“Index” in “Class Warrior”
agriculture, 323–25, 334; in Russia, 247. See also farmers; rural areas and capitalism; wheat
Alberta: Kingsley’s organizing work in, xxii, 33, 57, 61, 184; legislative assembly of, xviii; miners of, 211. See also names of individual towns and cities
Allandale, Ontario, 58
Allies, 78, 94, 98, 100, 203; and Bolsheviks, 245; intervention in Russian Civil War, 136–37, 237–39; and postwar labour revolt, 116–17, 134
American Civil War, 88, 204, 225
amputation and prosthetics, 6–7, 18, 19, 20, 24. See also disability; Kingsley, E. T.: disablement of
antiquity, xv, 33, 109, 113, 142, 283, 285. See also Assyria; Babylon; Carthage; Egypt; Greece; Roman Empire; Spartacans
Argentina, agricultural sector of, 297
Asia, workers from, 190
Assyria (empire of), 109, 223, 286
Australia: and conscription, 210; Kingsley’s influence in, 11, 30
Austrian Empire, 207
Babylon (empire of), 109, 113, 157, 223, 225–26; fall of, 231; slavery in, 286
Bankhead, Alberta, 61
banks, 342
Battle of Coal Harbour, 200–201. See also Komagata Maru
Belfast General Strike, 33, 245
Berlin, Germany, socialist movement of, 158
Berlin, Ontario (later Kitchener), 58
Bismarck, Otto von, 271
Bloody Sunday (1905, St. Petersburg). See Russian Revolution (1905)
Bloody Sunday (1912, Vancouver), 195. See also Vancouver Free Speech Fight (1912)
Bolshevik Party: and Kingsley, xx–xxi, 19; Kingsley’s views on, 101–3, 115, 225, 231, 264; tactics of, 250; vilification of, 270, 315
Bolshevik Revolution, 10; impact on Kingsley, xxii; Kingsley’s views on, xx, 32–33, 101–3. See also Russian Revolution (1917)
Borden, Robert, 94, 98, 195, 214, 221
Boston, Massachusetts, 9
Boundary district, BC, 165
Bowser, William, 198
Britain. See United Kingdom
British Columbia: Kingsley’s impact on, 13, 14; Kingsley’s organizing work in, 33. See also names of individual towns and cities
British Columbia Federationist (newspaper), xx, 23, 25–26, 202
British Columbia Federation of Labor (BCFL), xviii, 206
British Columbia Legislative Assembly: Kingsley’s candidacies for, 5, 7; and 1903 election, 40, 42
British Columbia School of Socialism, xvi, 3, 5–6, 8, 11, 34. See also impossibilism
Brussels, Belgium, 80
Buck, Tim, xxi
Burrard Inlet, Vancouver, 201
Calgary, Alberta: Kingsley’s organizing work in, xxii, 57, 59, 61; and 1919 Western Labor Conference, 132, 251
California, 5, 43. See also San Francisco, California; San Jose, California
Canada: agricultural sector of, 297; and Bolsheviks, 245; condition of workers in, 136; immigration policy of, 94; Kingsley’s impact on, 13, 14; Kingsley’s migration to, 5; politics of, 307–8; poverty in, 192–93; repression of workers in, 272, 314–15
Canadian Manufacturers’ Association, 119, 121
Canadian Pacific Railway, 185, 232; Kingsley’s 1908 journal along, 59, 186; steamship service of, 50
Canmore, Alberta, 61
capital, 343–45. See also capitalism; capitalist class; finance
Capital (Marx, 1867), xix
capitalism, 269, 290–91, 319–45; birth of, 317, 319; and First World War, 319–20, 326; Kingsley’s opposition to, xvi, 16, 135–36; machinery of, 323–37; and war, 332–33
capitalist class, 306
capitalist state, seizure of, 307–8
Carthage (empire of), 113, 231
CCF (Co-operative Commonwealth Federation), 14
censorship, 5, 94, 245; labour opposition to, 237
Central Powers (in First World War), 313
chambers of commerce, 119, 209
Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company, xix
chattel slavery. See slavery: evolution of
Chief Press Censor (of Canada), 5
child labour, 121
Christianity, 174, 289, 304, 317
cities, 264, 269; and capitalism, 257–58, 328–31. See also municipal government, Kingsley’s views on
