of, 22; and concept of free trade unionism, 73, 108; inches towards leadership of future anti-WFTU campaign, 30; insists on its special interests within ICFTU, 78; and issue of contacts with eastern bloc, 80; and meeting with Harriman to block concessions to CIO, 12–21; and merger terms lacking agreement on international affairs, 144–45; Reuther taken to be in the Tewson camp, 119; Schumacher as guest at 1947 convention, 48; Tewson declines invitation to executive council, 68
American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): advocates stronger ICFTU anti-communist lead, 303; aims to exclude UAW from reaffiliating to ICFTU, 334; ahead of Eisenhower administration in developing strategy for Africa, 170; and Atlantic City accord, 177; and Carleton Hotel agreement, 153; commits to significant contributions to ISF, 203; conducts ongoing programme in Africa from 1960, 192; consistent stand of against colonialism, 168; demands accounting of ISF contributions, 227; insists on right to conduct own international programme, 235; and issue of CIA funding leading to general debate over international policy, 267, 270; and Paris office as symbol of interest in Europe, 207; quest for AID funding, 215
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, 450n102
American Institute for Free Labour Development (AIFLD), 261, 264, 448n94
American Labor Conference on International Affairs (ALCIA), 23–24, 38, 361n20, 361n22
Americans for Democratic Action, 266
Anderson, John E., 56
Angleton, James, 56, 139–38, 145, 402n106, 405n109, 416n94
Anglo-American Council on Productivity, 112
Anglo-Soviet Trade Union Committee, 14–15, 170
Arbenz, Jacobo, 446n79
Armas, Castillo, 446n79
Asian-American Free Labour Institute, 298, 320, 462n57
Asian Regional Organization (ARO), 76–77
Atlantic City Accord, 175, 177, 179, 189, 192
Atlee, Clement, 9
Australian Council of Trade Unions, 80, 85
Australian Workers’ Union (AWU), 85, 344
Babeu, Marcel, 419n65
Baker, Jim, 362n25
Ball, George, 268
Barrette, Paul, 292–93
Barton, Paul (Jiri Veltrusky), 223, 298, 465n77
Batista, Fulgencio, 256, 406n2, 446n79
Baylot, Jean, 138
Beck, Dave, 414n81
Becu, Omer: and accusations of financial irregularity, 228, 231; biographical note, 400n79; and Brown’s unauthorised travel, 211–13, 219, 224, 227; Meany hostility toward over proposed ICFTU reforms, 198–99; Meany pressure applied to through spending cuts, 216–18, 221–23; misleads ITF over move to ICFTU, 187, 420–21n27; and negotiation of terms of Brown’s appointment, 207–11; and promised ICFTU post for Brown, 195–97; and proposed post of ICFTU director of organization, 139–40; reconciliation with Brown, 200–201, 206–7; reluctance to challenge for ICFTU general secretaryship, 174, 183, 186, 415n83; resignation of, 333–34
Beirne, Joe: prime mover behind AIFLD, 258–59, 262, 271–73, 450n102; supports Meany over withdrawal from ICFTU, 315, 331, 333, 338–39, 340
Belgian Congo, 180–81, 192–95, 287, 291–94, 319, 346–47
Bellanca, Frank, 117, 394n34, 398n61
Ben Seddik, Mahjoub, 193, 205–6, 412n61, 426n41
Berger, Sam, 36–37, 44, 111, 117, 121, 125, 390n12
Bergeron, André: dependence on Americans, 279–80, 463n68; and Irving Brown, 37, 279, 297, 320; as opponent of East-West trade union contacts, 306, 308–9; supports AFL-CIO in dispute with ICFTU, 320, 327, 331
Berle, Adolph, 99, 110, 446n79
Bevin, Ernest, 15, 44, 59–61, 69, 359n4, 374n6, 390n12
Bilderburg Conference, 168
Birdsall, Paul, 86–87
Bizone, 41
Bluestein, Abraham, 19, 24, 32–39 passim
Bluestone, Irving, 469n112
Blum, Léon, 31–50
Bohlen, Charles, 36
Bondy François, 97
Boni, Piero, 245
Bosch, Juan, 368n62
Bothereau, Robert: biographical note, 363n6; and caution over financial dependence on AFL, 32, 51, 94, 279, 379n41; conflict with Lafond, 165, 411n49
Bouazza, Tayeb, 412n61
Bouladoux, Maurice, 126
Bowles, Chester, 239–40
Braden, Tom: biographical note, 391n13; and CIO operation in Genoa docks, 117; hired by CIA, 111; and Saturday Evening Post exposé, 125, 271–72, 397–98n61
Brandel, Kuno, 285, 296, 302, 392n23, 458n25
Brandt, Willy: Lovestone low regard for, 133, 284, 456n7, 458n25, 466n83; relations with Reuthers, 134, 246, 248, 420
Bratelli, Trygve, 248
Braunthal, Alfred, 210, 223–24, 295, 301, 428n57, 462n61
Brenner, Otto, 242, 280, 299, 301, 317, 455n6, 462n62
Brezhnev, Leonid, 282, 307, 467n92
“bridge building,” 268–70, 282, 303–7, 317, 320, 344
Brinkerhoff, Charles, 259, 263, 445n75
Brodolini, Giacomo, 245
Brombart, David, 426n41
Brown, George (AFL-CIO Director of International Affairs), 150–51, 174
Brown, George (British Foreign Secretary), 457n12
Brown, Irving: alternative employment options, 61–62, 82; background, 24–25; wartime activities, 25–27
in Africa: activity in Algeria, 163–65; activity in Congo/Zaire, 291–93; activity in Ghana, 289–91; activity in Israel, 192–94; activity in Nigeria, 288–89; activity in Tunisia, 168–69; confined by Meany to Africa, 297–98; and eleven-country tour (1960), 193–94; and role at All-African People’s Conference, 180–81; and role over formation of AATUF, 205–6; as secretary of AALC, 213, 215–216, 226–27, 233, 286–87; and Zack activities in Ghana, 290, 460n43
in Asia: as AFL-CIO fraternal delegate to INTUC congress (1956), 152; mission to India (1949), 70, 474n8; mission to launch Indian CCF, 386n95; mission to Vietnam (1961), 208, 427n50; mission to Vietnam (1964), 225, 432nn107–8; mission to Vietnam (1968), 298, 463n67
in ICFTU: attends African regional conference, 169–70; champions cause of affiliation to ICFTU, 232–33, 320; and collaboration with Oldenbroek, 74, 75, 104; considered unsuitable to be ICFTU director of organization, 150, 406n2; as director of ICFTU New York office, 123–25, 206–11, 295; as member of ICFTU mission to Algeria, 163–65; opposes 1952 boycott of ICFTU, 80–82; personal leadership ambitions, 226, 229–30, 434n125; and possible appointment as ICFTU assistant general secretary, 195–99; reconciliation with Becu, 200–202, 204; regrets disaffiliation from ICFTU, 320; role in preparatory committee for ICFTU founding congress, 71–73; and unauthorized travel in Africa, 211–13, 219, 220
