“Figures and Tables” in “A Sales Tax for Alberta”
Figures and Tables
1.1 Alberta’s tax advantage, 2021–22
3.1 Non-renewable resource revenue as percentage of own-source revenue, 1965–66 to 2020–21
4.1 Major revenue sources per capita, 1965–66 to 2020–21
4.2 Investment income, 1981–82 to 2020–21
4.3 Major expenditures per capita, 1965–66 to 2020–21
4.4 Alberta’s total revenue and expenditure, 1965–66 to 2020–21
4.5 Percentage change in Alberta’s deficit tied to revenue or expenditures, 1965–66 to 2019–20
5.2 Non-renewable resource revenue as percentage of household incomes, 2000–01 to 2040–41
5.3 Non-renewable resource revenue as percentage of household incomes, 2015–16 to 2040–41
6.1 Tax revenue shares of selected provinces, 1981 to 2016
6.2 Tax bases per capita for selected provinces, 1981 to 2016
6.3 Alberta’s tax bases as a share of GDP, 1981 to 2016
6.4 Volatility of Alberta’s tax bases (five-year rolling window), 1981 to 2016
6.5 Volatility of Alberta’s tax bases (recursive window), 1981 to 2016
7.1 West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices per barrel, 2012 to 2022
7.2 Alberta government revenue from non-renewable resources, 1965–66 to 2019–20
7.3 Provincial levels of income inequality, 2014
7.4 National support for federal carbon tax, 2015 to 2018
4.1 Standard deviation of Alberta government revenue, 1965–66 to 2020–21
4.2 Revenue sources of selected provincial governments
4.3 Standard deviation of Alberta government expenditure, 1965–66 to 2020–21
4.4 Standard deviation of Alberta government revenue and expenditure, 1965–66 to 2020–21
4.5 Spending of selected provincial governments
6.1 Volatility of Alberta’s tax bases and GDP, 1981 to 2016
6.2 Correlation of tax base movement with business cycle (GDP), Alberta, 1981 to 2016
7.1 Federal budget revenue projections, 2018
8.1 PST-GDP discipline and stabilization framework
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