civilization: of capitalism, 71, 100, 140–44, 317–19, 339; of Christianity, 139, 298; collapse of, 255–58, 261, 265–67, 272–76
climate crisis, 5
Coal Harbour, Vancouver, 200
Coal Mines Regulation Act, 22
collective bargaining, 118–23
Colorado, 53–54
Comintern (Communist International), xx
commodities, 292–95, 337–39. See also finance
communism and Kingsley, xx–xxii
Communist International (Comintern), xx
Communist Party of Canada, xx–xxiii, 10. See also names of individual members
Communist Party of Great Britain, 10
Communist Party of the Soviet Union. See Bolshevik Party; Soviet Union, government of
Communist Party of the United States, xix, xxii
Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, 30
conscription, 94, 200–212. See also draft evaders; Military Service Act (1917)
Conservative Party of British Columbia, 17, 168–71
Conservative Party of Canada, 94–96, 185, 186, 221
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), 14
corporations, 291
Courtenay, BC, 160
COVID-19 pandemic, 5
Cowan, George Henry, 189
Cranbrook, BC, 22
Critic, The (newspaper), 94
Crow’s Nest Pass. See Crowsnest Pass
Crowsnest Pass (Alberta municipality): Kingsley’s organizing work in, 33; miners of, 211; and SPC, xviii
Cuba, 154–55. See also Spanish-American War
Curacao, 7
Custance, Florence, xxi
Debs, Eugene, 237
debt, 342–45; repudiation of, 264, 266, 342. See also finance
De Leon, Daniel, xv, xix, 5, 7, 9
democratic centralism, xviii–xix
disability: and First World War, 340; Kingsley’s attitude toward, xvi; of soldiers, 115. See also amputation and prosthetics
Donachie, Robert, 240
draft evaders, 251. See also conscription
Dunsmuir, James, 170
Ebert, Friedrich, 115
Edmonton, Alberta, 61
Egypt (empire of), 109, 113, 231, 286; pyramids of, 235, 328
elections, 111; 1903 BC provincial, 40, 42, 166, 168–73; 1917 Canadian federal, 219–21; 1921 Canadian federal, 145–47; 1926 Canadian federal, 34; in Washington State, 37–39. See also War Time Election Act
electoral franchise, 307–8
electoralism and Kingsley, 5, 10, 111, 137, 307–8
empires. See Assyria; Austrian Empire; Babylon; Carthage; Egypt; France; Germany; Greece; Roman Empire; Russia; Spain; United Kingdom; United States of America
Engels, Friedrich, 77
England. See United Kingdom
Espionage Act, 314
exchange value (of labour), 294
farmers, 59, 111, 126; under capitalism, 334; economic organization of, 251; Kingsley’s views on, 160, 255, 295–98. See also agriculture; rural areas and capitalism
fascism, 5–6
Federated Labor Party (FLP): Kingsley’s role within, xx, xxii, 10, 18, 33, 222; Kingsley’s speeches for, xiii, 228
Federationist Publishing Company, 25. See also Pettipiece, Richard Parmater “Parm”
Fernie, BC, 13
feudalism, 99, 142–43, 174–75, 287, 316–19. See also slavery: evolution of
finance, 104–7, 231–33, 337–45. See also Liberty Bonds
financiers, 343–45
Finns (in SPC), 57
First International, 8
First World War: causes of, 225; and disability, 340; financing and cost of, 87–93, 340; Kingsley’s views on, 5, 26, 29, 62–64, 78–80; and labour militancy, 9
Flavelle, Joseph, 231
FLP. See Federated Labor Party
Foch, Ferdinand, 116–17
Fort William Trades Council, 58
France: democracy of, 115–16, 226; and First World War, 78–80; military of, 182–83, 209; revolution in, 250; working class of, 136, 181, 270
franchise. See electoral franchise
Franco-Prussian War (1870–71), 116, 182, 270
Frankenstein’s monster, 316
Fraser River Fishermen’s Strikes (1900–1901), 204
free speech: 1909 fight in Vancouver, 65–67; 1912 fight in Vancouver, 195–97. See also censorship
French Revolution (1789), 207
French Revolution (1848), 174
Galt, Ontario, 58
gender, Kingsley’s views on, xvi
general strikes, 136. See also Belfast General Strike; Ginger Goodwin General Strike; Winnipeg General Strike