in Europe: activity in Finland, 88–89; activity in France, 48–50, 90, 115–16, 132–33; activity in Germany, 47–48, 115, 133–34, 161–62; activity in Greece, 43–46, 94, 167; activity in Italy, 100, 115–16, 133; activities outside the field of labour, 95–96; activities with Czech exiles, 97–98; activities with Ferri-Pisani and Mediterranean Vigilance Committee, 89–95; activities with Polish anti-communists, 98, 371n85; and l’affaire Dides, 138, 403–4n108; campaigns against WFTU and for Marshall Plan, 58–59; conflict over ERP-TUAC, 63–64, 68–70, 373n105, 374n6; and covert funding, 54–56, 84–88; develops relations with Ross, 135–37; and EDC crisis in France, 132–33; embattled against Victor Reuther, 117–19, 122–26; establishes permanent office, 40–41; financial arrangements of, 52–54; and financing of FO, 50–51; and growth of anti-Americanism, 165, 414n81; and international conference of maritime workers in Naples, 103, 383n78; and launch of ICFTUE, 51–52; and links with ITSs against WFTU, 57–60, 62, 70; lobbies Ernest Bevin, 59–60; meeting with Eisenhower as NATO Supreme Commander, 383n82; and mission to Europe (1945–46), 29–39; and mission to Finland (1968), 463n69; and mission to France (1968), 298, 463n68; and Pegler press campaign, 137–38; and proposals for disciplined trade union cadre organization, 93, 133, 146, 382n71; relations with Bergeron, 279–80; relations with Bothereau, 364n6; relations with FTUC officers, 42; relations with Jouhaux, 48–49, 89–90; relations with Lovestone, 39, 43, 68, 207, 210, 235, 345; relations with Schumacher, 47–48; role in CCF, 96–97, 385n95; and tensions with CIA over “French budget,” 108, 110, 121; and training programme for France, 90
Brown, Lillie, 25, 41, 71, 207
Bruce, David, 118, 382n74, 412n60
Buiter, Harm: biographical note, 462n62; hostility of Lovestone toward, 297, 299, 301; ICFTU general secretary candidature of, 293, 296, 299, 300; and Meany’s campaign against, 314–20, 324–40 passim
Bukharin, Nicolai, 20–21
Bunche, Ralph, 421n1
Bunker, Ellsworth, 391n12
Burgess, David, 240
Burnham, James, 96
Busia, Kofi Abrefa, 287
Buu, Tran Quoc, 225, 298, 427n50, 463n67
Byrnes, James, 36, 59, 363n4, 390n12
Caffery, Jefferson, 31, 362–63n3
Canadian Congress of Labour, 408n15
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), 213, 220, 281, 303
Canini, Giovanni, 100–103
Carey, James B., 71, 129–30, 177, 201, 208, 251, 374n5: biographical note, 399–400n72; as firm opponent of Meany, 150, 158, 171
Carleton Hotel agreement, 153–57 passim, 170–71
Carney, Jack, 113, 138, 404n109
Castroism, 257
Cavazza, Fabio, 439n23
Central All-Indonesian Workers’ Organization (SOBSI), 85
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See Office of Policy Coordination–Central Intelligence Agency (OPC-CIA)
Central Vigilance Committee, 91
Centre d’éducation syndicale international, 24
Centre of Study and Propaganda, 96
Chamberlain, Neville, 132
Chiang kai-shek, 71, 85, 93, 141
China lobby, 140
Chinese Federation of Labour (Taiwan), 406n2
Christian Science Monitor, 75
Church Committee, 405n109
Churchill, Winston, 15, 23, 40, 131–32, 455n2
Citizens Exchange Corps, 266
Citizens for Victory, 21
Citrine, Sir Walter, 11–18 passim, 34, 62–63, 79, 359n4, 372n103, 373n14
Clay, General Lucius, 36, 47–48, 215, 364n11
Clouzet (French journalist), 96
Cohen, Theodore, 377n27
Cohn, Roy, 403n107
Collins, Canon John, 243
Colonial Office (British), 156, 173, 177, 417n100
Committee for the Establishment and Development of Free Trade Unionism in Morocco, 412n61
Committee of the International Socialist Conference, 367n62, 372n103
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 21
Communication Workers of America, 258
Communist Party of France (PCF), 30–31, 115, 362n3
Communist Party of Italy, 100
Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 281
Communist Party Opposition, 20
Confederación interamericana de trabajadores, 74
Confederación latinoamericana de sindical cristiana, 470n121
Confederación de trabajadores de Cuba, 256–57, 446n79
Confederación de trabajadores de Mexico, 256
Confédération des syndicats libres du Congo, 292
Confédération française des travailleurs chrétiens (CFTC), 116, 118, 122–23, 126, 393n27
Confédération générale du travail (CGT), 31–32, 37, 40, 48–52, 92: aims for closer ties to EEC, 232, 248; leads WFTU condemnation of 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, 308
Confédération générale du travail–Force ouvrière (CGT-FO): AFL funding of, 52, 58, 89, 90, 108; Algerian policy of, 163–64; and CIO activities in pilot plant programme, 122; and schism within CGT, 48–51; and renewed search for AFL-CIO funding, 279–80, 463n68
Confederazione generale italiana del Lavoro (CGIL), 115–16, 245–46: aims for closer ties to EEC, 247–48; as first non-communist centre to affiliate to ETUC, 352; moves to federate with non-communist Italian unions, 351; opposes invasion of Czechoslovakia, 308, 310
Confederazione italiana dei sindacati Lavoratori: and contacts with communists, 280, 302, 309–10, 351, 474n17; and financial dependence on Americans, 101, 102, 103, 116, 122, 123; and ideological militancy of younger members, 440n27; and Labour Attaché Lane as source of finance, 101, 105, 121, 395n45
Conference of Foreign Ministers, 44, 60
Cong-Nong, 463n67
Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), 95–97, 105, 385–86n95
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO): AFL rejecting partnership role with, 107, 109–11; approach to international activities of, 114–16; covert funding of, 117–21, 125, 135–37; plans for programme in Europe of, 103–5, 108, 111–13; and proposal to strengthen ICFTU secretariat, 129–31; and role in founding of WFTU, 10–16 passim; and unity with AFL, 128–31, 138–47 passim; and founding of ICFTU, 68–74 passim
Conroy, Pat, 392n20
Conway, Jack, 239, 271, 454n121
Cooper, Gary, 385n95
Cope, Elmer, 68, 74, 123, 373n106
Cotton, Sir John, 461n49
Council for Social Progress, 258–62 passim, 446n78
counterpart funds, 101, 109–20 passim, 145, 348–49, 387n109, 389n4, 398n62
Cousins, Frank, 170, 428n62, 466n85, 470n122, 471n125
Crosland, Anthony, 439n23
Cuban Confederation of Labour (CTC), 257–57, 446n79
Cuban missile crisis, 213, 277–78
Curran, Joe, 271, 273, 384n87, 454n123
Czeck National Confederation of Political Prisoners and Resisters in Exile, 97
Czechoslovakia, 74, 301, 305–10 passim, 315, 364n12, 372n103
Daily Worker (United Kingdom), 13
Daily Worker (United States), 31, 150, 363n4
Dale, Leon, 94, 96, 110, 140, 384n87, 388n1
Dalla Chiesa, Enzo, 101, 103, 335
Dan, Phan Quang, 427n50
Das, Mohan, 136, 386n95, 404–5n109
Debré, Michel, 411n79
Debunne, Georges, 319, 324, 328–29, 334–35, 474n17, 476n33
Defferre, Gaston, 382n72
de Gaulle, Charles, 15, 30, 164, 192, 242, 401n87
Delaney, George (Phil): biographical note, 402n97; nominated for AFL-CIO director of international affairs, 142–43; relations with Lovestone and Brown, 82, 135, 136, 144
de Neufville, Lawrence, 97
Deniau, Roger, 32
Denki Rōren, 251
Dennis, Les, 469n114
Detroit Economic Club, 263
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB): and AFL-CIO complaints over coverage by DGB press, 284–85, 445n23; AFL-CIO lack of rapport with leaders of, 115, 161, 162, 171, 217; criticizes Brown’s role as director of ICFTU’s New York office, 209, 213; criticizes Meany’s stance at ICFTU Amsterdam congress, 229, 232; inconsistent support for AFL-CIO over UAW, 317–19, 324–25; and policy in favour of contacts with eastern bloc communists, 281–285, 302, 304, 305–6, 309, 336–340, 350
