“On Political Action. 1903” in “Class Warrior”
On Political Action 1903
This letter by Kingsley published in the Western Clarion on the eve of the 1903 BC provincial election campaign appealed to workers to contribute funds to ensure the financial sustainability of the newspaper—a message Kingsley would repeat regularly over the ensuing decade as he drew deeply from his personal finances to subsidize the newspaper’s operations.
Time for Action
Editor Western Clarion:
Though not much given to letter writing, there is one matter upon which I feel a word or two needs to be said.
We are on the eve of the most important political campaign thus far fought in British Columbia. I say important for the reason of its being the first time a ticket of the revolutionary proletariat will have appeared on the ballot at a general election. There has been sufficient nosing around by royal inquisitions and other agencies to warrant us in believing that a vigorous and unscrupulous warfare will be waged against us during this campaign by the present ruling class of the province. This should prompt us to at once burnish up our weapons and prepare for aggressive action. One of our most effective weapons is the press. I am informed that the Western Socialist Publishing Co., Ltd., is hampered by an indebtedness of something like $1,200. This has been incurred in purchase of plant. No paper can be strong and effective if continually forced to gasp for breath. If this paltry amount were cleared off the way would be easy towards making the Western Clarion a powerful and effective means of spreading our propaganda.
I believe there are enough Clarion readers able to assist in clearing this matter off, and would each one do his little share no one would feel it. I for one would feel a deep sense of shame were I to remain indifferent and apathetic while a few comrades were staggering under a burden which I should assist in carrying.
Other Island comrades and myself have already subscribed for considerable stock in the W. S. Pub. Co. I hereby subscribe for additional stock to the amount of $5, and with the object in view of placing the Western Clarion and plant absolutely under the control of the Socialist Party of B.C., I request of the W. S. Pub. Co that when such stock is issued it be turned over to our Provincial Executive, to be voted and controlled by that body in the interest of our Party. This to include all stock taken or subscribed for by me up to the present time.
I am inclined to think the comrades in some instances at least have not taken proper interest in this and perhaps other matters. It is time we woke up. We must fight our own battle and carry our own burden. If we are too apathetic to do so we might well be likened to soldiers upon the “firing line” who are too shiftless to load a gun.
Get in line comrades.
Time is pressing,
Yours for action,
E. T. Kingsley
Nanaimo, BC, June 15, 1903.
—E. T. Kingsley, “Time for Action,” Western Clarion, 19 June 1903, 2.
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