Genesis and Evolution of Slavery, The (Kingsley, 1916), xv, 11n23, 25–29, 281–310
German Revolution (1848), 115
German Revolution (1918–19), 115–17, 134
Germany: bourgeoisie of, 115–16; feudalism in, 115; militarism of, 31, 62–63, 78–80, 99, 207; military of, 209; monarchy of, 207; poverty in, 192–93; working class of, 181. See also Franco-Prussian War (1870–71); Social Democratic Party of Germany
Ginger Goodwin General Strike (1918), 251
gold, 128–31, 338. See also finance
Goodwin, Albert “Ginger,” 251
Grand Forks, BC, 163
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 60
Great Britain. See United Kingdom
Great Depression (of 1930s), xxiii, 27
Great Panic (of 1890s), 16
Greece, xv, 109, 113, 157, 223, 286; fall of, 231
Gutteridge, Helena, 214–15
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 220
Halliday, David M., 160
Hardy, George, 248n1
Hawthornthwaite, James H., xviii, 22, 25, 160; on Bolshevik Revolution, 240; in FLP, 222; in SPBC, 168–70
Haymarket Affair (1886), 54
Haywood, William D. “Big Bill,” 29, 53–55
Helena, Montana, 6
hospital insurance, 8
House of Commons (Canada), 14; and First World War, 98; Kingsley’s candidacies for, 5, 7, 34
housing, 121
Houston, John, 60
Hughes, Sam, 94
Idaho, 53–54
immigrants in Canadian left, xx
immigration, 245
impossibilism, 10; and Kingsley, xvi, xviii, xxii, 3, 5, 11–13, 15–16, 18; and SLPA, xix
India, 201
industrial unionism, 72
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), xxii, 72, 99, 250; in 1912 Vancouver Free Speech Fight, 195. See also One Big Union
International (socialist network). See Communist International (Comintern); First International; internationalism; Second International
internationalism, 31–32, 78, 136
Interstate Commerce Commission (USA), 81
iron, 332
Italy: condition of workers in, 136; and First World War, 80; government of, 207
IWW. See Industrial Workers of the World
Jews, 328
Kaiser Wilhelm II. See Wilhelm II, Kaiser
Kansas City, Kansas, xxii
Kavanagh, Jack, xviii, xxi, 214–15
Kelly, George, 223
Kerensky, Aleksandr, 242
Kingsley, E. T. (Eugene Thornton): commemoration of, 17; death of, xxii–xxiii, 24–25; departure from SPC, xxi, xxi, 5, 26; as a disabled person, 14, 18, 19; disablement of, xiii, xix, xxi, 5–6; early life of, 5; family and divorce of, 5–7, 23, 25; as FLP organizer, xxi–xxii, 33, 222–27; migration to Canada, xx–xxi, 5, 7; 1905 organizing work in Seattle, 50–52, 176; in 1908 Canadian federal election, 184–94; 1908 organizing work across Canada, xxi, 56–61; in 1912 Vancouver Free Speech Fight, 195–97; as a political candidate, 5, 7, 34; retirement of, xxii; as SLPA organizer, 5, 7, 34, 44, 151; as SPBC organizer, xviii, 5, 157, 159–60, 161, 163; as SPC organizer, 5, 7–17; and Western Clarion, 31, 45–47, 78
Kolchak, Alexandr, 136
Labor Star (newspaper), 23, 25
labour. See unions
labour theory of value, 252–53
Laurier, Wilfrid, 95
law, 29–30, 53–55, 190, 228–30, 314. See also Coal Mines Regulation Act; Espionage Act; Military Service Act (1917); orders-in-council; War Time Election Act; Workmen’s Compensation Act
League of Nations, 242
Lenin, Vladimir, 3, 10, 242, 251, 321
Lethbridge, Alberta, 184–85
Liberal Party of British Columbia, 17, 168–70
Liberal Party of Canada, 95, 186, 190, 221
Liberty Bonds, 245. See also finance
Liberty Branch (of the SLPA), 152. See also Socialist Labor Party of America
Lincoln, Abraham, 110
lockouts, 305. See also strikes; unions
machinery of capitalism, 323–37
MacInnis, Angus, 14
MacInnis, Grace, 14
Manitoba: Kingsley’s organizing work in, 57, 59–61. See also Winnipeg, Manitoba; Winnipeg General Strike
Marseillaise (song), 246