Deverall, Richard: biographical note, 376n26; controversial past, 76, 377n27; as FTUC representative in India and Japan, 70, 85, 250; relations with Lovestone, 76–78, 412n59; and role in ICFTU delegation to Asia, 76–77, 377n28
L’affaire Dides, 138, 164, 403–4n108
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 427n50
Doherty, William, Jr, 261, 264, 271, 445n75
Doherty, William, Sr, 17
Dōmei. See Japanese Confederation of Labour (Dōmei)
Donovan, General William, 26, 55–56, 412n60
Dougherty, Tom, 85
Draper, General William, 36
Dubinsky, David: and AFL hostility towards ICFTU and CIO, 81, 116, 117, 130, 152, 153, 158; biographical note, 306n13; disenchantment of over link with CIA, 108, 110, 129, 131; and financial support for refugees, 19; as leading activist in FTUC, 22, 29, 47, 50, 51, 55, 69, 75, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102; relations with Lovestone, 21, 42
Duclos, Jacques, 362n2
Dulles, Allen: and CIA taking control of labour operations, 97, 108–9, 117; relations with Lovestone, 99, 111, 120–21
Dulles, John Foster, 152
Durand, Dana B., 440n23
Durbrow, Elbridge, 31
Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), 109, 114, 121, 125, 392n20
Eden, Sir Anthony, 15
Ehrhard, Ludwig, 284
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 93, 151, 170, 173, 185, 251, 263, 275, 364n11, 383n82
Eldridge, Richard, 118
Erlander, Tage, 248
Erler, Fritz, 133
Etter, Willard, 84
Eurocommunism, 248
European communities, 293
European Coal and Steel Community, 79
European Defence Community (EDC), 132–34
European Economic Community (EEC), 352
European Recovery Programme–Trade Union Advisory Committee (ERP-TUAC), 63, 68–69, 201, 372n102
European Recovery Programme Trade Union Conference, 62, 372n103
European Regional Organization, 124
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), 350–52
European Trade Union Secretariat (ETUS), 296, 462n62
EUR-X Department, 31, 50, 55, 109, 363n5
Fabian, Walter, 282
Faline, Mikhail, 38
Fane, H. F. B., 452n105
Farfield Foundation, 97
Faupl, Rudy, 123, 126, 197, 268–69, 398n65, 451n104, 452n105
Feather, Victor, 323–39 passim
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 21–22, 31, 138, 389n3, 390–91n12, 402n106, 403n107
Federal Economic Administration (FEA), 25–26, 33
Fédération générale du travail Belgique (FGTB), 58, 169, 232, 319, 335, 412n63, 461n55
Fédération générale du travail du Kongo, 291
Federazione impiegati operai metallurgici (FIOM), 245, 439n22
Federazione italiana del lavoro, 102
Federazione italiana metallmeccanici (FIM), 166, 244, 439n22
Felce, Pierre, 297, 299, 301, 462n65, 464n71
Fenton, Frank, 41
Ferri-Pisani, Pierre, 89–95 passim, 103, 117, 382n72, 406n2, 453n118, 462n65
FIAT, 122, 133, 146, 208, 247, 382n71, 395n45
Figueras, José, 367n62
Filippelli, Ronald, 103
Finland, 68, 84–85, 88–89, 104, 118, 298, 388n1
Fizz Kids, 86, 89, 94, 97, 111, 117–18, 121, 125, 136–37, 144, 386n98
Ford Foundation, 124–25, 398n62
Ford, Henry, II, 262
Foreign Operations Administration (FOA), 136–37, 145, 166, 395n45
Foreign Policy Association, 243
Forrestal, James, 56, 369n77, 377n27
Frachon, Benoît, 31, 40, 49, 163, 365n20
Franco regime, 242, 342, 438n14
Franc-Tireur, 95–96, 110, 385n91
Frankfurter Runschau, 35
Free China Labour League (FCLL), 85, 380n55
Free Labour World, 377n31
Free Trade Union Committee (FTUC): and Atlantic City accord, 176; bank account active in 1961, 416n94; and Carleton Hotel agreement, 153–54; commercial bank loan required by, 54–55; covert funding of begins, 55; and Dubinsky’s reduced subsidy to, 129–30, 137, 400n74; established as component of LLHR, 19; European office opened, 41; Free Trade Union News, 39; independent AFL activities funded by, 67–89 passim, 94–105 passim; Lovestone as executive secretary of, 22; and mission to Europe (1945), 29; relationship to AFL international labour relations committee, 23
Free Trade Union Fund, 23
Free World Labor Defence Fund, 241–44, 274–75, 437n10
Free World Trade Union Conference, 10, 12–13, 15–18
Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (FDGB), 34, 47, 305
Freitag, Walter, 133–34, 154, 161
Friedman, Jesse, 261
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 242, 262
Fulbright, William, 278
G-2 Intelligence, 76
Gaitskell, Hugh, 439n23
Galbraith, J. K., 307
Gallin, Dan, 450n102
Gazier, Albert, 32
Gee, Hubert, 366n40
Geijer, Arne: biographical note, 415n84; closeness to UAW, 175, 183, 200–201, 248, 314, 324; election as ICFTU president, 175, 177; and AFL-CIO withdrawal from ICFTU, 314, 324, 328–29, 334, 336; relations with Meany, 198–99, 228–30, 232, 329, 334; and replacement of Oldenbroek by Becu, 183, 185–87, 421n128
General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), 43–46, 63, 74, 94, 167, 201, 242, 303, 366n40, 390n12, 438n16
General Council of Trade Unions of Japan (Sōhyō), 76, 249–55, 325, 343, 351, 377n28, 442nn41, 442n44, 442n46
Germer, Adolph, 47
Gewerkschaftler, Der, 285
Gewerkschaftliche Monatschafte, 285
Ghana Trade Union Congress (GTUC), 180, 287, 290
Gherman, Eftimie, 97
Gillen, William, 469n114
Giornelli, Paolo, 94–95, 393n26
Giustizia, La, 396n53
Goldberg, Arthur, 21, 26, 117, 239–41, 245–46, 260, 268, 393n30
Goldberg, Harry, 85, 144, 151, 156, 165–66, 254, 345, 380n56, 440n27
Golden, Clinton, 125
Goldfinger, Nat, 254
Gompers, Samuel, 5, 19, 22, 133, 361n19
Gordon, Archibald, 375n14
Gottfurcht, Hans, 33, 48, 124, 130, 136, 155, 421n131
Goulart, Joao, 264
Grace, Peter, 259, 261–65, 445n75, 448n91
Grace, W. R. and Company, 259, 445n75
Graedel, Adolphe, 166, 246–47, 315, 441n33
Greece, 43–46, 57, 64, 93–94, 142, 201, 303, 384n84
Green, William, 16, 19, 22, 33, 42, 62, 69, 74, 82, 128, 359n7
Greenburg, Max, 333
Grishin, Victor, 282
Guerini crime family, 90, 382n74
Guingouin, Georges, 115
Hached, Farhat, 379n41
Hargreaves, Alan, 306, 316, 327, 476n33
Harpsund conferences, 248–49, 275
Harries, Edgar, 365n28
Harriman, Averell, 101, 111, 119–21, 246, 266, 389n4, 390n12, 455n2
Harrison, George, 82, 177, 254, 300, 416n93, 445n75
Hayday, Fred, 474n18
Haywood, Alan, 396n52
Healey, Denis, 366n44
Heine, Fritz, 133, 161, 392n23
Henderson, Loy, 31, 239, 386n95
Henson, Francis, 52
Heyer, Alfred, 224
Hillenkoetter, Admiral Roscoe, 56
Hillman, Sidney, 17, 34–35, 47, 364n13
Histadrut, 85, 192–93, 242, 309
Hook, Sidney, 96
Hoover, J. Edgar, 403n107
Horner, Arthur, 170
“hot autumn” (Italy), 166, 351, 474n17, 475n30
House Un-American Activities Committee, 403n107
H-T Lingual, 405n109
Humphrey, Hubert, 247, 267, 348, 271, 287–88
Hungarian uprising, 165, 277, 306, 337, 415n83
IG Metall, 57, 246, 280, 284, 317, 392n23, 456n6
Ilg, Konrad, 24, 57, 61, 113, 122
Independent Labor League (Lovestoneites), 20–21
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), 152, 168
Indonesia, 74, 84, 374n8, 380n56
Industrial Union Department, 241, 252, 376n26, 409n31, 410n34
Inter-Asiatic Trade Union Federation, 70
International Association of Machinists (IAM), 25, 57–58, 126
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 25
International Centre of Free Trade Unionists in Exile (ICFTUE), 51–52, 72, 97–99, 368n62, 409n31, 466n87
International Chemical Workers’ Federation, 392n20, 439n21, 465n79, 467n96
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU): foundation of, 70, 72–74
under Jaap Oldenbroek as general secretary: AFL boycott of, 80–82, 84; AFL increasingly critical of, 79, 80–82, 104; and AFL-CIO ten-point programme, 171–75, 177; and African regional conference, 169–71; and African training college, 178–79; and appointment of director of organization, 153–54, 156; CIO programmes under auspices of, 119, 121–26; and CIO proposals for restructuring secretariat, 128–31, 138–39; delegation to Algeria, 163–64; and early tensions over cold war, 75; mission to Asia, 76–78; pan-Africanist challenge to, 180–83; and plans for new post of director of organization, 135, 139–44; and replacement of Oldenbroek, 183–88
under Omer Becu as general secretary: and allegations of financial irregularities, 226–34 passim; and Brown as director of New York office, 206, 207–13 passim, 220, 223–24; efforts to secure Japanese affiliations, 249–54; and Meany as chairman of ISF committee, 217–23 passim, 226; and Rens as potential general secretary, 293–96; structural reform of and criticisms by Meany, 195–200
under Harm Buiter as general secretary: Buiter’s candidacy for general secretary of, 299–300; and efforts to retain AFL-CIO affiliation, 323–40 passim; revision of policy on contacts with communist unions, 277–78, 281–82, 301–10 passim, 321; and UAW application for affiliation, 313–20
International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 166
International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, and Technical Employees (IFCCTE), 450–51n102
International Federation of Employees, Technicians, and Managers (FIET), 316, 450n102
International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers, 450n103
International Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), 10–18 passim, 64, 69, 73, 79, 363n5, 370n82, 373n3
International Labor Bookshelf, 243
International Labour Organization (ILO), 41, 143, 176, 268–69, 290, 327, 336, 344, 376n21, 451nn104, 105, 452n109
International Ladies’ Garment Workers Union (ILGWU): as benefactor to Force ouvrière, 51; as benefactor to German social democrats, 47; as benefactor to ICFTUE, 97; as mainstay of FTUC, 47; as pre-war base for Lovestone and Brown, 19–29 passim
International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF): American affiliations solicited by, 57–58; American financed training programme in Italy for, 166–167; as a UAW stronghold, 113, 123–129; programmes funded by UAW Free World Labour Defence Fund, 241–59 passim, 269, 275
International Photo-Engravers Union of North America, 4, 22, 361n19
International Solidarity Fund (ISF), 179, 194–95, 198–209, 216–21, 227–34, 296, 301, 425n35
International Study Group on Freedom and Democracy, 439n23
international trade secretariats (ITSs), 18, 29, 57–58, 70, 186, 261
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF): American railroad workers affiliation to, 58; and links with Brown, 18, 33, 70, 140, 157; misled over Becu’s career intentions, 196, 420n127; as respectable cover for vigilance committees, 91–92, 383n78; rumours of teamsters reaffiliation to, 470n122; and wartime intelligence role of, 370n82, 400n79
International Union of Electrical Workers, 72
International Union of Food and Allied Workers (IUF), 267, 449–50nn101–2
Istanbul Federation of Labour, 94
Italian-American Labor Council, 100
Iwai, Akira, 254–55
Jackson, C. D., 99, 188, 395n46, 404n109
Jagan, Cheddi, 224
Jahn, Hans, 388–89n1
Jallow, Momodou, 226
Japan Productivity Center, 250–51, 442n44
Japanese Confederation of Labour (Dōmei), 253–55, 302, 443n35
Japanese Wage Research Centre, 249–56, 275
Jeffrey, Newman, 26
Jewish Labour Committee (JLC), 29, 53–54, 360n13
Jockel, Helmuth, 114
Johnson, Lyndon B., 225, 247–48, 265, 268–69, 271, 278, 289, 320, 344, 398n61, 452n109
Jouhaux, Léon, 9, 31–34, 48, 50, 64, 90, 363n5
Kaiser, Henry, 262
Kamenev, Lev, 20
Kanalarbeiter group, 161
Karamanlis, Konstantinos, 167
Karl, Albin, 134
Katayama, Takeo, 252–53
Katz, Milton, 108–117, 125, 391–92n18
Keenan, Joseph (Joe), 25
Kemsley, Bill, 126, 136, 141, 144, 165, 174
Kennedy, John F., 192, 215, 238–39, 243–46, 248, 250–51, 257, 275, 280, 436n2, 438n14, 456n7
Kennedy, Robert, 259, 271, 437n4
Kenya African National Union, 194
Kenya Federation of Labour (KFL), 169, 179, 182, 413n64, 419n114: and funding for headquarters building, 169–72, 181, 193–94, 417n99
Kenyatta, Jomo, 413n64
Kersten, Otto, 284, 306, 308–9, 325, 467n95, 468n100
Khanh, General Nguyen, 225
Khrushchev, Nikita, 151–52, 185, 192, 277, 467n92: meeting with Walter Reuther, 185, 188, 238, 348
Kiesinger, Kurt, 319
Killen, James, 378n32, 432n107
Kirkland, Lane, 271, 339–49, 454n121, 469n112, 473n13
Kirsch, Henry, 98–99, 110, 387n104, 400n74, 432–33n108
Kissel, Erich, 451n102
Kissinger, Henry, 168
Kithima, Alphonse, 194, 291–92
Kleine Tribune, Die, 388n1
Kluncker, Heinz, 282–84
Kohler, Foy, 440n28
Korean War, 75, 124, 343, 374n24
Krag, Jens, 248
Krane, Jay, 76–77, 158, 172, 183, 373n106, 376n26, 377–78n31, 412n59, 421n131
Kreisky, Bruno, 404n109
Kupers, Evert, 71
Kuznetsov, V. V., 17
Ky, Air Marshall Nguyen Cao, 298
Labor League for Human Rights (LLHR), 19, 24, 32, 39, 360n12, 407n4
Labour Party (British), 43, 457n12
Lacoste, Robert, 163–64
Lafond, André, 133, 164–65, 401n87, 411n49
La Malfa, Ugo, 439n23
Landesgruppe Deutscher Gewerkschafter, 33
Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO), 29, 37, 248
Landsorganisasjonen i Sverige (LO), 37–38
Lane, Tom, 100–105, 116, 118, 121, 384n87, 395n45
Langley, David (Dan Gallin), 450n102
Largentier, Auguste, 32
Laski, Harold, 43
Leber, Georg, 279–80, 284–85, 325, 455n6, 456n7, 466n83
Le Bourre, Raymond, 164
Lee, Ernest, 213–14, 235, 253–55, 315, 429n73, 430n80, 435n125, 447n85, 466n80
Lefranc, Georges, 50
Leskinen, Väjnö, 88–89, 381n65
Lever, Jack, 265
Levinson, Charles: biographical note, 392n20; CIO staff member in Paris, 114, 123, 396n52; favours engagement with Soviet bloc, 467n96; hostility to ICFTU, 467n96; IMF staff member, 129, 166; supported by Reuther brothers as ICF general secretary, 439n21
Lewis, Harold, 94, 196, 279, 378n84, 420n127, 427n52, 464n71
Lewis, John L., 22
Libera confederazione generale italiana del lavoro (LCGIL), 71, 100–103, 387n109, 456n8
Liberman reforms, 465n79