Marx, Karl: and the American left, xix; on the capitalist state, 77; on the exchange value of labour, 294; influence on Kingsley, xix, 7, 105; and Kingsley, 13; Kingsley’s views on, 260, 268; on surplus value, 274, 343; on working-class emancipation, 309
Marxism: in Canada, xiii; influence on Kingsley, xvi, xx–xxii, 11, 27; labour theory of value of, 252–53; on revolution, xviii; theory of, 249; in the United States, xix
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 88
McBride, Richard, 198
McInnes, William Wallace, 189
McKenzie, D. G., 13
McNamara brothers, 76
Midgley, V. R., 214
military, Kingsley’s views on, 198. See also war
Military Service Act (1917), 94, 202, 214, 314. See also conscription
miners, 15; in Alberta, xxii, 211; and Kingsley, xxi, 5, 159; and socialist movement, 26, 27; in the United States, 21, 331; in Wales, 210; and workplace safety, 21. See also Sullivan Mine, East Kootenays; United Mine Workers of America; Vancouver Island Miners’ Strike (1912–14); Western Federation of Miners
minimum wage, 8. See also wages
Minnesota, electoral laws of, 37
Missoula, Montana, 6
money, 105–6, 337–42. See also finance
Montana, 5
Montreal, Quebec: Kingsley’s 1908 organizing work in, xxi, 56
Moriarty, William, xxi
Mukden (battle of), 51
municipal government, Kingsley’s views on, 151
Nanaimo, BC: Kingsley’s migration to, xxi; Kingsley’s speeches in, xxii, 32, 48, 168–72; socialist movement of, 158
Nanaimo Free Press (newspaper), 169, 171
Nanaimo Herald (newspaper), 169, 171
Nanaimo Socialist Club, 18
Nanaimo Socialist League. See Nanaimo Socialist Club
Nanaimo Socialist Party. See Nanaimo Socialist Club
Napoleonic Wars, 88
Napoleon III, 270. See also France; Franco-Prussian War (1870–71)
Nelson, BC, 14
New York City, New York, socialist movement of, 158
New York State, 5
Nicholas II (czar of Russia), 174, 242
Northern Pacific Railroad, 6, 18
O’Brien, Charles, xviii
One Big Union (OBU): founding of, 118, 132; Kingsley’s views on, xvii, 9, 29, 137, 248–51, 258, 267. See also industrial unionism; Industrial Workers of the World
Ontario: Kingsley’s 1908 organizing work in, xxi, 57–59. See also names of individual towns and cities
orders-in-council, 314. See also law
paganism, 289
Paris, France, 116, 138, 182, 245, 270–72
Paris Commune, 17, 17n37, 29, 116, 182–83, 238, 241, 270–72
Paris Peace Conference, 138, 242; and labour unrest, 248
payment, 337–38. See also finance
pensions, 115
Petrograd, Russia, 209
Pettibone, George A., 29, 53–55
Pettipiece, Richard Parmater “Parm,” xviii, 25, 202, 236
Philippines, 155. See also Spanish-American War
police, Kingsley’s views on, 198; use of force by, 65, 195, 196, 309. See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Royal North West Mounted Police (RNWMP)
police court, 66
Port Arthur, Ontario, 57–58
Port Arthur Trades Council, 58
poverty, 192–93
Prairies (Canadian region): Kingsley’s 1908 organizing work in, xxi. See also Alberta; Manitoba; Saskatchewan
press, deception by, 315. See also censorship
Prince Rupert, BC, 26
Pritchard, William Arthur “Bill,” 4, 26, 202, 237
profit, 298–301. See also capitalism
Prussia: militarism and autocracy of, 78–80, 99–100, 134; military of, 182–83, 270
public ownership, 193
Quebec: Kingsley’s organizing work in, 33; and 1917 conscription crisis, 95. See also Montreal, Quebec
race, Kingsley’s views on, 190, 192
racism, xv–xvi
railways and workplace safety, 22, 81–82. See also Canadian Pacific Railway; Grand Trunk Pacific Railway; Northern Pacific Railroad
real estate, 232
reconstruction, 113–17, 231–33, 245; in cities, 330–31; false promises of, 316
Reichstag, 79
Reid, Malcolm J., 94
repudiation of debt, 264, 266, 342
revolution, 248–51; Kingsley’s views on, xvi, 114–15, 134–35, 188–90, 205, 284; message of, 317