Lie, Haakon, 26, 59, 361–62n25, 388n1
Lipset, Alexander, 264
Loan, General Nguyen Ngoc, 463n67
Lorwin, Val, 392n20
Lovestone, Jay: background, 20–21; wartime employment, 21–22
as FTUC executive secretary: as admirer of Adenauer, 160–62, 458n23; and AFL boycott of ICFTU (1952), 80–82; and AFL complaints behind the “bill of particulars,” 80–82, 376n21; appointment as FTUC executive secretary, 19; assessment of Becu, 415n83; assessment of Ferri-Pisani, 453n18; assessment of Oldenbroek, 73; assessment of Tewson, 170; attacked by Spencer Miller, 137–38, 403n107; attacked by Westbrook Pegler, 137–38, 403n107; attitude to DGB leadership, 161–62, 458n25, 466n83; attitude to SPD leadership, 133, 162; attitude to TUC leadership, 58, 62; and concern over lack of ICFTU activity and purpose, 75, 78; confrontational tone in reporting on sister organizations, 78–81, 104, 345; and consistent support for continued AFL/AFL-CIO affiliation to ICFTU, 104, 319–20; covert funding transactions by, 54–56, 70, 85, 88–89, 94–101, 103, 108–9, 118, 123, 381n58, 383n78; disapproves of turn to left in Italy, 165; drafts ten-point programme in response to Soviet “new look,” 171–72; and FTUC financial situation, 52, 54, 16; and ICFTU mission to Asia, 76–78; and Khrushchev secret speech, 151; and influence in appointing labour attachés, 176, 377n28, 415–16n87; and OPC-CIA links, 86, 110–11, 113, 117, 120–22, 380n55, 389n7, 453–54n118; opposes Carleton Hotel agreement, 154–66; outsider status of in AFL, 42; and quality of Oldenbroek-Tewson leadership in ICFTU, 79–80, 82, 376n21, 378n38; relations with Angleton, 138, 402n106; relations with Becu, 183; relations with Brown, 25, 43, 207, 210, 236, 345; relations with Deverall, 77–78; relations with Dubinsky, 42–43, 136–37, 129–30, 151, 400n74; relations with Dulles, 99, 109–111; relations with Meany, 141, 213–14, 235, 299, 300, 464n75; relations with Oldenbroek, 78, 79–80, 376n21, 378n38; relations with Ross, 135, 160; relations with Schumacher, 48; and “Samuel Gompers Library,” 136, 139; State Department contacts of, 31; transfers to AFL staff, 151; views CIO as security risk in context of CIA-funded activity, 109, 388n1, 389n5, 394n34, 397–98n61
as assistant director/director of AFL-CIO international affairs department: appointment as assistant director, 176; appointment as director, 214; assessment of Buiter, 299, 301; assessment of Feather, 334; assessment of Kersten, 468n100; assessment of Lumumba, 422n11; assessment of Rosenberg, 283; assessment of Ben Seddick, 426n41; assessment of Storti, 301; assessment of Weaver, 426n17; Atlantic City accord and opposition by, 176–77, 188–89; attends German construction workers’ union congress with Meany and President Kennedy, 280, 456n7; awarded Order of Merit of Federal Republic of Germany, 186; and campaign to update ICFTU policy on contacts with communists, 280, 282, 303–4, 306–8, 321, 467n90; campaigns to block election of Storti as ICFTU general secretary, 296–97, 299; and funding for Bentum in Ghana TUC election for general secretary, 460n43; and issue of CGIL disaffection with WFTU, 247–48, 441n38; and issue of DGB and SPD press coverage of AFL-CIO leadership and policy, 232, 284–85; lack of enthusiasm for auxiliary institutes, 235; lobbies for financial assistance for Bergeron and FO, 279–80; lobbies over Kennedy administration appointments, 239–40; meets Adenauer, 284; opposes AFL-CIO boycott of and disaffiliation from ICFTU, 319–20, 330, 337; reaction to Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, 307; relations with Brown, 207, 210, 235; relations with Meany, 213–14, 235, 299–300, 464n75, 474n13; role in appointment of Lee, 213–14, 429n73
Lovett, Robert, 59
Luce, Henry, 404n109
Lumumba, Patrice, 180–81, 194, 422n11, 461n47
Macao, 409n32
MacArthur, General Douglas, 76, 377n28
MacDonald, Donald, 156, 430n84, 474n18
Maciolek, Josef, 98
Macmillan, Harold, 191
Maga, Hubert, 287
Mahomo, Nana, 431n93
Mahoney, Bill, 435n131, 468n108
Maier, Heribert, 224
Mailly, Henri, 37
Makris, Fotis, 44–46, 167, 201, 225
Mandel, Ben, 31
Manpower Division (OMGUS), 25–26, 33–34, 364n11, 398n65
Masaryk, Jan, 372n103
Marseille docks, 90–93, 141, 382n72, 453n118
Marshall, General George C., 44, 60
Marshall Plan, 48–49, 52, 58–64, 99–101, 108–109, 112–14, 122–25, 145–46, 367n50, 397n61
Martin, Homer, 21, 25, 52, 111, 391n14
Martov, Julius, 23
Marty, André, 115
Marzet (French journalist), 96
Mboya, Tom: biographical note, 412–13n64; fundraising for KFL headquarters, 169, 194; as general secretary of Kenya African National Union, 193; pro-western voice among African nationalists, 180–83, 419n15; supports continued role in Africa for Brown, 209–12; turns Reuther against Oldenbroek, 179, 182, 419n14
McCarthy, Joseph, 137, 364n11, 377–78n31, 389n3, 403n107
McCollum, John, 259–60
McLellan, Andrew, 267, 449n101
McSherry, General Frank, 34, 364n11
Meany, George: attends TUC’s Blackpool conference (1945), 10–17; auxiliary institutes as increasing focus of, 214, 346; background, 10; contrasting images of, 238, 346; interest in international affairs, 22, 42; opposes colonialism, 173, 186, 346; relations with Brown, 42, 87, 297–98; relations with Lovestone, 42, 207, 214
relations with CIO: appeasement of communism as point of difference with Reuther, 132; and security liability of CIO an issue in OPC-CIA programme, 108–9; and unity process avoiding issue of international affairs, 128
relations with DGB and German labour: addresses German construction workers’ union congress, 280; Adenauer as greater object of sympathy than German socialists, 162; appeals to German workers to support Paris Accords and NATO membership, 134; and criticism in DGB press of personal performance at ICFTU Amsterdam congress, 232; and DGB critical press reporting of AFL-CIO leadership and policy disputes, 283–86; and DGB interest in contacts with communists, 283; and DGB lack of gratitude leading to growing AFL-CIO resentment, 134; Order of Merit of Federal German Republic awarded to, 186; warns Adenauer against fostering Christian trade union movement, 133–34
relations with ICFTU: animosity toward Oldenbroek precedes 1952 boycott, 80–128; and Atlantic City accord, 176–78; and attempts by ICFTU to retain AFL-CIO membership, 327–29, 337–39, 346–50; backtracks from Carleton Hotel agreement, 153–56; and Becu objection to Brown serving as AALC executive secretary, 226–27; and boycott of ICFTU (1968), 310; and Buiter’s response to UAW application for affiliation, 312–19; campaigns against Becu within ISF committee, 216–18, 221; combative performance by at ICFTU Amsterdam congress, 230–33; in conflict with Becu over Brown’s unauthorized foreign travel, 212; demands change in ICFTU leadership, 184; disaffiliation from ICFTU declared by, 319; discounts Deverall’s reports from ICFTU headquarters, 77; and efforts to bolster Dōmei and cold-shoulder Sōhyō, 254–55; 195–96, 198, 199; fails to respond to Rens’s letter, 294–96; and issue of ICFTU financial irregularities, 228–29; leads deputation to declare no-confidence in Oldenbroek, 183; opposes “bridge-building” and contacts with communists, 278–79; and rejection of AFL-CIO offer of black organizers for ICFTU work in Africa, 182; rejects distinction between Soviet and non-Soviet communism, 80; relations with Becu, 195–99; role in ousting Oldenbroek as general secretary, 187; speaks out against colonialism at Brussels congress, 186; and ten-point programme proposed to strengthen ICFTU’s stance against communism, 173; withholds levy funds over dissatisfaction with Millard, 158; withholds support for Buiter in election for general secretary, 299–300
relations with TUC and British labour: animosity of toward Tewson, 80; concerned over British labour support for Communist China, 132; and reports of Catholic-Irish antipathy toward TUC, 79; and Tewson private appeal for change of tone in relations, 78; Times (London) letter by opposing colonialism, 173
relations with Walter Reuther within AFL-CIO: and AIFLD role for employers, 259–61; and allegations of CIA funding, 267–73; campaigns against Bowles’s and Reutherites in government service, 239–40; criticizes Reuther activities in Italy, 246; defends walkout by American worker delegation to ILO, 268–69; explores CGIL disaffection within WFTU, 247–48; and joint campaign with Reuther to replace Oldenbroek, 184; obstructs Reuther’s objectives in Japan, 252–53; opposes Nehru’s “positive neutrality,” 152; and policy towards India and Nehru as a source of friction, 151–53; rejects claim of CIA funding of AFL/AFL-CIO, 298; rejects Stevenson proposal for special advisors to UN delegation, 240–41; and visits by Mikoyan and Khrushchev, 184–85
Mediterranean Vigilance Committee (Regional Vigilance Committee for the Mediterranean), 91–95, 99, 104, 115, 382n72, 383n78, 384n87
Mellon, Chase, Jr, 263, 447–48n91
Mendès France, Pierre, 138, 163, 403n108
Meyer, Cord, 271
Michel, Serge, 422n11
Michigan Fund, 125
Mihajlov, Mihajlo, 449n98
Mikoyan, Anastas, 184–85, 188, 238, 348
Millard, Charles, 153–58, 171–72, 179, 183, 396n52, 408n15, 421n128
Miller, Admiral H. B., 99
Mitterand, François, 138, 403–4n108
Mobutu, Sese Seko, 287, 289, 291–94, 319, 346–47, 461n47, 461n48, 461n49, 461n52
Moi, Daniel Arap, 287
Mollet, Guy, 162–64
Monnet, Jean, 462n62
Monrovia group, 192
Montana, Vanni, 102
Moro, Aldo, 246
Morris, Louise Page (“Pagie”), 56, 137, 140
Morse, Wayne, 307
Mosca, Giovanni, 247–48, 441n36
Mouvement populaire de la révolution (MPR), 291
Mulino, Il, 439n23
Murphy, Raymond E., 31, 50, 55, 109, 363n4, 386n95
Murphy, Robert, 386n95, 395n45
Murray, Philip, 15, 119, 137, 399n67
Murrow, Ed, 438n14
Mutual Security Agency (MSA), 108, 113, 116, 119–26, 135–36, 145, 166
Nation socialiste, La, 463n68
National Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE), 98–99, 110, 121, 386n100, 387n102, 409n31
National Liberation Council (Ghana), 290
Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen (NVV), 330, 332, 370n82, 378n33, 462n62
Nedzynski, Stefan: biographical note, 425n38; and Brown’s unorthodox line over formation of AATUF, 206; experience of working under Becu, 221–23; impression of Brown, 432n105; impression of Meany, 217, 230, 346; impression of Smith (Ernst), 434n24; impression of Woodcock, 203
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 152–53, 188, 374n8, 408n18
Nenni, Pietro, 101, 165, 244–46, 275, 394n34, 440n27
New York Journal-American, 137
Nigerian Trade Union Congress, 288
Nitze, Paul, 168
Nixon, Richard M., 170, 390n12
Nkrumah, Kwame, 169, 180–83, 193–94, 289, 460n43
Non-Aligned Movement, 152, 250
Nordhal, Konrad, 248
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 93, 134, 142, 146, 160–61, 245, 343, 383n82, 441n29
Nouira, Hedi, 287
Nzeribe, Gogo, 419n115
Odría, General Manuel, 261
Office of Policy Coordination-Central Intelligence Agency (OPC-CIA), 56, 70, 73, 85–96, 104, 108–11, 247, 266–67, 270–71, 273, 389n3
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 19, 21, 30, 391n13
Offie, Carmel, 108, 116, 388n109, 389n3, 403n7
Oginga Odinga, Jaramogi, 194, 200, 211
OGPU, Joint State Political Directorate, USSR, 22
Ohta, Kaoru, 254
Oldenbroek, J. H.: biographical note, 370n82; as conservative ICFTU general secretary, 75, 185, 346; challenged by AFL-CIO over ICFTU Africa policy, 182–87; and ICFTU Asia Mission and rift with Lovestone, 76–78, 378n33; growing AFL disapproval of, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 119, 135, 139, 140; leads ITS campaign against WFTU, 18, 33, 40, 57; resigns under pressure, 186–87; role of in creation of ICFTU, 71–72, 375n14; and tension with TUC over ICFTU policy for colonies, 179
Ollenhauer, Eric, 33, 162, 248, 439n23
OPC-CIA. See Office of Policy Coordination–Central Intelligence Agency (OPC-CIA)
“Operation August,” 270
“Operation Nenni,” 244
Organización regional interamericana de Trabajadores (ORIT), 74, 262, 323, 462n57
Organization for European Economic Cooperation–Trade Union Advisory Committee (OEEC-TUAC), 68–69, 201, 372n102
Organization of African Unity, 224
Ostpolitik, 336, 344, 350, 466n83
Otero, Joaquin (Jack), 445n75, 448n95
Pager, Robert, 56
Paladino, Morris, 233, 294–316 passim, 325–39 passim, 461n57, 473n7
Pan-African Congress Refugee Centre, 243
pan-Africanism, 178–82, 224, 419n115, 422n13, 432n101
Parri, Enrico, 100–103
Partito socialista democratico italiano (PSDI), 165–66
Partito socialista italiano (PSI), 166, 245–46, 394n34, 441n29
Pastore, Giulio, 71, 100, 122, 396n53, 456n8
Patzantzis, John, 44
PCF. See Communist Party of France (PCF)
Peace Corps, 243, 258, 266, 436n2
peaceful coexistence, 188, 452n109
Pegler, Westbrook, 137–38, 403n107
Perón, Juan, 342
Perspectives Syndicales/Labour Perspectives, 292
Petrescu, Constantin-Titel, 367n62
“Philip Murray Foundation,” 137
Philipsborn, John, 86, 381n59, 384n87
Pimenov, P. T., 268
Pissas, Michael, 414n77
Pollack, Harry, 326
Pollard, Rowland P., 430n80, 435n125
Porter, Paul, 25
positive neutrality, 152, 215, 254, 286
Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International (PTTI), 223, 258–61, 425n38, 448n94, 450n102
Potofsky, Jacob: abstains in vote to disaffiliate from ICFTU, 319; approves terms of CIO project on Genoa docks, 117; biographical note, 393–94n32; ebbing support for Reuther in dispute with Meany, 271; financial role in support of PSI in 1963 Italian elections, 246; resignation as co-chairman of AFL-CIO international affairs committee, 160, 177, 410n34; as top-level architect of CIO international policy, 119, 153, 391n18
Prague Spring, 305–10, 320, 348