Revolutionary Socialist League (Seattle), 7
Revolutionary Socialist Party of Canada (RSPC), 16
Rockefeller, John D., 176, 253
Rocky Mountains, 56–57
Roman Empire, xv, 33, 109, 113, 157, 223; fall of, 142, 226, 231, 269, 316, 318; slavery in, 286
Rotary Clubs, 119
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 5, 16
Royal North West Mounted Police (RNWMP), 186
RSPC (Revolutionary Socialist Party of Canada), 16
rural areas and capitalism, 257–58. See also agriculture; farmers
Russia: finances of, 233; and First World War, 78, 134, 211; government of, 223, 247, 321; history of, 174–75; working class of, 181, 205. See also Bolshevik Party; Bolshevik Revolution
Russian Civil War, Allied intervention in, 136–37, 237–39
Russian Revolution (1905), 29, 174–75
Russian Revolution (1917), 29, 32–33, 101–3, 112, 134; Kingsley’s views on, 209, 238, 245, 249–50; ruling-class response to, 315
Russo-Japanese War (1905), 51
Salvation Army, 65–66
San Francisco, California, 5, 23, 34
Saskatchewan, 59
Scheidemann, Philipp, 116–17, 236
SDPC (Social Democratic Party of Canada), 13
Seattle, Washington, 37; Kingsley’s organizing work in, 7, 50–52, 176; socialist movement of, 158
Second International, 5, 8, 13
sexual orientation, Kingsley’s views on, xvi
Shaughnessy Heights, Vancouver, 267
Sherman, Frank, xviii
Sidaway, John, 17
Sifton, Clifford, 221
Sikhs, 200–201. See also Komagata Maru
single tax, 48–49
slavery: evolution of, 84–86, 141–44, 286–88, 317–20; in southern United States, 225. See also Genesis and Evolution of Slavery, The; wage slavery
SLPA. See Socialist Labor Party of America
Smith, Ralph, 168
Social Democratic Party of Canada (SDPC), 13
Social Democratic Party of Germany, 79–80, 115–16
socialism: birth of, 320–23; history of, xviii; Kingsley’s conception of, 8, 11–13, 16, 240; and machinery of capitalism, 335–37; philosophy and theory of, 8, 270
Socialist Education Society, xix
Socialist Labor Party of America (SLPA), 44; Kingsley’s break from, xx; Kingsley’s role within, xix, 7, 9, 34, 151
Socialist Party of America (SPA), 16, 43–44, 47, 50–52
Socialist Party of British Columbia (SPBC): Kingsley’s role in, 16, 18; in 1903 BC provincial election, 42; and unions, 47; in Vancouver, 161; on Vancouver Island, 160; and Western Clarion, 41
Socialist Party of Canada (SPC): Alberta Provincial Executive of, 61; in BC legislative assembly, 22, 186; and Bolshevik Revolution, 240; on conscription, 202–3; Kingsley’s break from, xx, xxi, 26; Kingsley’s role in, xvi–xvii, 7–18; in 1912 Vancouver Free Speech Fight, 195. See also names of individual members
Socialist Party of Great Britain, 10
soldiers, 135, 204–5; and disability, 115, 143, 241, 319, 340; Kingsley’s views on, 211–12
Soviet Union, government of, 247, 321
SPA. See Socialist Party of America
Spain: empire of, 79; monarchy of, 270
Spanish-American War (1898), 29, 154–56, 204
SPBC. See Socialist Party of British Columbia
SPC. See Socialist Party of Canada
Spector, Maurice, xxi
Spring Gulch, Montana, 5
Stalinism, 8
Standard Oil Company, 249, 253
state, the, 108–12, 302–4. See also capitalist state, seizure of
Steeves, Dorothy Gretchen, 4
strikes, 305. See also Fraser River Fishermen’s Strikes (1900–1901); general strikes; Vancouver Island Miners’ Strike (1912–14)
Stubbs, Clem, xviii
Sullivan Mine, East Kootenays, 22
Taft, William Howard, 190
Taylor, Joseph, 219
Taylor, L. D., 94
temperance, 121
Toronto, Ontario, 58
Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, 32, 118–23
trade unions. See unions
transitional program, 8
transportation, 329–30
Trotsky, Leon, 8, xx, 32, 102, 242
Trotskyism, xix
unemployment, 114–15, 189, 257; and unemployed workers, 253, 316
unemployment insurance, 121
Union Jack, 195