Profous, Jaraslov, 97–98, 386n98
Prokhorov, V. I., 285
Public Service International (PSI), 450–51n102
Radio Free Europe, 98
Railway Labor Executives’ Association, 402n102
Ramadier, Paul, 48
Randolph, A. Philip, 178, 417n99
Rantanen, Jaako, 464n69
Rassemblement démocratique révolutionnaire, 385n91
Regional Activities Fund (RAF), 79
Reina, Fr. Mario, 440n27
Reinhardt, Frederick, 440n29
Reischauer, Edwin O., 251
Résistance ouvrière, 32, 35, 50, 363n6
Reuther, Roy, 111
Reuther, Victor: addresses DGB executive board on UAW application for ICFTU affiliation, 317–18; advises against UAW donation to Mboya, 169; advocates IMF programme for Japan, 249; assessment of by Brown, 392n22, 395n46; assessment of by Lovestone, 114, 392n22, 393n29; assesses growing crisis in ICFTU, 130–31; assigned international responsibilities for UAW, 112; campaigns against AIFLD, 261, 263–64; and CIO organizing and training programmes via IMF, 119, 122, 146; and CIO scheme for additional ICFTU assistant general secretaries, 138–39; and CIO strategy in France and Italy, 116; and CIO training programme at La Brevière, 126; claims close links to President-elect Kennedy, 437n4; claims to speak for united AFL-CIO over Millard’s appointment, 156–57; concerned by Woodcock’s international stance, 425n35; concerned over AALC being funded by AID, 215; condemns ERP pilot plant scheme, 123; conducts research on CIA activity in American labour movement, 270–71; criticizes Japanese wage system, 444n62; description of, 111, 391n16; drafts AIFLD withdrawal letter, 262; establishes CIO office in Paris, 114; and first visit to Europe, 112; Free World Labor Fund and exclusive international role therein, 241; and funding sought by CIO from MSA, 125; and IMF as Reuther power base, 113; gives press interview on CIA activity within organized labour, 266–67; and issue of CIA funding for CIO, 145, 394n34, 397n61; leads ADA team to Poland, 266; leads CIO exploratory mission to Europe, 113; meets Lindblom over aid to Finnish labour, 116; as member of combined CIO-AFL delegation to assess ERP, 113; obstructed by US embassies in Paris and Rome, 118; offered post of chief labour adviser to MSA, 113; relations with Ross, 135, 137–40 passim; role of within “Operation Nenni,” 246–47; as speaker at DGB May Day rally, 114; speaks up for Brown as member of ICFTU mission to Algeria, 411n46; unhappy with outcome of merger, 144–45, 151; and visit to Shelepin, 305–6; withdrawal of UAW from AFL-CIO predicted by as inevitable, 312; and world tour to line up support for UAW at ICFTU congress, 317, 330
Reuther, Walter: advocates blue collar component for Peace Corps, 434–44; and approach to unity talks, 128, 131, 141; as architect of world coordinating councils, 244, 439n21; as architect of Harpsund process, 248–49; assessment of Castro, 256; and aspiration to be AFL-CIO president, 235; and Atlantic City agreement as victory, 177–78; belief in dialogue with opponents, 132, 348; and Carleton Hotel agreement as victory, 153–54; challenges Meany over threat to quit ICFTU, 199–200; competes for ear of President Kennedy, 240, 437n9; concerned over ICFTU drift in Africa, 179; congratulates Eisenhower over Geneva summit, 151; contrasted with Meany as anti-communist, 238–41, 436n2; death of, 339; declines co-chairmanship of AFL-CIO international affairs committee, 160; and Democratic Party foreign policy, 244; denounces Lovestone in AFL-CIO EC, 175–76; in dispute with Meany over India and Nehru, 151–53; focuses on Latin America and proposed Council for Social Progress, 257–58, 262; and Free World Labor Defence Fund, 241; ICFTU founding congress recalled by, 72–75; and independent affiliation of UAW to ICFTU, 312, 332–33; and intensification of international activity and resultant conflict with Meany, 269–74; and issue of CIA funding of CIO, 348–49, 397n61; issues Administrative Letters critical of AFL-CIO leadership, 310; and legacy of opposition to Lovestone in 1930s, 391n14; meets with Mikoyan and Khrushchev, 184–85; meets with Tito, 449n98; on need to replace Lovestone and Brown, 174; nominates Becu for ICFTU general secretary, 186–87; and “Operation Nenni” and support for Italian turn to left, 244–46; opposes negative anti-communism, 107, 173, 238; overweening personal ambition of, 238; personal conception of free trade unionism, 347–48; and pressure by Johnson administration to drop allegations of CIA links to labour, 271; protests over ILO walkout, 269; and reaction to ICFTU rejection of independent affiliation, 335; relations with Nenni, 245, 441n29; resigns from AFL-CIO EC, 311; secures agreement for special AFL-CIO EC on international policy, 269; secures agreement to withdraw ten-point programme, 174; secures increased AFL-CIO contribution to ISF, 201, 203; strategy for realignment of Japanese labour movement, 250–56; as supporter of German social democrats, 133–34; turns against Oldenbroek, 182–84, 187, 420n126; and Vietnam war, 266; visit to India, 152; visit to Japan, 251–52; and withdrawal from AIFLD board membership, 258–62, 264–65
Richter, Willi, 35, 161–62, 171, 176, 183, 410n38
Riddell, John, 375n20
Ridgeway, General Matthew, 115
Riesel, Victor, 246, 266, 270, 272, 282
Rockefeller, David, 16
Rockefeller Foundation, 56, 384n85
Rockefeller, John D., 56
Rockefeller, Nelson, 264, 445n72
Romualdi, Serafino, 74, 260–66 passim, 446n79, 447n81
Rosenberg, Ludwig: biographical note, 457n15; correspondence with Meany over DGB policy and press criticisms of AFL-CIO, 283–86; and DGB criticisms of Meany, 232; presses for revision of ICFTU policy against contacts with communists, 282, 302, 304, 308; regarded by Lovestone as supporter of Buiter, 301; visits Shelepin, 305–6; wavers over AFL-CIO withdrawal from ICFTU, 317, 319, 325
Ross, Mike: and appointment of Lee, 429n73; assessment of Lovestone by, 361n17; assessment of Victor Reuther by, 391n16; biographical note, 393n31; as CIO’s initial link to CIA, 394n34, 397n61; death of, 213–14; and developing partnership with Brown, 135–37, 139, 143; as director of AFL-CIO international affairs department, 174, 414n80; and Lovestone assessment of, 160; and Victor Reuther disapproval of, 140; as safe pair of hands, 401n96; as unconvincing advocate of CIO structural reforms to ICFTU secretariat, 131
Rothschild Bank, 51
Runkle, Scott, 453n114, 454n122
Rusk, Dean, 239, 260, 285, 448n94, 451n104
Rutz, Henry, 41–42, 62, 129–30, 160
Saillant, Louis, 17, 31, 36–37, 420n126
Sakwa, Paul, 381n59
Salvador, David, 256
“Samuel Gompers Library,” 137–38
Sandegren, Kaare, 361–62n25
Saposs, David, 26
Saragat, Giuseppe, 100, 165, 439n23
Saturday Evening Post, 271, 290
Scanlon, Hugh, 336
Scharnowski, Ernst, 161, 366n47
Schevenels, Walter, 11–18 passim, 63–70 passim, 79, 124, 160, 374n6
Schlesinger, Arthur M., 244–46, 57, 439–40n23, 440nn28–29