unions: Kingsley’s views on, xvi–xx, 5, 32, 43–44, 45–47; SLP policy toward, 9; and socialism, 8, 47; SPC activism within, xviii. See also British Columbia Federation of Labor; Industrial Workers of the World; One Big Union; Trades and Labor Congress of Canada; United Mine Workers of America; Vancouver Trades and Labor Council; Western Federation of Miners
United Kingdom: bourgeois democracy of, 115–16; and First World War, 98; food supply of, 273–74; history of, 314; military of, 62, 205, 209, 242; monarchy of, 207; poverty in, 192–93; revolution in, 250; socialist movement of, 10; working class of, 136, 210
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), xviii, 198
United States of America: agricultural sector of, 260, 297; and Bolsheviks, 245; bourgeois democracy of, 115–16, 207, 307–8; capitalist class of, 304; and conscription, 208; currency of, 233; economy of, 16; and First World War, 87–90, 98; imperialism of, 154–56; industrial accidents in, 81; labour policy of, 242–43; military of, 242, 250; mining industry of, 331; poverty in, 192–93; president of, 203; railways of, 249, 266–67; repression of workers in, 314–15; slavery in, 225; socialist movement of, xix; working class of, 136, 181
United States Civil War. See American Civil War
United States House of Representatives: Kingsley’s candidacies for, 5, 7
United States Senate, 304
United States Steel Company, 164, 232
Vancouver, BC: Carrall Street, 65–66; Kingsley’s organizing activities in, 161; Kingsley’s residence in, 7, 23–25, 23n57; Kingsley’s speeches in, xiii, xxii, 178–81; poverty in, 180; SPC activities in, 174. See also names of specific neighbourhoods
Vancouver Free Speech Fight (1912), 195–97
Vancouver Island, Kingsley’s migration to, xx–xxi, 5, 7
Vancouver Island Miners’ Strike (1912–14), 198, 204
Vancouver Trades and Labor Council (VTLC): on Allied intervention in Russia, 237–39; on conscription, 202–3, 206, 214–18; SPC activity within, xviii
Versailles, France, 271
Victoria, BC, 19, 50, 157; socialist movement of, 158
Victoria Board of Trade, 19
wage slavery, xv–xvii, 5, 15, 30, 70–71, 77, 125–26, 160
Wales, coal miners of, 210
war, 133–35. See also American Civil War; First World War; Franco-Prussian War (1870–71); Napoleonic Wars; Russo-Japanese War (1905); Spanish-American War
War Time Election Act, 111, 220, 314
Washington, George, 315
Washington State, electoral laws of, 37–39
wealth, 104–7, 124–27, 339–45. See also capital; finance
Weimar Republic, 141n1
Wells, A. S., 219
Western Clarion: on disability, 21–22; editorship of, 13, 25, 45–47; finances of, 40–41; on Kingsley, 4; Kingsley’s departure from, 5, 26, 31; on religion, 23; sales of, 195; and unions, xviii
Western Federation of Miners, 29–31, 53–55, 76, 159
Western Labor Conference (Calgary, 1919), 118, 132, 251
Western Socialist Publishing Company, 40–41
West Virginia, 21
White Russians, 136
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 62, 79, 117, 204; fall of, 211; repression by, 314–15
Wilson, Woodrow, 88, 203–4, 344
Winch, Ernest E., 237
Winnipeg, Manitoba: and Communist Party, xx; Kingsley’s organizing work in, 57, 59–61; workers of, 22
Winnipeg General Strike, 4, 16, 29
women: domestic labour of, 121; Kingsley’s views on, xvi
Woodsworth, J. S., 14
work, 335
workers. See miners; slavery; strikes; unions; work; working class
workers’ compensation insurance, 8, 22, 204. See also Workmen’s Compensation Act; workplace safety
working class, 308–10
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 22
workplace safety, 21–22, 81–83. See also workers’ compensation insurance
World War I. See First World War
Wrigley, G. Weston, 158
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