Schmidt, Carlo, 133
Schnitzler, William, 168–70, 175, 219, 263, 411–12n59, 413n65
Schoenbrun, David, 55
Schumacher, Kurt, 35, 47–48, 133, 366n49, 366–67n50, 369n77
Scicluna, Edward, 247
Section française de l’internationale ouvrière (SFIO), 162, 384–85n89
Selassie, Haile, 287
Sender, Toni, 75
Shelepin, Alexander, 305–8, 321, 336–37, 348, 467n62
Shrager, Feivel, 53
Silone, Igacio, 97, 385n91, 393n25
Silver, George, 388n1
Silverberg, Louis, 255
Simonini, Alberto, 396n53
Skagen, Ed, 442–43n46
Smith, General Walter Bedell, 108–13 passim
Socialist International, 248
Social, Technical and Educational Program (STEP), 243–44
Sōhyō. See General Council of Trade Unions of Japan (Sōhyō)
Solidarność, 352
Solovjev, Leonid, 89
Southern Rhodesian African Trade Union Congress (SRATUC), 195
Southern Rhodesian Trade Union Congress (SRTUC), 195
Spiegel, Der, 162, 325, 414n81
Springer, Maida, 178, 180–81, 193–99 passim
Stalin, Josef, 21, 25, 40, 47, 94, 114, 131, 165, 277
Stark, Rudolf, 97
Steinbach, Arnold, 177
Stevenson, Adlai, 239–41
Stockholm Peace Campaign, 75
Stolz, Jiri, 373n3
Stolz, Otto, 161
Storti, Bruno: biographical note, 456n8; and contacts with communist unions, 280, 302; as ICFTU president, 233, 436n137; as supporter of Buiter, 297, 299, 300, 301, 474n17
Sturmthal, Adolph, 430–31n23
Suffridge, James, 297, 299, 450–51n102
Suomen Ammattiijärjestö (SAJ), 298, 463–64n69
Suomen Ammattïliittojen Keskusjärjestö (SAK), 88–89, 117–18, 299, 463–64n69
Svenson, Henry, 126
Syndicat national des travailleurs congolais (SNTC), 194
Takano, Minoru, 141, 377n28, 443n55
Tarasov, Mikhail, 9–13 passim
Taylor, Don, 460n45
Teamsters’ Union, 174–76, 313, 315–316, 471–72n122
Tessier, Gaston, 126
Tet offensive, 298
Tettegah, John, 180–183, 413n65
Tewson, Vincent: attempt to resolve issue of the FTUC backbiting, 78, 378n35; biographical note, 372n103; controls timing of schism with WFTU and formation of ICFTU, 63, 68, 70–73; criticizes Brown’s interference in Europe, 68, 69, 373n105; at odds with ICFTU over Africa policy, 179, 412n63; at odds with Meany over Millard’s appointment and ten-point programme, 156, 172; at odds with Meany over negative anti-communism, 71, 132; and tensions with Americans during presidency of the ICFTU, 79–80, 82
Thayer, Charles, 397n61
Thieu, Nguyen Van, 298
Thompson, Ted, 477n1
Thorez, Maurice, 115
Tillon, Charles, 115
Tito, Josef, 142, 152, 348, 449n98
Tobin, Dan, 19
Tofahrn, Paul, 450–51n102
Togliatti, Palmiro, 100
Touré, Sékou, 180, 182, 418n113
Tracey, Herbert, 367n28
Trades Union Congress (TUC); annual conference (1945), 10–13; exchanges visits with eastern bloc unions, 232, 281–82, 304, 306, 320; and increasingly fraught relations with AFL, 61–62, 68–72, 76, 78, 82, 132, 173, 179, 212; and proprietorial interest in British colonies, 78, 169, 412n63; and role in formation of WFTU, 14–18, 57; supports AFL-CIO in dispute with UAW by, 315–18, 324–30 passim, 335, 339
Transport and General Workers’ Union (T&GWU), 170, 466n85, 471n125
Travailleurs du Mali, 193
Tripathi, K. P., 152
Trippe, Juan, 445n75
Tronchet, Lucien, 124, 164, 396n56
Truman, Harry, S., 9, 44, 63, 101, 168
Tulatz, Herbert, 301
Unabhängige Gewerkschaft–Organisation (UGO), 47, 74, 110, 114, 366n47
Union des syndicats des travailleurs algériens, 410n43
Union des travailleurs congolais, 291
Unione italiana lavoratori metalmeccanici (UILM), 166, 244, 439n22
Unione italiana del lavoro (UIL), 80, 102, 166, 344
Union générale des travailleurs algériens (UGTA), 163, 410n43
Union générale tunisienne du travail (UGTT), 168, 379n41
Union marocaine du travail (UMT), 193, 205, 412n61, 434n125
Union Research and Education Program (UREP), 258–59, 445n73
United Automobile Workers (UAW), 113, 166, 169, 241–65, 312–14
United Labour Congress (ULC), 288–89, 309
United Mine Workers of America, 313
United National Independence Party (Zambia), 243
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 223
United Nations Organization (UNO), 75, 96, 191, 197, 206, 223, 240, 243, 344, 398–99n65, 454n123
United Steel Workers of America (USWA), 123, 296: Candian Division, 153, 435n131, 460n45, 468n108
Vetter, Heinz-Oskar, 323, 327–28, 330–32, 336–40
Viet Cong, 463n67
Vietnamese Confederation of Labour (CVT), 208, 225, 298, 427n50, 432n108, 463n67
Vittorelli, Paolo, 246, 441n29
Voice of America, 52
Volonté, Franco, 122–23, 396n53
Vorwärts, 284
Vukmanovic-Tempo, Svetozar, 449n98
Walters, General Vernon, 440n29, 448n94
War Production Board, 25
War Relief Fund, 44
Warsaw Pact, 307–8, 321, 336, 348, 368n99
Watson, Thomas J., 262
Watt, Robert, 41
Weaver, George L-P, 197, 240, 254, 258–59, 443n17, 451n104
Wehner, Herbert, 162, 248, 466n83
Weiler, Peter, 46
Weinberg, Nat, 248
Weisz, Morris, 477n4
Welt der Arbeit, 161, 232, 284, 325–36, 458n28, 475n23
Werth, Alexander, 90
Wheeler, George, 34, 41, 364n12
Williams, G. Mennen, 239
Windmuller, John, 216, 220, 333
Winn, Frank, 335
Wirtz, W. Willard, 254, 268, 451n104
Wisner, Frank, 56, 86–87, 108–10, 113, 389n3
With These Hands, 407n12
Woll, Mathew: biographical note, 361n19; as chairman of FTUC and AFL international affairs committee, 19, 32, 33, 38, 42, 43; commissions ALCIA memo on FTUC programme for Europe, 23; concerned over ICFTU attempts to secure financing from Ford Foundation, 124; death of, 160; instructs Brown to seek postponement of ERP trade union conference, 61; introduces Wisner to Lovestone, 56; resigns as ICFTU consultant to UN Economic and Social Council, 75, 367n21; resigns from board of directors of NCFE, 99; weakens in support of FTUC independent activities, 139, 141
Wolnosc i Niezawislosc (WiN), 98
Woodbridge, H. S., 263
Woodcock, George: biographical note, 425n34; concerned to cut back ICFTU expenditure, 202, 203, 219, 221; establishes harmonious relationship with Meany, 203–04; and new climate in TUC–AFL-CIO relations, 202; sanguine about contacts with communists, 281, 303, 304, 354–55n2, 456n9; supports Meany over UAW application for ICFTU affiliation, 316–17, 319
Workers’ Anti-Fascist League (ERGAS), 44–45
World Confederation of Labour, 470n121
World Coordinating Councils, 244, 275, 392n20, 439n21
World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), 17–19, 29–50 passim, 57–80 passim, 88–91, 98, 112, 145, 180, 206, 245, 247–48, 256, 277, 281, 283, 288, 302, 307–8, 321, 343, 351, 359n1, 418n107, 426n41, 458n20
World Labour Conference, 1945, 12, 15, 17–18
World Medical Relief, 244
Wurf, Jerry, 450n102
Yugoslav Confederation of Trade Unions, 281
Yugoslavia, 79, 94, 277, 301, 308, 315, 384n84
Young Catholic Workers (Spain), 242
Zack, Arnold, 290
Zenrō Kaigi, 249–54, 344, 442n44, 443n55
Zimbabwe African People’s Union, 422n13
Zimmerman, Charles, 20, 29, 33, 37, 360n13
Zinoviev, Grigory, 20
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